

- The funny thing with Loki is he wants to let everybody know of his great high status.


And, there's nothing like I mean status for comedy, really.


It's anyone who thinks they're important.


- So Ricky Gervais is all of those things. - Yeah, exactly! - He always is like... - It's like, you're not important.

就像瑞奇·热维斯(英国喜剧演员)表演的所有这些东西。- 是的,没错!- 他总是…… - 就像,你不重要。

So if you pump up the hubris, then humiliation can follow and then it's hopefully funny. - And then it's funny.

如果你的傲慢情绪高涨,那么羞辱就会随之而来,然后希望它很有趣。- 然后它很有趣。

- Hi, Lily.


- Hi, Tom.


- How you doing? - Nice to meet you.

你好吗?- 很高兴见到你。

- Nice to meet you. - No, we have already met, haven't we? At the UNICEF thing. - Yes.

很高兴见到你。- 不,我们已经见过面了,不是吗?参加联合国儿童基金会的活动。- 是的。

This is our first conversation.


- Very exciting. - Very exciting.

非常令人兴奋。- 非常令人激动。

Why don't I start? Is that okay? - Well, now I wanna. - Now you want to start. - No. We were already talking about "The Essex Serpent".

我先开始吧?可以吗?- 现在我想。- 现在你想开始了。- 不。我们已经在讨论《艾塞克斯之蛇》这部剧了。

I got to watch it and it's so brilliant. - Yeah.

我看了,太好看了。- 是的。

And you are so incredible in it.


- Mrs. Seaborn.


Yeah, Cora. - I never thought a country vicar would be so well-read.


- Oh, what a shocking lack of imagination.


- I kind of wanna know about that first meeting with Claire Danes.


What that was like to film?


- Well, she's playing Cora Seaborn.


She's the heroine of the story.


She's a widow on the other side of grieving the loss of her first husband.


It was a very unhappy and abusive marriage and she's now free.


And she's into Charles Darwin and Charles Lyell.


And she's out on the Essex coast where there's been a earthquake, and she's digging around for fossils and has this keen interest in the natural sciences.


And she runs into this very faithful and God-fearing community.


And I play the pastor, the reverend, somehow.


But they have this very unusual meeting where they don't recognize each other and they don't know the other person.


So it was an interesting meeting.


- Watching it, the kind of the landscape, there's so much brutality and it's so beautiful and atmospheric and dark and it's Clio Barnard, who's incredible. - Yes.

看这部剧,那种风景,那么原始的画面,可它又如此美丽、大气,暗色调,这都是克里奥·巴纳德(导演)的功劳,她太优秀了。- 是的。

- She captures that truthful harsh reality. - Yes. She's amazing.

她捕捉到了真实艰苦的现实环境。- 是的。她很了不起。

- What was it that drew you to that role next?


- You know, I think it was partly Clio.


I met her years ago actually in the way that you do, you know.


I met her, we were both had films at the London Film Festival in 2008, maybe 2009.

我是在 2008 年还是 2009 年的伦敦电影节上认识她的,当时我们都有电影参展。

I'm trying to remember when it was.


I'd seen her film and I really liked her and we had a really interesting conversation and I followed her work and I read this and it seemed so interesting.


It was dealing with themes I thought were really resonant.


Dealing with uncertainty and anxiety.


What happens to collective anxiety is it can start to sort of distort reality, and your imagination.


If you don't have all the answers, it rushes in to fill the void in.


- Right.


- War at the time between science and faith. - Yeah.

当时是科学与信仰之间的战争。- 是的。

- As a way of trying to explain life, and find meaning in it.


And it seemed very romantic in a way, in an old fashioned way and yet really earthbound, and really of the land.


Well, it's an allegory.


The serpent is really the devil.


There is no serpent in Essex.


- Do you actively choose stuff like you know obviously, there's so much that you just were drawn to and wanted to explore, but you know obviously, it's very different from Loki.


Is that a purposeful choice you make?


