

全国高考“新考改”近几年陆续铺开,英语学科考试也从使用了10多年的题型变革到新的题型,以全国一卷为例,高考考全国一卷的省份有9个,分别是河南、河北、山西、江西、湖北、湖南、广东、安徽、福建,全国一卷分为文理科,考试科目有语文、数学、外语、文综/理综。 从2021年开始,这些省份开始进入新考改,英语I卷以山东卷为例,题型如下:





  • (1)与所给短文及段落开头语的衔接程度;
  • (2)内容的丰富性和对所给关键词语的覆盖情况;
  • (3)应用语法结构和词汇的丰富性和准确性;
  • (4)上下文的连贯性。



阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

The Meredith family lived in a small community. As the economy was in decline, some people in the town had lost their jobs. Many of their families were struggling to make ends meet. People were trying to help each other meet the challenges.

Mrs. Meredith was a most kind and thoughtful woman. She spent a great deal of time visiting the poor. She knew they had problems, and they needed all kinds of help. When she had time, she would bring food and medicine to them.

One morning she told her children about a family she had visited the day before. There was a man sick in bed, his wife, who took care of him and could not go out to work, and their little boy. The little boy - his name was Bernard - had interested her very much.

“I wish you could see him,” she said to her own children, John, Harry, and Clara. “He is such a help to his mother. He wants very much to earn some money, but I don't see what he can do.”

After their mother left the room, the children sat thinking about Bernard. “I wish we could help him to earn money,” said Clara. “His family is suffering so much.”

“So do I,” said Harry. “We really should do something to assist them.”

For some moments, John said nothing, but, suddenly, he sprang to his feet and cried, “I have a great idea! I have a solution that we can all help accomplish (完成).”

The other children also jumped up all attention. When John had an idea, it was sure to be a good one. I’ll tell you what we can do,” said John. “You know that big box of corn Uncle John sent us? Well, we can make popcorn (爆米花), and put it into paper bags, and Bernard can take it around to the houses and sell it.”



1. 续写词数应为150左右

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。


(1)When Mrs. Meredith heard of John's idea, she thought it was a good one, too.

(2)With everything ready. Bernard started out on his new business.




  • WHO: The Meredith family, Mrs. Meredith ane her children John, Harry, and Clara, Bernard’s family.
  • WHERE: a small community.
  • WHEN: a certain in the past.
  • WAHT: John, Harry, and Clara had ideads to help Bernard to earn money.


  • John shared his idea to help Bernard to earn money by making popcorn from his uncle's box of corn.


  • The children realize their dream in a positive and creative way, which respects Bernard's dignity simultaneously. Their solution can not only relieve Bernard’s trouble,but also ignites his kindness to other people in need.


  • 长短句的交替使用,“三短一长”符合阅读习惯
  • 语篇用词风格同给定文本的有机契合
  • 连接(过度)词的合理使用
  • 语句及行文逻辑的上下关联
  • 修辞的巧妙点缀
  • 拒绝脱离文本的“天马行空”和“饕餮盛宴”般的词语堆砌

(1)When Mrs. Meredith heard of John's idea, she thought it was a good one, too. Silently, she was waiting for his son to realize his marvelous dream, from which her other children would learn John’s heartily kindness. Harry and Clara, who would never want to fall behind, were struggling to find new ways to help Bernard and his family. To Mrs. Meredith’s satisfaction, her children’s speedy preparations greatly added to her sense of achievement.

(2)With everything ready. Bernard started out on his new business. Excitedly and hopefully, he visited his neighbors and friends to persuade them to join his campaign to help the poor as well as himself. Bernard together with Ms. Meredith’s children set off to raise money to buy paper bags and seek processing means for popcorn. Putting words saying For the needed, for the Society on the popcorn bags, their charity goods were immediately sold out. Money in hand, Bernard burst into tears and expressed his deep appreciation, promising to donate part of his portion to help other people in need.



  • 第一段:silently, marvelous dream, heartily kindness, to Mrs. Meredith’s satisfaction, speedy preparations, greatly, added to her sense of achievement
  • 第二段:Excitedly and hopefully, to persuade, campaign, as well as, together with, raise money, money in hand, burst into tears


  • Harry and Clara, who would never want to fall behind, were struggling to find new ways to help Bernard and his family.
  • Putting words saying For the needed, for the Society on the popcorn bags, their charity goods were immediately sold out. Money in hand, Bernard burst into tears and expressed his deep appreciation, promising to donate part of his portion to help other people in need.





  • 内容:内容的丰富性、故事发展的合理性,续写的完整性及与原文语境的融合程度;
  • 词汇语法:使用语言的多样性、准确性和恰当性;(语言为交际服务,不可一味使用所谓“高级”语言,要与原文语言特点保持一致。)
  • 篇章结构:上下文的衔接(包括续写段落之间的衔接)和全文的连贯性;


  • 词数少于130的,扣2分;
  • 拼写和标点符号是写作规范的一个方面,应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑,
  • 英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受;
  • 如书写较差,以至影响交际,将分数降低一个档次;




● 与所给短文融合度高,与所提供各段落开头语衔接合理;

● 内容丰富,故事发展合理、逻辑性强,续写完整,符合写作目的与情境;

● 所使用语法结构和词汇多样、准确和恰当,可能有个别错误,但完全不影响意义表达;

● 有效地使用了语句间的连接手段,结构清晰,意义连贯。


● 与所给短文融合度较高,与所提供各段落开头语衔接较为合理;

● 内容比较丰富,故事发展比较合理、有逻辑性,续写比较完整,比较符合写作目的与情境;

● 所使用语法结构和词汇较为丰富、准确,可能有些许错误,但完全不影响意义表达;

● 比较有效地使用了语句间的连接手段,结构比较清晰,意义比较连贯。


● 与所给短文关系较为密切,与所提供各段落开头语有一定程度的衔接;

● 写出了若干有关内容,故事发展有合理之处、有一定的逻辑性,续写基本完整,基本符合写作目的与情境;

● 应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求,虽有一些错误,但不影响意义的表达;

● 应用简单的语句间的连接手段,结构基本清晰,意义基本连贯。


● 与所给短文有一定的关系,与所提供各段落开头语有一定程度的衔接;

● 写出了一些有关内容,故事发展不太合理、逻辑性差,不太符合写作目的与情境;

● 语法结构单调、词汇项目有限,错误较多,影响了意义的表达;

● 较少使用语句间的连接手段,全文结构不够清晰,意义不够连贯。


● 与所给短文和开头语的衔接较差;

● 产出无关内容太多,故事发展不合理、不合逻辑,续写不完整,不符合写作目的与情境;

● 语法结构单调、词汇项目很有限,错误很多,严重影响了意义的表达;

● 缺乏语句间的连接手段,全文结构不清晰,意义不连贯。


● 未能传达给读者任何信息:内容太少,无法评判;所写内容均与所要求内容无关或所写内容无法看清。


