



评论翻译Prashant Bantwal (ಪ್ರಶಾಂತ್)Follow Lives in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India5yIt is clearly not. How did you even come to the conclusion? The south east Asian countries are ahead in most of the indices like GDP per capita or hdi or life expectancy.事实并非如此。你是怎么得出这个结论的。在人均gdp,人类发展指数,和预期寿命等大部分指标上,东南亚国家都处于领先地位。RafiFollow Former Content Creator at Ogilvy and Mather4ySouth Asia is ‘NOT AS SUCCESSFUL’ as South East Asia let alone be ‘MORE SUCCESSFUL’. It is far behind South East Asia when it comes to economic, social or technological developments.South-east Asia has plenty of success stories to boast about. Singapore literally went from ‘rags to riches’; she is the one of the most technologically advanced developed nations with super-skilled workforce. Thailand is the Mecca of international tourism. Malaysia has set economic records that have shocked the world and is home to a leading global city, Kuala Lumpur. Brunei is mad wealthy and Indonesia is on the verge of becoming a major economic power in the decades to come. Philippines and Vietnam are emerging markets and world has its eyes set on them. The infrastructure of most South East Asian nations are well-developed and they share strong economic ties with each other through ASEAN.南亚没有东南亚那么成功,更不说比他们更加成功了。在经济,社会和技术发展等方面,南亚都要落后于东南亚。东南亚有很多值得夸耀的成功故事。比如新加坡从一个贫穷国家发展成为了一个富裕国家,新加坡拥有技能超级熟练的劳动力,是世界上技术最先进的发达国家之一。泰国是国际旅游业的圣地。马来西亚曾经创造过震惊世界的经济记录,而且马来西亚还有世界级的先进城市吉隆坡。文莱非常的富裕,未来几十年印尼将会成为经济强国,菲律宾和越南是新兴市场,他们正在吸引全世界的目光。大部分东南亚国家的基础设施都相当发达,而且通过东盟,他们彼此之间建立了非常紧密的经济联系。Now compare all this with South Asia. India is a major economic powerhouse and is set to become a superpower within this century, but don’t forget India has the highest number of people living below the poverty line. There are more people in India who go hungry daily than the entire Sub-Saharan Africa. Pakistan is plagued by terrorism, poverty, corruption and religious extremism while Nepal remains one of the world’s most underdeveloped nations. Bangladesh is burdened by overpopulation and faces acute shortage of resources; most of its population are poor. Bhutan is a primitive country where little modernization has happened. Overall, the infrastructure and transportation system of South Asia is sub par and very little commerce exists amongst these nations, and not to forget, SAARC is a joke! South Asian cities look unattractive when compared to the Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur or Singapore. Even Jakarta or Hanoi look better than the best of the South Asian cities.I would love to see a better and healthier South Asia in future, where mutual cooperation would bring social development and economic prosperity. That’s what exactly the ASEAN countries did!和东南亚国家相比,南亚的印度虽然是一个经济大国,并且预计在本世纪内会成为超级大国,但不要忘了,印度拥有世界上最多的贫困人口。印度的饥饿人口甚至比非洲撒哈拉以南的人口还要多。巴基斯坦饱受恐怖主义,贫困,腐败和宗教极端主义的困扰,而尼泊尔是世界上最不发达的国家之一。孟加拉人口过剩,资源严重短缺,而且大部分人口都很贫穷。不丹是一个原始国家,现代化程度极低。总的来说,南亚的基础设施和交通系统都在平均水平以下。这些国家之间几乎没有商业往来。别忘了,南亚区域合作联盟就是一个笑话。和曼谷,吉隆坡,和新加坡相比,南亚城市看起来一点吸引力都没有。南亚最好的城市甚至连雅加达或河内都比不上。我希望未来可以看到一个更好更健康的南亚,我希望未来南亚国家可以相互合作,为彼此带来社会发展和经济繁荣。东盟国家过去就是这样做的。JintyYou literally left out Sri Lanka which is more developed than the rest of South Asia and has a higher per capita income than most south East Asian countries minus Singapore/Malaysia/thailand.你漏掉了斯里兰卡,斯里兰卡要比南亚其他国家更加发达,而且人均收入要超过除新加坡,马来西亚和泰国外的大部分东南亚国家。Leong Chee LumThey must get rid of their caste system, start with Mumbai… And Delhi..他们必须摆脱种姓制度,从孟买和德里开始Jai Singhbut don’t forget India has the highest number of people living below the poverty line.India has a extreme poverty rate of only 4% of it's enormous population. Bangladesh and Pakistan both have a way higher poverty rate and worst living standards. Bangladesh is going through an economic crisis and don't even get 24 hours electricity.