




石台县城全景 / A complete outlook of Shitai County Seat



Located in the romantic and pastoral scenery of the ink-painting-like southern Anhui and surrounded by layer upon layer of green mountains with lucid streams, Shitai County is between the famous Tourist resort Mt. Huangshan and the Buddhist holy land Mt. Jiuhua, and adjacent to Taiping Lake.It was known as "West Mt. Huangshan" in ancient times thanks to the presence of Mt. Guniujiang, one of the three highest mountains together with Mt. Huangshan and Mt. Qingliangfeng (Peak Qingliang) in southern Anhui. Featuring ninety percent mountainous area, five percent water area and five percent paddy field, this county serves as the core area of the Southern Anhui International Cultural Tourism Demonstration Region.


葫芦画艺人正在创作 / A poker-work artisan is creating a painting on a gourd




手工拉米糖 / Making rice candy manually


Long history

Shitai enjoys a long history and profound cultural heritage.It is 1,500 years old since the county was established in 536 by the Southern Liang Dynasty. The county administration was revoked in 1959 due to the construction of the Chenchun Reservoir (now Taiping Lake), and reestablished in 1965 for the need of national defense construction, with the name changed into Shitai.The county has preserved well a large number of cultural relics and historic sites, including the ancient Great Wall built during the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom period, the ancient Jugenguan road under national protection, and the ruins of Zhenguo Temple in Shanshan built in the Tang Dynasty.It is also the place where Zheng Ben (Zheng Zhizhen) created Mulian Opera.In addition, there are many outstanding figures born in the county but famous beyond the county, such as Du Xunhe, a well-known poet in the late Tang Dynasty, Bi Qiang, a prime minister in charge of four national departments in the Ming Dynasty, and Su Amang, a contemporary Esperanto poet.


老油坊手工榨油 / Manual oil production in an old oil mill

There is an interesting legend about Guniujiang, which is the most well-known scenic area in Shitai.It is said that Guniujiang was called "West Mt. Huangshan" in ancient times. Its name comes from a paragraph in The Classic of Mountains and Seas: a black bull pressed a vicious monster bird tightly under its body, so that the bird could no longer get up to harm people. Over the time, the black bull turned into a boulder, and the birds rotted into mud. To commemorate the giant black bull, people named the mountain "Guniujiang", which means "the place the bull falls on the bird".


石台旅游资源富集,集“山、水、洞”为一体,正式对外开放景区景点11个,其中国家4A级旅游景区7个;境内有华东地区最后一片原始森林国家级自然保护区——牯牛降;有“艺术洞窟”“地下奇观”——蓬莱仙洞、鱼龙洞、慈云洞等省级溶洞群地质公园;有惊险刺激的怪潭漂流 ; 有会动的峡谷——百丈崖;有李白五次游历,流淌着浪漫诗篇的秋浦河;有处于北纬30度线上的养生福地——仙寓山;有见证着徽商历史的千年古道——徽饶通衢;有浓缩皖南山水精华的最美山野——醉山野;这里还有秋浦河源国家湿地公园、杉山和目连山2个省级森林公园。


黄崖飞流 / Huangya Waterfall



秋韵秋浦河 / The Qiupu River in autumn



秋浦河漂流 / Rafting on the Qiupu River


Tourist resort

Shitai is rich in tourism resources, featuring mountains, water areas and caves. The county boasts 11 scenic spots officially open to visitors, including seven national 4A-rated tourist attractions. Guniujiang is a designated national nature reserve for the last primaeval forest in East China; The karst caves namely Penglai, Yulong and Ciyun in the provincial geopark have long been acclaimed as "caves of artistic beauty" and "wonders underground ". There are also unique stream courses for thrilling rafting, a canyon called Baizhangya that changes views with each pace , a river called Qiupu known for the romantic poems dedicated to it by Li Bai who visited it five times, a mountain called Xianyu that is a blessed place for health preservation on the line of 30 degrees north latitude, a millennium old road linking Huizhou and Raozhou that bears witness to the history of Huizhou merchants, and a piece of most beautiful mountainous field called Zuishanye that features concentrated beauty of the mountains and waters in southern Anhui. Furthermore, the county also boasts a national wetland park around the source areas of the Qiupu River, and two provincial forest parks in Mt. Shanshan and Mt. Mulian.


蓬莱仙洞 / Inside the Penglai Cave

The 17 well-known poems written by Li Bai after his five visits to the Qiupu gave the river its fame. This talented poet living in the Tang Dynasty was depressed, but on the Qiupu River, he wrote his feelings and thoughts in a romantic tone.

What moved Li Bai also moved friends all over the world. On April 18, 2010, envoys and their wives from more than 30 countries, including the United Kingdom, the United States, France and Germany, came to Shitai. They were deeply impressed by the ecological beauty and the way of life of simple folk. Jointly, they acknowledged that Shitai in Anhui is the most beautiful mountainous county in China that they would recommend to the world".


仙寓山风光 / A beautiful scene in Mt. Xianyu

In spring, lakes are full of water, in summer, peaks are shrouded in clouds, in autumn, the moon is bright in the sky, and in winter, pines are competing on ridges. This is the most concise summary of the county's scenery over four seasons. In fact, the mountainous area of Shitai offers different views all year round. Walking on the mountain path, you will see the sea of clouds swims freely between the peaks, which makes people feel relaxed. Starting up along the winding mountain road, you gain a sense of appreciation of the picturesque landscape composed of the magnificent sea of clouds and green mountains. When facing the views, you will probably take a deep breath and instantly wish to rush into the beautiful scenery.