- I mean, it was. - Couldn't be more different. - It couldn't be more different.

我是说,确实是。- 太不一样了。- 真是天壤之别。

I read it towards the end of making Loki.


And then we had like a week left and there was the Thanksgiving weekend.


Everybody went home and we had a week left and I read it that weekend. And I found the argument really interesting.


- I did, watching it, yeah. - This thing of how do we find meaning in our lives?

我明白,看的时候那种感觉,是啊。- 我们如何找到生活的意义?

What do we put at the center of how we find meaning?


And these characters are all struggling, 'cause it's a time of such enormous change because, yes, the age of reason is coming and a world organized around religion, that's gonna diminish the idea of a mythical beast that's hiding and submerged in the water. I mean it's kind of...


It's very psychological.


So it's kind of about the unknown.


The Essex Serpent is the unknown and we fear what we don't understand. - Yeah.

艾塞克斯之蛇是未知的,我们害怕我们不了解的东西。- 对。

- And so every character has something I think that maybe psychologically is unknown and they're trying to get to grips of that through the course of the story and I love making it and it would be we're out on the marshes in Essex.


- It's like so brutal.


- Yeah. And it was nice to be outside. - So beautiful, though. - Beautiful. - I think I find it when you are somewhere real and you're really out there in the kind of real landscape, and even if you are freezing cold and like...

是的。在外面感觉很好。- 太美了。- 是很美。- 我觉得当你身处真实的地方,置身于真实的风景中,即使你很冷,就像……

- You sort of, you put up with it. - Yeah, it kind of helps.

你有点,你能忍受那个冷。- 是的,能帮助演戏。

- Yeah. The sky is out there.


That's where I realize all these painters had gone out there and there's something about the east-facing sunsets and the skies are extraordinary.


So if you happen to catch yourself, you're doing a scene outside and suddenly gets about 4:30, 5 o'clock and the sky just does something you think, "Oh, this is why we came to Essex." - Yeah. Did you know Claire before or was it just like... - I didn't.

如果你碰巧发现自己在外面拍一场戏,突然到了四点半或五点钟,天空就会变得,让你想,“哦,这就是我们来艾塞克斯的原因。”是的。你以前认识克莱尔吗?还是只是…… - 我不认识。

Yeah. And we had a really, really good time.


We made it during the third, I'm trying to get this right, the third lockdown.


We in our little bubble is I'm sure, everyone's been in the bubble and...


- Which we kind of always do anyway, don't we? - Yeah.

反正我们一直都这么做的,不是吗?- 是的。

When you're filming you kind of like, I find I don't see, or like talk to anyone. - Yeah. Yeah.

当你在拍摄的时候,我发现我看不到任何人,也不会和任何人说话。- 是的。是的。

- Well, I guess I can get away with that at the moment, cause I don't have kids and whole thing.


But you sort of end up bubbling.


- You just get in the bubble. Yeah. - Yeah.

你还是要进入泡泡的。是的。- 是的。

- Yeah. It was so muddy.


I think one of our location scouts ended up losing his wellies. - His legs.

我想我们的一位外景侦察员丢了他的长筒雨靴。- 他的腿。

- Losing his legs.


Just never got out the mud.


Yeah. Yeah.


It was so, I mean it sounds, it was so muddy.


It was almost comical how muddy it was sometimes.


- I... see you mother... - What are you doing? - I see you.

我看见你了!- 你在干什么?- 我看见你了。

Yeah. Get the... outta here, you stalkerazzi piece of shit. - Do you wanna get sued?

对。快点滚出去,你个狗仔跟踪狂。- 你想被起诉吗?

Come on, come on. - You should be suing him for invasion of privacy.

来啊,来啊。- 你应该起诉他侵犯隐私。

- From the Essex marshes to sunny... - Southern California.

从艾塞克斯沼泽地到阳光明媚的……- 南加州。

- How was "Pam and Tommy"?


How did it come into your life?


- It was really random.