“不要忘了,印度拥有世界上最多的贫困人口”印度极端贫困人口只占总人口的4%。孟加拉和巴基斯坦的贫困率都远高于印度,而且他们的生活水平是最差的。孟加拉正在经历经济危机,他们甚至无法做到24小时的电力供应。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处There are more people in India going hungry than entire Sub-Saharan Africa.The hunger index is ranked by European countries and Indian government has not recognized that index.They ranked Cuba ahead of India in this index while Cuba had a huge food crisis while India exported food to Cuba.India literally exports food to so many countries around the world.“印度饥饿人口数量超过了整个非洲撒哈拉以南的人口”饥饿指数是欧洲国家排的,印度政府不承认饥饿指数的排名。他们将有严重粮食危机的古巴排在印度的前面,而印度是古巴的粮食出口国。除古巴外,印度还向世界上很多其他国家出口粮食。I don't say that there aren't any hungry people in India but definitely not as many as you say.As for South East Asia, they're as poor and undeveloped as any other. The only difference is that they're way less in population and they're not that famous.我不是说印度没有饥饿人口,但绝对没有你说的那么多。至于东南亚,他们和其他国家一样的贫穷和不发达。唯一的区别在于他们的人口较少,而且他们没有那么有名。Sarah ShaferCountries like Myanmar, Indonesia and Philippines are on the same level as Bangladesh or Nepal. India even has a higher quality of life than Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia.缅甸,印尼和菲律宾的发展水平和孟加拉尼泊尔差不多。印度的生活质量甚至要高过泰国,菲律宾和印尼。Muhammad Imam“Countries like Maynamar, Indonesia and Philippines are on the same level as Bangladesh or Nepal. India even has a higher quality of life than Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia.”HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAI assumed you are joking.Thailand’s HDI score at 2021 was 800, Indonesia’s HDI score at 2021 was 705, and Philippines’s HDI score at 2021 was 699. Waaaay higher than India’s HDI score which is just 633 at 2021. If India’s human development index is lower than them, could you say India has better quality of life than Thailand, Philippines, and Indonesia?No matter how much your denial is, the fact and truth won’t be in your side lol.哈哈哈,我想你是在开玩笑吧2021年泰国人类发展指数是0.8,印尼是0.705,菲律宾是0.699,都远高于印度的0.633。印度的人类发展指数比他们都要低,你能说印度的生活质量要比泰国,菲律宾和印尼高吗?不管你怎么否认,真相都不会站在你那边。哈哈New AccountYou are south Asians yourself你是南亚人吗?Peter ToppingFollow ASEAN nerd, Indonesia fan and Myanmar watcher with Vietnamese neighbours.5yWell the simple answer is that South Asia is not more sucessful than S.E Asia by any measure.The per capita incomes are higher in South East Asia, there are less people in poverty and absolute poverty by UN and world bank metrics. A greater percentage of South East Asians have access to power, water, healthcare and education. There hasnt been a war since 1979. Less people have dies in war, religion conflict and famine in SE Asia since 1947 than South Asia.The banking system is in better shape in SE Asia there is less pollution, less corruption and there is less of a problem with the status of women and the dowry violence.Cross boarder trade is even some times easier withinn ASEAN than it is between Indian States.SE Asia is better integrated into the world economy than South Asia.Ask your self would you rather be born in poor South Asia or S. E Asia in 2017?Where would you chose to live, Bangkok, K.L. Singapore, Bandar, Phnom Penh or Delhi Dakar Karachi Katmandu Chanii答案很简单,不管按照什么标准,南亚都没有比东南亚更加成功东南亚的人均收入更高,按照联合国和世界银行的标准,东南亚的贫困人口和绝对贫困人口数量都更少。东南亚可以接触到电力,自来水,医疗保健和教育的人口比例要更高一些。自1979年以来东南亚就没有发生过战争了。自1947年以来,东南亚死于战争,宗教冲突,和饥荒的人要少于南亚。东南亚银行体系的状况更好,腐败更少,污染更少,没有那么严重的妇女地位问题,没有那么多因为嫁妆问题而引发的暴力事件有时东盟各国的跨境贸易甚至要比印度各邦之间的更加容易。和南亚相比,东南亚更好的融入到了世界经济之中。问问你自己,2017年,你是愿意出生在贫穷的南亚还是东南亚?你是会选择生活在曼谷,吉隆坡,新加坡,金边,班达尔还是会选择生活在德里、达喀尔、卡拉奇和加德满都?