绿色,是石台最动人的色彩。石台是国家重点生态功能区,现有耕地6.2万亩、茶园7万 亩、 林地11万公顷, 森林覆盖率达84.5%,是全国平均水平的 4 倍。


茶乡春韵 / Tea plantation in spring




画坑晒秋 / Displaying autumn harvest in Huakeng



Abundant resources

The intuitive impression of Shitai after you enter this mountainous county is painting-like sea of clouds, winding mountain roads leading through layers of clouds, small bridges over flowing water, lush bamboo forests, and gentle breeze that occasionally blows on your face.

Green is the most appealing color of the county. As a national key ecological functioning area, Shitai now has 62,000 mu of cultivated land, 70,000 mu of tea gardens and 110,000 hectares of forest land. The forest coverage rate is 84.5%, four times that of the national average.


马灯闹秋 / Madeng Opera in autumn

Fresh air is the most charming small of the county.The average particles of negative oxygen ions in the atmosphere average 45,000 per cubic centimeter, 35 times that of the fresh air standard demanded by the World Health Organization. In addition, Shitai is one of the first nine natural oxygen bars recognized in China. The annual water resource reserve is 1.8 billion cubic meters, and the per capita water resource is seven times that of the national average. The water quality of the main streams meets the standard of class II and above, and the stream water in the mountains is no doubted drinkable.

Selenium is the best element for health preservation in the county. As one of the national top 3 places rich in selenium, ninety-eight percent of the land area in Shitai contains selenium.In the blessed place for health preservation located on the 30-degree line north latitude are the ancient Jugenguan road, which was built as early as the Tang Dynasty and now a well preserved key cultural site under national protection, Dawang Village, the number 1 village rich in selenium in China, Qicai Yugu, a canyon in seven colors, and a sightseeing tea garden 1,000 meters above sea level that produces historically famous brand Wuliqing tea.Here, you can see gorgeous natural scenery, primitive ecological environment, and ancient cultural heritage. This place is also hailed as "the place where celestial beings live".


抛绣球 / A maiden throwing an embroidered ball to a man with the wish to make him her husband

If you go to Guniujiang, you can enjoy the natural resources and wonderful scenery of the county all the way up. Qifeng is a mountain village in the middle of the way to the main peak of Guniujiang, which is a little bit of over three hours climbing from the village. In sunny days, the rays of the sun sprinkle on the bamboo leaves. Step by step, your feet skip over the light spots on the soft ground covered by fallen bamboo leafs, that is really a nice experience. Further up, you will see tea gardens managed by local villagers, the tea produced there is called Siku Chunxue.And further up, the land is covered with rampant wild grass, where you can only use your leg to explore the path, which means you are not far from the main peak. On the top of the mountain peak, the villages at the foot of the mountain you see are vaguely hidden in the sea of clouds, just like a fairyland beneath your feet.

People in Shitai take rice as their main food and they also eat wheat flour.During the spring festival or other festivals, they eat noodles, sweet dumplings, glutinous rice cake and jiaozi .Locals like salty food and are fond of sour and spicy food. Pepper is often used as a condiment.In winter, every family prepares pickles, salted meat, dried vegetables and fermented tofu. They also like to enjoy stew cooked in a clay pot over a stove, commonly known as "eating the food in the pot by a stove ".In addition, the also like small fish caught in the Qiupu River, country chicken soup, as well as various kinds of selenium-rich agricultural products, tea, rice, mineral water and alcoholic drinks. When you are in Shitai, don't forget to try them.




城东新区一角 / A corner of the new eastern urban area of Shitai county seat



小河镇金鑫钙业集团 / Jinxin Calcium Industry Group in Xiaohe Town

Good location

The shining honors the county has win include "one of the first national ecological and economic demonstration areas", "one of the national key ecological functioning areas", "a national leisure agriculture and rural tourism demonstration county", "a national advanced county in public security", "China's natural oxygen bar", "China's most beautiful ecological leisure tourism county", "one of the top 10 popular cities in the Yangtze River Delta for road trip drivers ", and "a livable county particularly for health preservation".

Shitai enjoys good geographic location and convenient traffic system. As the county was on the borders between the two kingdoms Wu and Chu in ancient times, it served as a part of the thoroughfare linking Huizhou and Raozhou. Now, there are two national highways and four provincial highways traversing the county, with a total national highway mileage of 120.45 kilometers, and a total provincial highway mileage of 72.835 kilometers. The county seat is only 71 kilometers away from Chizhou High-speed Railway Station and 94 kilometers away from Jiuhuashan International Airport. As the grade of the county highway linking all townships has reached level 3 and above, Shitai has succeeded in developing itself into a demo county for the first batch of Anhui counties in better connecting urban-rural roads for passenger transport.On September 28, 2021, the Guichi-Shitai section of Chizhou-Qimen Expressway was completed and opened to traffic, marking the county has entered "the era of expressway".


矶滩大龙湾 / The Big Dragon Turn in Jitan

At present, Shitai is accelerating the fulfillment of the "fast access and slow tour" traffic system objectives for the whole-area tourism- based development, featuring a tourist gathering and distribution center and a smart, holistic platform for the "all-for-one" tourism. The intercity railway linking Susong and Xuancheng and the railway linking Lu'an and Jingdezhen that will pass through the county have been included in the national railway network planning.






图片:丁长杰 石敏 卢小海 张圣生

袁梦海 陈莹莹 濮盛谊 宋友芝 李广兴

翻译 : 王冀皖

译审 : Michelle Ncubé(加拿大)


校对:刘 军