This was a really out of the blue phone call and my impulse to do it was really immediate.


I don't know how you are about knowing what's the right thing to do or not to do.


- Sometimes you just know, right?


- Yeah. - You just go and that really appeals.

是的。- 你只是去了,这真的很吸引人。

- And other times it's this tortured.


I actually kind of, I'll ask you that in a second.


I find that the hardest thing is like knowing when to plunge and take the leap.


- Yeah. - And with this, it was this impulse to really transform and do something completely different and take on something that I was so intimidated by.

是的。- 知道了这个,我就有了一种真正要转变的冲动,想要做一些完全不同的事情,去做一些我很害怕的事情。

I really didn't know if I could sort of, take on another person's skin and I really cared about you know the issues and the bigger picture of what we were exploring. - Of course. Yeah. Yeah.

我真的不知道我是否可以,完全扮演另一个人的外形,我真的很关心这些问题,也关心我们正在探索的更大的图景。- 当然。是的。是的。

- You know about privacy and the violation of the media and how dangerous they can be when they take on a narrative or decide to tear someone down or decide to sort of reduce someone.


And so amazing people involved like Craig Gillespie directed the first few and Sebastian Stan who plays Tommy Lee. - Yeah.

还有很多了不起的人参与拍摄这部剧,比如导演克雷格·吉莱斯皮执导了前几集,还有汤米·李的扮演者塞巴斯蒂安·斯坦。- 是的。

- When the project came to you, it was gonna be Craig and it was gonna be Sebastian Stan. And it was all a collected.


- Actually. You know what? It was so early, it was like Writers' Room. - Right.

事实上。你知道吗?当时太早了,是在编剧室里。- 好。

Right. - I really don't know why they... Well, one of the writers said that the reason that they thought of me was because, it was playing Pamela Anderson much earlier.

好。- 我真的不知道他们为什么……嗯,其中一个编剧说,他们想到我的原因是,我在更早的时候扮演过帕梅拉·安德森。

I mean, she grew up in a very small town in Canada. - Yeah. - With very few people in Vancouver island. And I related to a sort of a sense of the newness of this whole thing.

我的意思是,她在加拿大的一个小镇上长大。- 是的。- 在温哥华岛上几乎没有人。我觉得这整件事很新鲜。我很有共鸣。

And then how quickly things can change and you can become more cynical or corrupted or whatever it may be.


- Your work is extraordinary.


I mean, just unrecognizable in it.


Certainly in comparison, the physical transformation and the vocal transformation.


And it's sort of you know taking on a real person.


I know such, it feels like such an enormous responsibility. - Yeah, because you've done it too.

我知道,这感觉是很巨大的责任。- 是啊,因为你也演过。

- It's terrifying. Isn't it? - Yeah.

太可怕了。不是吗?- 是的。

- You look at other people's careers. Who do you look to?


- Yeah, that's a good question.


I guess I would have to say Jane Fonda.


- You want to honor and respect. - Right.

你想要荣誉和尊重。- 对。

Be a good custodian. Look up and be respectful.


I felt like if I came at it with heart and with like total understanding and desire only to be honest and to take care of the story and what happened as much as possible, that was all I could really do.


But it was I don't know if I'd do it again anytime soon. - Yeah.

但我不知道我还会不会再演这类戏。- 是的。

Yeah. - But when you, because when you played Hank Williams, right? - A long time ago. - A long time ago.

是的。- 但是当你,因为当你扮演汉克·威廉姆斯的时候,对吗?- 很久以前了。- 很久以前。

- He died when he was 29.

他 29 岁时去世了。

He's a link in a chain, really of music.


- Yeah. Right.


- People like Bob Dylan and Leonard Cohen. And they're all like, "We're only doing this 'cause Hank was doing it.


So, I'm like, "Okay." - Oh, I didn't know that. - Good to know.

于是,我说,“好吧。”- 哦,我不知道。- 很高兴告诉你了。

But... - It can fuel you that sort of...

