
* 2 The Hunter( /ˈhʌntə/ n. 猎人),我来为大家讲解一下关于白雪公主与猎人高清片段?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!



* 2 The Hunter( /ˈhʌntə/ n. 猎人)

"What?" the queen shouted( /ˈʃaʊtɪd/ v. 呼喊;喊叫;大声说(shout 的过去式)) at her mirror.

"Who is more beautiful than( /ðən; ðæn/ conj. 比) I am?"

"Snow White, My Lady," the mirror said.

The queen was very angry(/ˈæŋɡri/ adj. 生气的;愤怒的).

"Everyone says Snow White is so pretty( /ˈprɪti/ adj. 漂亮的,可爱的)!

She's so nice, so perfect(/ˈpɜːfɪkt/ adj. 完美的)!

Well, they will stop saying it soon!"

That night the queen met(/met/ v. 遇见(meet的过去式)) a hunter in the village(/ˈvɪlɪdʒ/ n. 村庄).

He carried(/ˈkærid/ v. 拿;提;搬;扛;背;抱;运送;携带(carry 的过去式和过去分词)) an ax(/æks/ n. 斧头).

The queen whispered( /'wɪspəd/ v. 窃窃私语;低声地说(whisper的过去式)) in his ear.

Then she slipped( /slɪpt/ v. (不被发现)暗中塞入(slip 的过去式)) some gold(/ɡəʊld/ n. 金 adj. 金的,金制的) coins( /kɔɪnz/ n. 硬币(coin的复数)) into his hand.

The next day Snow White walked through the village.

A stranger( /ˈstreɪndʒə/ n. 陌生人) grabbed(/ɡræbd/ v. 抓住(grab的过去式)) her.

"Let me go!" Snow White cried( /kraɪd/ v. 哭泣;喊叫(cry 的过去式)).

It was the hunter.

He threw( /θruː/ v. 抛(throw的过去式)) Snow White onto a horse.

"Ya!" he cried as he jumped( /dʒʌmpt/ v. 跳跃(jump的过去式)) on.

The horse reached( /riːtʃt/ vt. 达到,reach的过去式) a dark( /dɑːk/ adj. 黑暗的) forest( /ˈfɒrɪst/ n. 森林).

Snow White saw( /sɔː/ v. 看见(see 的过去式)) black, tangled( /ˈtæŋɡld/ adj. 紊乱的;纠缠的;缠结的) branches( /brɑːntʃɪz/ n. 树枝(branch 的复数)).

Then something else(/els/ adv. 其它) caught(/kɔːt/v. 捕捉,抓住(catch的过去式)) her eye(引起某人的注意).

An ax hung( /hʌŋ/ v. 悬挂;挂着,hang的过去式) from the hunter's belt( /belt/ n. 皮带;腰带).

Snow White gulped(/ɡʌlpt/ v. 哽住,gulp的过去式).

"Please, sir! Let me go!

I haven't done anything wrong(现在完成时)!"

Tears(/tɪəz/ n. 眼泪;泪水(tear 的复数)) slipped down(滑落,滑下) her cheeks.

The hunter sighed(/saɪd/ v. 叹气,sigh的过去式) and stopped the horse.

"You poor(/ pʊə/ adj. 可怜的) child," he said.

"Go. But don't ever( /ˈevə/ adv. 永远;曾经) return(/rɪˈtɜːn/ v. go back, come back返回) home.

The queen wants you dead(/ded/ adj. no longer alive 死的;失去生命的)!"

Snow White gasped(/ɡɑːspt/ v. 倒抽了一口气,gasp的过去式). "Why?"

"It doesn't matter(不重要)," the hunter said.

"Just go!"

Snow White disappeared(/dɪsə'pɪəd/ v. 消失,失踪(disappear的过去式)) among( /əˈmʌŋ/ prep. 在……中间(在三者或以上)) the trees.

"Poor Snow White," the hunter thought( /θɔːt/ v. 想,思考;认为(think的过去式)).

"She will never survive( /səˈvaɪv/ vi. 存活,幸存) in this forest."


