kd键盘侠 美帝键盘侠科詹40

kd键盘侠 美帝键盘侠科詹40(1)

Fun trivia fact: Kobe has exactly twice as many regular season games (122) with 40 points than LeBron (61). LeBron has almost exactly twice as many playoff games (27) with 40 points than Kobe (13).

趣味冷知识:科比常规赛得到40 以上的场次(122次)是詹姆斯的两倍,但是到了季后赛,詹姆斯得到40 的场次(27次)则比科比得到40 的场次(13次)的两倍。

kd键盘侠 美帝键盘侠科詹40(2)


[–]shanmustafa 869 指標 4 天前

I knew LeBron had more, I'm just shocked Kobe only has 13

LeBron the last two post seasons alone has 10

我知道勒布朗季后赛得到40 的场次会比科比多,但是令我震惊的是科比才13次。

勒布朗过去两个季后赛40 的场次差不多就有10场。。

[–]Knickssmileyfrown 322 指標 4 天前

In 2004 average ppg in the playoffs was 88

In 2014 the average was 99.5

And in 2018 it was 104.4




[–]chattycactus875 59 指標 3 天前

This is true. However, playoff scoring had increased every single year since 1998. Going from 87ppg to 96ppg in 2003. The 04 Playoffs were an anomaly. And (obviously) scoring goes back to normal and increases in the years after 2004. I find it interesting how you pick the one year that supports your claims!


[–]LakersTheingloriousak2 120 指標 3 天前

Exactly this lol

Scoring 40 now is equivalent to 33 then

Also throw in how much spacing has improved... it’s much easier for a single player to put up stats

Although Lebron is obviously amazing




[–]Raptorsone-eleven 45 指標 3 天前

Scoring 40 now is equivalent to 33 then

This doesn't explain why next on the active list is Durant & Westbrook at only 7. Harden and Curry are at 6 & 5.



那这句话也不能解释为什么KD&威少季后赛40 次数只有7次,而哈登和库里分别只有6次和5次啊。

[–]Celticswgh74ghigj 71 指標 3 天前

Also Kobe wasn't able to drag bad teams through the playoffs by himself like LeBron is, so he missed a bunch of playoff game opportunities in his prime.


[–]Pistonswalkin_paradox 35 指標 3 天前

Kobe also played in the much tougher West where it was a log harder to single handily drag a team through the playoffs


[–]LakersBall_Is_Life_92 405 指標 4 天前

Kobe never really had to go off in the playoffs like LeBron has had to recently. Without LeBron going super nova these past few years those cav teams would have probably missed the Finals.


[–]ZandrickEllison 291 指標 4 天前

Kobe did have to go supernova crazy/scorer at one time post Shaq and pre Gasol, but those versions of the Lakers weren’t good enough to last in the playoffs.



[–]LakersWe_Are_Grooot 144 指標 4 天前*

Lebron is also probably the best of all time when it comes to extracting performance out of shit rosters. He definitely is better at it than Kobe.

Edit: Beyond just playoffs, he dragged a mediocre cavs (admittedly with great defense) team to 66 wins in 2009.




[–]Cavaliersimtheasianlad 379 指標 4 天前*

LeCoast pays off.


[–]Heatwormhole222 370 指標 4 天前

In 2016 Lebron had no 40 point games during the regular season. He then had back to back 41 points games in the NBA finals in elimination games against a 73 win team.

热火球迷:2016年詹姆斯在常规赛甚至一场40 都没,但是在NBA总决赛里连续两场41分挑落了73胜勇士啊。

[–][ORL] Aaron Gordonsupremehat13 419 指標 4 天前*

Lebron scores 41 points

"He won't do that when Draymond comes back"

Lebron scores 41 points again




[–][DET] Kyle SinglerTIME_FOREST 191 指標 4 天前

yeah that was hilarious to watch.

cocky gsw fans got shut up real quick.



[–][SAS] Manu GinobiliMalemansam 47 指標 4 天前

Draymond has never been able to guard James.


[–]KingsIswaterreallywet 75 指標 4 天前

They still use Dreymond getting suspended as an excuse


[–][GSW] James Michael McAdooTyre77 109 指標 4 天前

It's not an excuse, but it was a factor. It's not an either/or.

Draymond's an idiot for racking up technicals and it hurt the team immensely. Lebron played out of his mind and Golden State choked in a big moment



[–]HeatHuman_of_Prometheus 96 指標 4 天前

It's kind of really funny that the 2015 Warriors title is stained by all the injuries the Cavs had and the 2016 Cavs title is stained by the injuries and draymond's suspension.

I really wish KD hadn't gone to Golden State. Robbed us of the 2017 Finals we deserved. The one where the complete Cavs face the complete Warriors. That was the brightest timeline.




[–]I_haven-t_reddit 226 指標 4 天前

Fun trivia fact: Kobe has worn twice as many jersey numbers for the Lakers as LeBron has.


[–]barath_s 74 指標 4 天前

But lbj has more nba jerseys overall 3:2


[–]SpursMethodMango 276 指標 4 天前

If not for 2011 LeBron would be considered one of the most clutch players in history.


[–]Pacerseroddyrod 278 指標 4 天前

The last 6-7 years of his career have been ridiculously clutch. He’s single handedly destroyed my team’s hopes and dreams since 2011, and I can’t even hate him because dammit he’s great.


[–]Heatwritingandshit 89 指標 4 天前

He was unreal closing this year. Been saying for a while that if he didnt have a pure scorer on the roster, he could fill in and be their closer with a lot of success. His stepback and fadeway in the clutch was money all season


[–]Pacerseroddyrod 70 指標 4 天前

His fadeaway went to unreal levels this year. game 2 against the raptors where he only shot fadeaways to end the game was outrageous. And yea his step back 3 in the left corner is unstoppable too. Same with his quick post spin. He’s developed his go to shots over the last 3-4 years and now he seems ultra confident in his moveset.


[–]SunsKushOJ 36 指標 4 天前

I mean the "majority" can say whatever the hell they want but I remember 2007 when he scored the last 29 of 30 points against the Pistons in the ECF. If we can't call that clutch then idk what clutch is.