但是……- 它可以给你那种……

I felt like that desire to do her justice and to really morph was so frightening that I'd never worked harder, you know. - Yeah, right. Of course.

我觉得那种想要为她伸张正义,想要真正转变形象的愿望是如此震慑人心,我从未如此努力过。- 是的,没错。当然。

You could tell.


And I thought, cause the show, I suppose it opens with their connectedness, and their passion and their connection to each other.


And there's a really interesting idea that I think the whole show explores and particularly through your performance, which is the complexity of what it means to be a public person.


And when a persona is almost created on your behalf. - Right. - And you don't have any possession over it and that can then be manipulated and distorted.

当一个角色几乎是为你而创造的时候。- 对。- 你对它没有任何所有权,然后还可以被操纵和扭曲。

The scene where Pamela's prepared that, is it episode 3, Pamela's prepared that big speech to do the next day and she's gonna nail it and you nail it as her nailing it. And then you turn up on set and the producers say, "We thought it was stronger." - Better wordless. - Wordless. - Yeah.

帕梅拉做准备的场景,是第三集吗,帕梅拉准备了第二天要做的重要演讲,她要做好演讲,你也会演好这场戏,就像她要做好这个演讲一样。然后你出现在片场,制片人说,“我们认为它要更有力。”- 最好是不说话。- 不说话。- 是的。

- They cut my monologue.


- What?


- Yes.


They said it was stronger wordless.


- Wait. - God, anyway, it's not a big deal. It's not a big deal. It happens all the time. This is so good. We should eat. - That was your big scene. - I know.

等等。- 天啊,反正也没什么大不了的。这没什么大不了的。这种事经常发生。这太好吃了。我们应该吃饭。- 那是你的大场面。- 我知道。

- I thought that really showed there's this perceived potency that she has, but also vulnerability.


And then the wrestling about coming back the next day saying, "I think we should... " - I think we're gonna do it.


And to go beyond people's perceptions and to like, that's not okay and that's not enough.


It was really bad in that time with a lot of these women, their stories you're sort of revisiting of like, they did this show with Monica Lewinsky, and how we collectively treated women you know in the past. But still today, these sort of double standards, I still feel that's difficult you know.


It's still hard sometimes to go against what people assume of you, whether that even be like in work or in the press and the perception that...


Sure. - I dunno, it's hard to ignore it all sometimes and push through it all. And I don't know how you... - Yeah.

当然。- 我不知道,有时很难忽视这一切,并坚持下去。我不知道你怎么……- 是的。

Where do you begin with becoming Pamela Anderson in terms of the physical transformation? I'm sure you had amazing teams.


Hair, makeup, wardrobe.


- Yeah. God, the best, like the best you know that you could never ever do your job without them, I mean.


Initially, I started training, 'cause I just had like pictures of Pamela everywhere around me and I actually lost like 20 pounds, which is crazy, 'cause I wanted to be athletic.

起初,我开始训练,因为我身边到处都是帕梅拉的照片,我其实减掉了 20 磅,这很疯狂,因为我想健壮一些。

I wanted to be so strong as opposed to just like drop weight.


And then I yeah, had these prosthetic boobs, forehead. - Nice. Yeah.

然后我,对,做了假胸,假额头。 - 厉害。是的。

- All this took 4 hours every day.

所有这些每天都要花 4 个小时。

- And during that time I would just sort of sit, I had like a montage of all her like interviews from the 90s and I would just start tuning in to her voice and her sort of like almost learn it like a song, like the pitch and the rhythm.

在化妆期间,我就坐在那里,把她 90 年代的所有采访剪辑成蒙太奇,我开始听她的声音,就像学习一首歌一样去学,学她说话的音高和节奏。

She speaks really, really, really fast.


And then I would, like, her hair and her hands and I just like watched her so much and stayed in her kind of like the whole time.


How long was the shoot?


- I think it was 4 months or 5 months. - Goodness.

