

B3 U2


1.diet n.&v.

① n. 日常饮食;日常食物;规定饮食(以健康或减肥为目的)

go on a diet 节食,控制饮食 (表动作)

be on a diet 在节食(表状态)

a balanced / healthy diet 均衡的/健康的饮食

eg:Lynn always seems to be on a diet.

③ v. 节食'按规定进食

例:It is obvious that she is dieting.

2.balanced adj. 均衡的

balance n.&v.

① n. 平衡;天平

keep...in balance 保持…平衡

out of balance 不平衡

keep one's balance 保持平衡

lose one'sbalance 失去平衡

break the balance 打破平衡

eg:The two boys kept the saw in balance.

②v. 平衡;权衡

例:You have to balance the advantages of living downtown against the disadvantages.

3.frustrated adj. 气恼的;灰心丧气的,沮丧的




4.curiosity n. 好奇心:求知欲(后常接about或动词不定式表示"对…的好奇心")

have curiosity to do sth 有做某事的好奇心

show curiosity about sth 对某物表现出好奇

satisfy one'scuriosity 满足某人的好奇心

out of curiosity 出于好奇

eg:His answer didn't satisfy my curiosity at all.

Just out of curiosity, she opened the letter.

5.have sb. doing sth 让某人一直做:听任/容忍某人做某事

have sb. do sth. 宾语和宾补之间是主动关系,have是使役动词,意为"使,让"

have sb. doing 宾语和宾补之间是主动关系,have表示"听任,容忍"多用于否定句,意为"不能让,不能容忍"

have sth. done:宾语和宾补之间是被动关系,表示"让某人做某事""让某事被做"

例:I had the diver wait for us.

Don't have the car waiting at the gate!

I'll go with you after I have my bike repaired.

6. get away with 被放过;(做坏事)不受惩罚

get up 起床 get tired of 厌烦... get through 通过;完成;打通电话

get into the habit of 养成...的习惯 get away (from) (从...)脱离;逃脱(...)

get rid of 摆脱;除掉 get down to (doing) sth. 开始认真地做某事

get in touch with 与...取得联系 get on/ along with 与...相处

get over克服;从...中恢复过来

例:Many homeless people get into the habit of begging to get enough money to stay alive.

7.limit vt.&n.

① vt. 限制;限定

limit ... to ... 把...限制在...内

② n. 界限;限度

beyond the limit (of) 超过限度

within the limit of 在...范围内

set a limit to sth. 对...规定限度

there is a/no limit to 对……是有限的/无限的

③ limited adj. 有限的 be limited to sth. 受限制于...

eg:I believe teaching should not be limited to the classroom.

In my opinion, you had better set a limit to the expense of your trip.

Our time is limited so we must try our best to finish the work on time.

8.weakness n.弱点:缺点:不足;软弱:虚弱:懦弱

注:weakness 指弱点或不足之处

fault 指做事不完美,性格缺陷或个人习惯上的毛病、错误等

9.strength n.[C]长处;强项 [U]力量;体力

① build up one's strength 增强体质

② strengthen vt. 加强;增强

To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know

their strengths and weaknesses.

辨析:energy 原是物理学上的术语"能量", 用于人时则指"精力,活力,能量"

power (身体上,精神上,自然的)能力,体力,智力,力量



10.benefit n.&v.

①n. 好处,利益

be of benefit to = be beneficial to 对…有好处

for the benefit of = for one's benefit 为了…的利益

eg:Plenty of exercise everyday is of great benefit to our head.

The money is to be used for the benefit of the poor.

② vt. 有益于,有助于 vi 获益,受益

A benefit B A对B有益

B benefit from A B从A中获益

11.come forward 走上前,涌现,主动提供(帮助或服务)

eg:No one has come forward with information about the murder.

搭配:come out 出来,出版,结果是 come along 进展,跟着来

come up with 提出 come round 苏醒,周而复始,造访

come to 加起来总共有(共计);突然想起 come through 传来,(健康)恢复

12.cost v. 花费

sth cost (sb)time/money 某事(物)花费(某人)时间/金钱

cost sb sth 使某人失去某物

the cost of living 生活费用

at all costs 不惜一切代价

at the cost of sth. 以牺牲某物为代价

辨析 take、spend、cost、pay

① take一般表示花时间,常用于It takes sb. some time to do sth. eg:

It takes me half an hour to go from my home to school by bike.

② spend 既可指花时间,又可指花钱,其动作的执行者为"人" eg:

③ cost 常表示"花钱",其主语是"物"。 例:The book cost me 2 dollars.

④ pay 表示"付钱",其动作的执行者是"人"。其宾语常有三种形式:sb, some money, sb some money

13.get/be/become tired of (doing)sth. "对(做)某事感到厌倦/厌烦

eg:If you get tired of working there,you can come to my company.

延伸:tire vt. 使疲倦 tire out 使筋疲力尽

tired adj. 感到疲倦的 tiring adj. 令人疲倦的

14.辨析after in later


after liberation 解放后 He came back after two days. He will come back in two days.

② in 与一段时间连用,时间段放在in的后面,表示从现在开始一段时间之后,常与将来时连用。

eg:I will come back in two days.

③ later与一段时间连用,时间段放在later的前面,表示从过去某个时间算起一段时间之后,或从将来某个时间算起一段时间之后。

eg:They got married in 1957, but two years later they divorced.


1." Nothing could be better" he thought.



① never+比较级

eg:What an interesting novel!I have never read a more moving one.

=It's the most moving novel that I have ever read.

② nothing(或no等)+so+原级+as ...

nothing或no等+比较级+than ...

例:It was not until then that I suddenly realized nobody was happier than I was.

③ can/could+never/not+enough/too

例:—Must I turn off the gas after cooking? —Of course. You can never be too careful with that.

2.Something terrible must have happened if Lichang was not coming to eat in his restaurant as he always did.

① 形容词terrible作后置定语修饰something


② must have happened 是表示对过去所发生事情的肯定推测







