
So, if there's one thing which British people love and I'm in love to talk about, it is of course the weather. So, I got the idea for this video when I have recently had a visit from a builder who came to do some work.,下面我们就来说一说关于英国天气预报英文版?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!



So, if there's one thing which British people love and I'm in love to talk about, it is of course the weather. So, I got the idea for this video when I have recently had a visit from a builder who came to do some work.


I've recently moved into a new flat and of course, I have needed a few bits of work done by a builder. And I'm very awkward with small talk, much like many British people.


And the one thing that we always seem to resort to is the topic of the weather. The first tip I can give you is when you come to the UK, always be aware of what the weather is like.


Now, that should be easy because 9 times out of 10, it is raining, it's cloudy it's miserable and dark maybe we get one week of summer weather every year, two, if we're lucky. But generally, it's kind of cloudy, so it shouldn't be too hard to remember this.


Anyway, this builder he came into my flat which I've recently moved into. And we did the usual you know, "Alright? How are you? How's your day been? '


And then, we got to this kind of awkward silence moment. Of course, I started the conversation by saying, "It's a miserable day today, isn't it?"

然后,我们都尴尬地沉默了。当然,我一开始说:“It's a miserable day today, isn't it?(今天天气真糟糕,不是吗?)”

And just listen to my pronunciation firstly with this. "It's a miserable day today, isn't it?"

认真听我的发音。"It's a miserable day today, isn't it?"

So what I've done there is I've used something we call a question tag. Now, a question tag is when we add a question on the end of a statement to turn it into a question.


It's kind of like a question, but it's like we're saying something and we want someone to agree. So, I said to this guy, "It's a miserable day today, isn't it?"

这有点像一个问题,但表示我们希望对方同意我们在说的话。我对这个人说:"It's a miserable day today, isn't it?"

It was a way to start building a conversation, okay? So, we use the weather a lot here to build conversation.


We do use words like "miserable", "depressing", you know, kind of feelings or moods to express how the weather looks. And the reason why is because we talk about the weather so much here that just by saying "it's raining today", you know, that's that's kind of boring.

我们确实会用“miserable”,“depressing”这样的词来表达天气的样子。因为谈论天气太多了,所以说“it's raining today”显得有点无聊。

We like to make it sound a bit more interesting or else we'd be having the same conversation with everyone all the time. So, we need to have kind of more adjectives and more expressions that we can use.


So, today I have just a few for you, a few useful ones about different types of weather which you can use in your IELTS exam, with your friends, when you come to the UK, if you live in the UK, whatever your situation is. So, when it's cold, a very common word which we use is the word chilly.

因此,今天我就为大家准备了一些有用的关于不同天气类型的形容词,这些形容词可以用于你的雅思考试,你和朋友的对话,或者当你来英国的时候,当你住在英国,无论什么情况都适用。当天气冷的时候,我们常用的一个词就是 chilly(寒冷的)。

Firstly, let's look at the pronunciation of this. We have the short /i/ sound which is commonly mistaken for the long /i: / sound.


We have this situation of "ship" and "sheep". Well, in this situation, "chilly". Okay? /tʃi/.


So, what you need to do is lift your tongue slightly just behind the top teeth and just kind of around the bottom of the top teeth. And you should feel this, /i/.


Look at the shape of my mouth, /i/, chilly/ˈtʃɪli/, chilly/ˈtʃɪli/. Now, if it's chilly outside, I'm not talking about the noun which is the the red or green spicy spicy thing which we eat with a lot of Asian food or curries and things like that, I'm actually talking about the weather.

看我的嘴的形状,/i/, chilly/ˈtʃɪli/,chilly/ˈtʃɪli/。如果外面很 chilly,我说的不是那种红色或绿色的辣的东西,我们在亚洲食物中经常吃这种辣的东西,或者咖喱之类的,我说的是天气。

So if it's chilly outside, that actually means that it's kind of a little bit cold, okay? It's not really cold, but it's pretty cold.

所以如果外面很 chilly,这实际上意味着很冷。不是很冷,但相当冷。

If I want to take it to another level and I really want to over exaggerate which is something which British people also love to do, we love to exaggerate, I could say that it's freezing outside. Now, to freeze something is to turn it to ice.

如果我想把它提升到另一个层次,我真的想过分夸张,这也是英国人喜欢做的事情,我们喜欢夸张点,我可以说外面 freezing(结冰了)。把东西冻住就是把它变成冰。

Even if there is no ice outside, I could still say that it's freezing today. So this is a situation where we have the /i: / sound.

即使外面没有冰,我也可以说今天 freezing。这里就发/i:/音。

Remember I said about "ship" and "sheep"? Well, this one we could do "chilly" where we had that /i/ for when it's quite cold, "chilly", /i/, and "freezing".


They should sound very different, one's long, /i: /, "freezing", one short, /i/, "chilly". So, compare those two, pause the video if you need to.


So, if it's freezing outside, then that generally means that it's really cold, okay? But remember we do love to exaggerate, don't always take things we say too seriously.

所以,如果外面 freezing,那通常意味着很冷。但是请记住,我们喜欢夸张,不要总是把我们说的话太当真。

That's the best advice I can give you. My recommendation is to go to a thesaurus and look at adjectives and different ways of using the word "cold" or "freezing", and you'll always find a word that you can use to describe the weather outside.