我想是 4 个月或 5 个月。- 天哪。

But I... - You're still doing all the training while filming. - Yeah, yeah, yeah.

但是我…… - 你还在一边拍戏一边训练。- 对,对,对。

- I didn't stay like in character, but I didn't speak English for the entire 5 months even at home.

我没有一直活在角色里,但我整整 5 个月都没有说英语,即使在家里也不说。

- Really? - Cause I just thought if I slip up once and now I do that awful thing where someone's talking American and I start going, I start like talking... - You start talking American.

真的吗?- 因为我想如果我失误一次,现在我做了一件可怕的事情,别人在说美国话,我就开始说……- 你开始说美国话。



No, but it's lots of actors do that and it's easier, isn't it?


It just feels almost like you've played an establishing chord at the beginning of the day.


You just wanna stay in the chord. - Yes, exactly.

你只是想保持和弦不出错。- 是的,没错。

- You don't wanna be in some other tune, you know.


- Right.


- And I find out the... - Could be caught asking for a, you know, "Can I have a sandwich or something?" - Yeah. Going to the loo.

我发现……- 可能会被抓住问一句,“我能吃个三明治或别的什么吗?”- 是的。去厕所。

No, the bathroom. No, the restroom. - Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Wow.

不对,去卫生间。不对,去洗手间。- 对。对,没错。对。哇。

I can relate to that. - Yeah.

我可以理解。- 是的。

- So did you think that people on the crew, did they ever get to know Lily James, really? Or were they just... - I don't think so.

你觉得剧组的人真的了解莉莉·詹姆斯吗?或者他们只是……- 我认为他们不了解。

And nor with Sebastian Stan, as Tommy, we really didn't get to know each other till we started doing press at all.


It was sort of like, "Oh." It was kind of almost awkward.


And also 'cause we were just earlier talking about bubbles and COVID.


When we shot that, it was the same thing.


So... and the days were so long, like 18 hours.

所以……白天都很长,大概 18 个小时。

And so I find that the Americans are worth for the long days than us more respectable.


- You mean just going... - Longer days. - Yeah, yeah. - Oh my God.

你的意思是只是去…… - 更长的白天。- 是的,是的。- 哦,我的天啊。

I found that so hard, it was like...


But I guess it was 'cause of the prosthetic.


How has that been with you as a little thing in with, to Loki of like, you don't have any prosthetic, but it was probably long days, but getting in the whole thing of being here. - Yeah, I mean Loki's changed so much over the years for me. It's been like...

拍洛基的时候,你没有戴任何假体,但可能是很长的一天,不过整个拍摄过程是怎样的。- 是啊,洛基这些年来对我来说改变了很多。就像……

- It's been such a long experience. - Huge journey. Yeah.

这是很漫长的经历。- 漫长的拍摄旅程。是的。

- What's that like?


- It's amazing. I mean I was cast when I was 29 and I'm 41.

感觉非常好,我 29 岁的时候被选上参演,现在我 41 岁了。

- Credit to you for having like let him emerge and grow and shift and... - Well, and to everybody at Marvel for letting me do it and the audience actually who I'm sure if they stopped being interested would let me know.

感谢你让他出现、成长、转变……- 感谢漫威的每一个人,感谢你们让我出演,还有观众,我相信如果他们不再对我感兴趣了,他们会让我知道的。

Initially, I had so many different iterations with Loki and the costumes are so elaborate, and I was wearing a wig and we were shooting in the summer in New Mexico and Cleveland.


I was always trying to break out of the mask of letting something honest come through. - I totally had that with Pamela all the time. - Right.

我总是尝试打破脸谱化,想诚实的演出一些东西。- 我演帕梅拉一直都是这样。- 对。

You build the character, you build the exterior and then you have to express something through the mask in a way.


I suppose that's what hair and makeup is. It's a mask of something.


And by the time we got to the series on Disney Plus, what's great about it was Loki's stripped of all the things that are familiar. - Right.

