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Dear you, this is LearningYard Academy. Today, the editor brings you various uses of the tab key, welcome your visit!

1.快速调整word中多行文字的位置:如下图选中文字,按tab键即可向右移动,shift tab键则是向左调整。

1. Quickly adjust the position of multi-line text in word: select the text as shown in the figure below, press the tab key to move to the right, and the shift tab key to adjust to the left.



2. Quick typesetting: use the tab key to align text or options in word, select the text-paragraph-tab position, after setting, select the content that needs to be aligned, and press the tab key to align one by one.


3. Quickly insert a row: If you want to insert a blank row at the bottom of the table, position the cursor in the last cell of the table and press the tab key.

4.实现多窗口预览、切换:win tab键,可实现桌面多窗口预览、切换。

4. Realize multi-window preview and switch: win tab key can realize multi-window preview and switch on the desktop.


5.快速切换登录输入框:注册、登录某些账号网站时,按tab键可从上到下切换输入框,shift tab键即反向切换。

5. Quickly switch the login input box: When registering or logging in to some account websites, press the tab key to switch the input box from top to bottom, and the shift tab key switches in the reverse direction.

6.快速切换浏览器窗口:按ctrl tab可快速切换打开的各个网页。

6. Quickly switch browser windows: Press ctrl tab to quickly switch between open web pages.

7.alt tab键:在已打开的应用之间切换。按下alt tab键,继续按alt键,可看到当前打开的窗口页面,按一下tab可以切换窗口。

7. alt tab: switch between open applications. Press the alt tab key, continue to press the alt key, you can see the currently open window page, press the tab to switch the window.


8. Quick first line indentation: If you want to indent the first line of a paragraph, place the cursor directly in front of the paragraph and press the tab key to achieve the first line indentation.

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