Now, if it's raining, we have many many different expressions that we can use here because we need them because we're always talking about rain. So, when it's raining, it's cold, the clouds are dark.


Like I said before, we could say it's miserable, it's depressing, it's gloomy which means it's very dark. "Gloomy", look my mouth, /u: /, gloomy.

就像我之前说的,我们可以说 it's miserable,it's depressed,it's gloomy,意思是非常黑暗。"Gloomy",看我的嘴,/u:/,gloomy。

However, we also have a lot of expressions which we use to talk about the rain. I could say it's tipping down, /i/, remember that sound? Tipping, tipping.

然而,我们也有很多用来谈论雨的表达。我可以说 it's tipping down,/i/,还记得那个声音吗?Tipping,tipping。

So, if it's tipping down today, then that means it's heavy heavy rain, okay? So, imagine someone has a bucket and we went like this, we would be tipping or pouring the water.

所以,如果今天天气是 tipping down,那就意味着下大雨。想象有人拿着一个桶,我们像这样,我们倒水。

So, imagine someone is in the sky and they're tipping water on you. So, it's tipping down. It's pouring down.


We'll use the preposition "down" because it is falling down from the sky, it's not going sideways or up, is it? It's going down. And if you want to be extra rude, extra slangy then you could use the word "pissing".

我们用介词“down”,因为它是从天上掉下来的,不是往旁边掉,也不是往上面掉,它是往下掉。如果你想更加直接,更加俚语的话,你可以用 “pissing” 这个词。

You could say, "It's pissing down today." When it's not raining very heavily, we would call it drizzle, drizzle, drizzle.


Now, we're going to talk about the hot weather. So, much like when I said "freezing" for when it's cold, I could use something similar which is the opposite of freezing which would be "boiling" or "burning", okay?


So, you could say, "It's boiling today." And when we boil something, it's like when we boil water in the kettle for the cup of tea, we make it get so hot that it starts bubbling, right?


So, it's boiling today. So, look at the pronunciation of that, we have a diphthong in here which is a combination of two vowel sounds, /ɔɪ/.


It's boiling today, it's boiling today. A few others we use — scorching, /ɔː/, /skɔː/, scorching, quite difficult word there.

今天热得沸腾,今天热得沸腾。其他一些我们用的词:scorching(灼热的),/ɔː/,/ skɔː/,scorching,一个非常深的词。

Now, if it's scorching today, that just means it's really hot, almost burning. Now, usually when it's a hot day, when it's a nice sunny day, we'll often say, "It's a nice day today."

如果今天天气 scorching,那就意味着非常热,几乎要烧焦了。通常当天气热的时候,当天气晴朗的时候,我们会说,“今天天气很好。”

You could even say, "It's a lovely day today." If you're feeling even extra extra happy about the weather, you could say, "It's a beautiful day, it's a fantastic day."


You can use so many words to describe lovely weather. And just remember, with that adjective, what we tend to do with pronunciation is we like to make that word more stressed in our sentence.


So, if it's a lovely day, instead of saying it's a lovely day, I need to not sound like a robot or like a bored person. I want to make that word lovely sound like it really is lovely.


So, I would say, "It's a lovely day today, it's a lovely day today." So, we take that tone up a little bit more and add a bit more passion: It's a lovely day today.


Okay. So, the tone needs to go up. There's one more thing I wanted to talk about which is a type of weather we don't get much here in the UK.


But I'm sure lots of you maybe do in your countries which is what we call humidity or when it's humid outside. Now, this is when the air around you, the air we're breathing and the air that touches our skin outside is very hot, is warm and it's like nothing is cool, everything's hot, right?


Now, there's a word we use over here which is we will often say, "It's sticky outside", "It's a bit sticky today." And sticky refers to the fact that this hot air generally makes our skin feel a bit sticky, our clothes stick to us and we feel like a walking stellar tape.

现在,我们在这里用了一个词我们经常会说,“外面很潮湿”,“外面有点潮湿”。Sticky 指的是这种热空气,通常会使我们的皮肤感觉有点粘,我们的衣服粘在我们身上,我们感觉像一条行走的胶带。

It's sticky outside which just means it's humid. Sticky. So, you've got the /i/ and the /i: / here, sticky, so they should both sound different, those two vowel sounds.

外面很 sticky,意味着潮湿。Sticky。这个词这里有/i/ 和 /i:/两个音,sticky,这两个元音的发音应该是不同的。

Now, there are lots more things to learn in terms of pronunciation and and stress when you're expressing your feelings about the weather or also just generally describing things.?However, we would be here for a very long time.


So, what I recommend is if you really do want to learn more about pronunciation, go over to ETJEnglish. com and you can join my very detailed pronunciation course. And you'll also join me on whatsapp when you join the course and you can send me voice recordings.

所以,我的建议是,如果你真的想学习更多关于发音的知识,去 ETJEnglish.com,你可以加入我的非常详细的发音课程。当你参加课程时,你也可以在 whatsapp 上加我好友,你可以把语音录音发给我。

I can send you voice recordings. We kind of become friends.


Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this lesson today. I will see you in the next video next week. Cheers guys, bye!