当我们在 Disney Plus 上看到这个系列时,最棒的是洛基被剥去了所有熟悉的东西。- 对。

- Yeah. - Immediately, he's literally stripped off his clothes and put in a jumpsuit and then other clothes and his status is gone and he's nowhere near Thor or Oden or Asgard, all these things.

是的。- 他马上就脱下衣服,穿上连身衣和其他衣服,他的身份就消失了,他根本和雷神、奥登或仙宫(北欧神话中的建筑)没有关系了,所有这些神话类的事物。

And I wanted to... one of my big things going in was like, "I'm gonna grow my hair and I'm gonna dye it." It's just gonna be...


- Strip it all away. - As natural as it can be so I can spend all my time investigating the interiority, you know rather than worrying, just saying, "I think everyone knows who the character is now." And also let's open him up and... - Go deep. - Go deep and find new aspects of him and challenge the character to change and grow. And so it's really, I loved it.

把它全部去掉。- 尽可能地自然,这样我就可以把所有的时间都用到研究人物心理内在,而不是担心,只是说,“我想现在每个人都知道这个角色是谁了。”而且让我们打开他和……- 深入了解。- 深入了解,发现他的新方面,挑战角色的改变和成长。所以我真的很喜欢。

It was really fun.


- And you are so, it's like amazing how funny, first of all, you're so funny.


And then also it's like deeply vulnerable.


- Yeah. - Which is so moving, which is... - That's the cocktail with him. - Yeah. - That's the weird... - So impressive.

是的。- 这就很感人,这…… - 这是他的半醉人间。- 是的。- 这很奇怪了…… - 太厉害了。

- Well, it's a writing thing and a massive tip.


It gets such an ancient character.


You know, he's the God of mischief so like.


I remember looking it up ages ago in the dictionary and it said inclination to playfulness. And I was like... - That's an actor. - Yay. That's an actor. Yeah. Yeah, exactly.

我记得很久以前在字典里查过这个词,上面写着爱玩。我就像……- 那是个演员。- 耶。那是演员。是的。是的,没错。

Like that's what you've gotta do is play.


- Yeah. - Always make sure there's a strain of playfulness in there. - A game or a thing.

是的。- 一定要保证里面有很好玩的气氛。- 有游戏之类的东西。

The funny thing with Loki is he wants to let everybody know of his great high status and there's nothing like I mean status for comedy really.


It's anyone who thinks they're important. - It's like Ricky Gervais. - Yeah exactly.

是那种认为自己很重要的人。- 就像瑞奇·热维斯。- 是的,没错。

It's like, "You're not important." So if you pump up the hubris, then humiliation can follow and then it's hopefully fun. - And then it's funny.

就好像,“你不重要。”如果你的傲慢情绪高涨,那么羞辱就会随之而来,然后希望它很有趣。- 然后它很有趣。

- But you sort of play it with a straight bat, especially in the show, 'cause he does this thing in "Avengers: Endgame", picks up the cube and disappears.

但你是直来直去地演,尤其是在这部电影里,因为他在《复仇者联盟 4:终局之战》里做过这样的事,拿起立方体就消失了。

He's essentially broken the rules of reality, which is he's done something he's not supposed to do.


So he's arrested apprehended by this organization, the TVA who like exist outside of time.


And they make sure that reality unfolds according to predetermined.


- So everything is predestined. - Yeah.

所以一切都是命中注定的。- 是的。

And Loki's the God of chaos.


So he's like, it's order versus chaos and immediately he's just constantly being humbled and brought down to size.


And, so, there's just richness for everything in there.


For drama, for comedy, for vulnerability.


So it's a great conceit and... - Even more enjoyable maybe from doing the movies or all this all sort of...

所以他的骄傲自大很伟大…… - 也许拍电影会让你更享受……

- Different. - Longer. - Yeah. Longer. - I like doing a TV show 'cause you get so much longer to be in the character. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - To like let it unfold. - More time.

