



在英文中,通常用the Spring Festival travel season或Spring Festival travel rush来指称春运,后因为它渐成周期现象,老外也可以直接理解Chunyun或 the Chunyun period。


1.Spring Festival travel rush 春运


It's predicted that 388 million people will travel by train during the Spring Festival travel rush. 今年春运,预计铁路总旅客达3.88亿人次。

2.Ticket scalper 票贩子,黄牛

He bought the ticket at a high price from a ticket scalper. 他从一个票贩子手里高价买了张黄牛票。

3.High-speed rail 高速铁路


The council described the moves as temporary and said the government is still committed to high-speed rail. 国务院称这是暂时的举措,并说政府依然致力于高速铁路建设。

4.High-speed train 高铁列车

也可表达为“High-speed rail train”或“Bullet train”,中国铁路高速列车为China Railway High-Speed(CRH),与国外的列车有所区分。

Chinese high-speed train set another world speed record during a test run Friday, breaking its own record set just two months ago. 中国一列高速列车上周五试运营时再创世界速度纪录,打破了仅两个月前也是由中国创下的世界纪录。

5.Premier class 特等座

Wait here for premier class. 特等座旅客在此候车。

6.Business class 商务座

I wonder if you could upgrade me to business class? 我想问一下,你能不能帮我把座位调换到高级商务舱?

7.soft/hard seat 软/硬座

If you find a place in the soft seat car, the conductor will sell you the upgrade at your place. 如果你在软座车厢找到了一个座位,列车员会让你补票。

8.Overnight sleeper 卧铺

My husband and I arrived at the hotel early on Sunday morning, having travelled on the overnight sleeper train from Rome. 从罗马乘坐午夜的卧铺火车后,我和丈夫在周日早上很早就到达了酒店。

9.ID-based ticket booking system实名购票

People returning home for the Spring Festival can expect lengthy delays at train stations after the introduction of a new ID-based ticket booking system. 新的实名购票制度实行之后,春节回家过年的旅客在火车站候车的时间可能要延长了。

10.Reschedule a ticket 改签

也可表达为“change train tickets”。

Can I reschedule my return ticket from Delhi to Mumbai? 我可以改签从德令哈到孟买的回程机票吗?

11.Refund a ticket 退票

也可用“return train tickets”。

The passenger could change to a later flight or refund ticket in accordance with the carrier's regulations. 按承运人有关规定,旅客在误机后可办理改乘后续航班或退票。

12.Passenger flow 客流量

However, because of the huge passenger flow, passengers with small bags, such as waist packs, can actually escape security checks even now. 但由于客流巨大,目前携带腰包等小包的乘客事实上可以逃过安检。






