



Ⅰ. name的基本词义

⑴name [C] the word or words that a person, thing or place is known by名字,名称:

①What's your name?" "My name's Xiao Hai."“你叫甚么名字?”“我叫小海。”

②Please write your full (= complete) name and address on the form. 请在表格上填写全名和地址。

③What's the name of that village in the distance? 远处那座村庄叫什么名字?

④We finally agreed on the name Jiefang for our son. 最终我们一致同意给儿子取名解放。

⑤The students were listed by name and by country of origin.学生按照姓名和国籍登记入册。

⑥In the past, we Chinese used to give young children a milk name——a first name which they are at liberty to change,later on,for one of their own selection.Surely that custom is more civilized than ours.Many of us go through life detesting the names our parents inflicted upon us.Why not adopt the Chinese custom of the temporary name which children can drop if they want when they grow up?——Kropotkin过去,我们中国人给年幼的孩子取个乳名——他们可以自由改动的第一个名字。以后,又从几个名字中由自己选择一个定下来。的确,这个习惯要比我们的做法开明一些。我们不少人在生活经历中都嫌恶父母硬加在我们头上的名字。为什么不采取中国暂时取名的习惯,让孩子长大后自愿取舍他们的名字呢?——克鲁泡特金

⑵name名誉,名声 [C usually singular] the opinion or reputation that someone or something has

①She went to court to clear her name (= prove that the bad things said about her were not true).为了澄清名誉,她走上法庭。

②Their actions gave British football a bad name in Europe at that time. 他们的行为使得当时的英国足球在欧洲背上了恶名。

③They're trying to restore the good name of the manufacturer. 他们在努力挽回制造商的声誉。

⑶name名人;声誉好的人 [C] someone who is famous or has a good reputation

It seemed like all the big names in education were there today. 看来好像教育界的大人物今天都聚集在那里了。


Ⅱ. 由name构成的习惯用语idioms

by the name of sth: formal called 被叫作…,名叫…

I've got to talk to a professor by the name of Bing Sa.我得和一位冰撒的教授谈谈。

go by the name of sth自称为…, to give yourself a name which is not your real name

In the business world he goes by the name of Fushang.在商界他使用富商这个假名。

in the name of sb以(某人)的名义;在(某人)名下also in sb's name for someone or belonging to someone

①I've come to collect my tickets - I reserved them by phone yesterday in the name of Ma Yun. 我来取票——昨天我打电话来用马云的名字订的。

②The house is in my wife's name.这房子归于我妻子名下。

be a name to conjure with 鼎鼎大名;名字会令人产生美妙联想:to be a very important name, or an interesting name which gives you a mental picture of something pleasant or exciting

①In those days Churchill was still a name to conjure with. 那时丘吉尔还是一个如雷贯耳的名字。

②There's a name to conjure with! 这是一个让人浮想联翩的标题!

in all but name实际存在但未获正式认可;只缺正式名分,existing as a fact but not officially described that way

She is vice-president in all but name. 虽然没有正式任命,但事实上她已经是副总裁了。


in God/heaven's name 看在上帝的份儿上also in the name of God/heaven,used to add force to something which is said, although some people might find the use of 'God' offensive (加强语气用)

①What in God's name caused that outburst? 究竟是什么引发了这次情绪大爆发?

②Why in the name of God didn't you tell me sooner? 天哪,你为什么不早点儿告诉我?

in name only只在名义上, If a situation exists in name only, it is officially described that way, although that description is not true

A large percentage of the population is Catholic, though many are so in name only. 大部分人口都是天主教徒,虽然其中许多是有名无实。

(11)in the name of sth also in sth's name(said or done) in order to help a particular thing succeed(言行)以…的名义

What is said in the name of freedom is enough. 以自由的名义说的已经够多的了。

(12)in the name of sb/sth also in sb's /sth's name doing something as a representative of someone or something 代表…;用…的名义

The police shouted "Open up in the name of the law" before they broke the door down.警察在破门而入之前会大喊“我们要依法撞门了”。

They were arrested in the name of the police. 警方授权将他们逮捕。

As members of the union, we have the right to know what action the union is taking in our name. 作为协会成员,我们有权知道协会以我们的名义将采取什么行动。

(13)make a name for yourself: to become famous or respected by a lot of people扬名,成名

He's made a name for himself as a talented singer.他为自己赢得了天才歌唱家的名声。

(14)your name is mud:other people are angry with you because of something you have said or done名誉扫地

If he doesn't turn up tonight, his name will be mud. 如果他今晚不出现的话,他将声名狼藉。

(15)the name of the game: the most important part of an activity, or the quality that you most need for that activity (活动)最重要的部分,最需要的素质

People say that in politics the name of the game is making the right friends. 人们说在政界最重要的就是交对朋友。

(16)take sb's name in vain humorous,to criticize someone or talk about someone without respect, especially when they are not there 滥用某人家名义;(尤指在背后)肆意批评(某人),说(某人)的闲话


Ⅲ. 由Name构成的中外名言谚语

1.Name is better than riches. 好名誉胜过有财富。

2.A good name is earlier lost than won. 失去美名易,得到美名难 。

3.A good name is sooner lost than won. 美誉难得而易失。

4.Do not concern yourself with anxiety for the shadow of a great name.——Thomas Kempis别为一个伟大名字上的阴影而烦恼。——托马斯·坎皮斯

5.A good name lost is seldom regained. When character is gone,all is gone,and one of the richest jewels of life is lost forever.——Hawes败坏了的好名声难以收回。名声没有了,一切都没有了,生命中一颗最珍贵的宝石永远失去了。——霍耶斯

6.I hate the man who builds his name on ruins of another’s fame.——John Gay我憎恨这样的人,把名声建立在损害别人的声望上。——约翰·盖伊

7.It is a heavy burden to bear a name that is too famous.——Voltaire名声太大是一个沉重的负担。——伏尔泰

8.When a tiger dies,he leaves his skin;when a man dies,his name.——Chinese Proverb虎死留皮,人死留名。——中国谚语

9.No monument gives such glory as an unsullied name.——Judah没有什么纪念碑能比清白名声那样荣耀。——裘德

10.My name and memory I leave to men’s charitable speeches,to foreign nations,and to the next age.——Bacon我把我的名字和死后的名声留在人们宽厚的谈话中,留给异国,留给下个时代。——培根




