
The bear is a kind of strong animal. They are many kinds of bears. People can find them in North America, South America and Asia. Bears usually have a big body with short legs. They can stand up on their back legs .Usually bears can climb and swim very well.

Bears' fur is very thick to keep them warm. They can smell far but they can't see far. The biggest bear is the polar bear,and sun beat is the smallest and it's as big as a dog.American black bears only live in North America. Their fur is usually black,but it's not always this color.

Bears usually sleep for the whole winter. Before they started to sleep they eat a lot and become very fat. The mother bear has babies then. The babies are blind when they are born. Because they could see nothing,they do many things with the help of their mother.

Bears are much cleverer than most animals in the world. They know how to run away from a person and get food by themselves. You may see how clever they are when they ask for for food from people at the zoo. They sit up and hold out their "hands "like people. You may have to teach dog to do so,But bear can learn this by themselves.