感觉不同。- 时间更长。- 是的。更长。- 我喜欢拍电视剧,因为你有更多的时间融入角色。- 是的,是的,是的。- 我喜欢让人物徐徐展开。- 有更多的时间。

- The first director with Loki was with Ken Branagh.


- Yes. We share this. - It's a shared thing. - We kind of share this like life changing moment.

是的。我们聊过这个。- 这是一起聊过的话题。- 我们分享了这个改变人生的时刻。

- Yeah. - We both received a phone call from Kenneth Branagh. - Kenneth Branagh.

是的。- 我们都接到了肯尼斯·布拉纳的电话。- 肯尼斯·布拉纳。

- And it's changed everything.


- Yeah.


And I wondered how much he was a part of, 'cause for me, when I did "Cinderella" with him, there was a huge journey of collaboration.


He was like, "I wanna know how she, does she sleep with the blinds shut?


Yeah. - You know, what she eats first thing in the morning?" And I wondered if you'd, you know developed that with him? - He's amazing like that.

是的。- “你知道,她早上第一样东西会吃什么?”我想知道你是不是和他一起创作角色的?- 他真是太优秀了。

- Yeah. It's such a testament to his generosity as a director as well, that he just understands actors and understands that if you can find connection points that are internal, that may never be known about, everything you do will have a ring of authentic truth to it. - Truth and authenticity.

是的。这也证明了他作为导演的慷慨,他很了解演员,他知道如果你能找到内在的、可能永远没有知道的连接点,你所做的一切都会有一种真实的感觉。- 真相和真实性。



- And so yeah, before the first film, back in 2009, Chris Hemsworth and Anthony Hopkins and Rene Russo and I would sit around a table and delineate this little family drama and talk about you know Thor and Loki's childhood and all these things that became baked into the relationships that maybe weren't expressed in the story.

在拍第一部电影之前,也就是 2009 年,克里斯·海姆斯沃斯、安东尼·霍普金斯、雷内·罗素和我会围坐在一张桌子前,描绘出这个小小的家庭戏剧,谈论托尔和洛基的童年,以及所有这些融入到关系中但可能没有在故事中被表达的事情。

But you could feel between us all as actors, which is really, you know, that's a real director.


- Yeah. I was reading about this, which is so exciting, which is Loki is the first queer Marvel character.


How do I... In the MC, is it MCU universe? - MCU universe. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

我怎么……是在漫威电影宇宙中吗?- 漫威电影宇宙。- 是的,是的,是的,是的。

- And I get that right, 'cause it's very important. - No. No. It's "The Marvel Cinematic Universe". - Yeah.

我说对了,因为这很重要。- 不,不,全称就是“漫威电影宇宙”。- 是的。

- Yeah. I can't believe.


I'm amazed if that's true.


It may be that in the films, in the sort of film stories, it might be true.


But you know, back from my early days of researching the character in the ancient myths, the identity of Loki was fluid in every aspect.


In gender, in sexuality.


It's something... a very ancient part of the character.


I thought about it.


It hadn't emerged in the stories we've told.


And I was really pleased and privileged actually that it just came up in the series.


It's a small step.


It's not as far as there's so much more to do.


You know the Marvel Cinematic Universe has to reflect the world we live in. - Right.

漫威电影宇宙必须反映我们生活的世界。 - 对。

- It was an honor to bring that up. It was really important to me. It was really important to Kate Herron and Michael Waldron. And I'm please that we could bring it into our story.


- Yeah. And how incredible what impact that can make on such a widely seen universe, which becomes people's like religion going back to... - Yes, yeah, yeah.

是啊。这对如此广阔的宇宙世界产生了多么不可思议的影响,这成为了人们的宗教信仰,可以追溯到…… - 是的,是的,是的。

- And for people to feel represented and to see themselves. - Absolutely. Yes. - Like it's just so important. - Yeah, yeah.

让人们有被代表的感觉,看到自己。- 当然。是的。- 感觉这很重要。- 是的,是的。


