





1. safe adj.安全的 n.保险箱

safely adj.安全地

safety n.安全

He came back safe and sound. 他安然无恙地回来了。

2. sale n.出售,销售; 销售量/额(多用复数) v.销售

for sale 待售;出售

on sale 廉价出售

3. same adj. 相同的,同样的

Don’t speak at the same time.

I have the same bike as you.

4. satisfaction n. 满意

to one’s satisfaction 让某人满意的是

satisfy vt. 使满意/满足

satisfy one’s need/desire/demand 满足某人的需要/愿望/要求

satisfied adj. 感到满意/满足的

satisfying adj. 令人满意/满足的

5. save vt.挽救;节省;保留;避免,省得

I am saving for a new bike.

Thanks for sending that letter for me—it saved me a trip.

6. say. vt. 说,写有(said-said)

The sign says “ No Smoking”. 牌子上写着“禁止吸烟”。

7. schedule n. 时间表,日程表 v. 安排,排定

a train schedule 列车时刻表

ahead of schedule 提前

We have scheduled the meeting for Monday. 我们把会议安排在周一。

8. scold vt. 责骂,训斥

scold sb for sth/doing sth 因......而责备某人

9. score. v. 得分,打分 n. 得分,分数;20个

two score of books 四十本书

He won the game with a score of 2:1. 他以2:1的比分赢得了这场比赛。

scores of books 许多书

score a point (在比赛中)赢得一分

10. search v/n. 搜寻,搜查

in search of sb/sth 寻找某人/某物

11. season n. 季节,赛季,旺季

in season 旺季

out of season 在淡季

12. seat n. 座位 vt. 使...…就座,容纳

take a seat = sit down

seat oneself in the chair= be seated in the chair

We want to rent a bus which can seat 40 people.

13. secret adj. 秘密的 n. 秘密

keep sth (a ) secret from sb 把某事对某人保密

in secret 秘密地

14. secure adj. 安全的;牢靠的;无忧无虑的;有把握的

a secure job 一份牢靠的工作

a secure age 无忧无虑的年纪

be secure of 确保/确信......

security n. 安全;保证;证券;抵押品

15. see v. (saw, seen) 看见,领会,明白

see sb do sth 看到某人做了某事

see through 看穿,看透

see sb doing sth 看到某人正在做某事

see sb off 给某人送行

see to sb/sth/doing 照看/负责......

You see to it that the windows are all closed.

16. seek v.寻找,寻求

She managed to calm him down and seek help from a neighbor.

seek one’s fortune 寻求财富/运气

17. seem v. 好像,似乎

He seems (to be) happy/a good man.

He seems to have said it.

It seems to me that… 在我看来...…

Aftre what seemed several hours, he left.

18. seize v.抓住,理解

He seized her by the arm. 他抓住他的胳膊。

seize a chance/an opportunity

19. sell v.(sold-sold) 卖,售出;【喻】出卖

sell sb sth =sell sth to sb

He sold the book for $5. = He sold the book at the price of $5.

These books sell well .

be sold out 被卖光

20. send v.(sent-sent) 寄,送,用无线电波发送信号;打发,派遣;使变得

send a message

send him a telegram(电报)

A telegram sent him hurrying home.

send for sb 派人去叫某人

21. sense n. 感官;感觉;…感;情理,道理;意义 vt. (隐约)感到,领会

a sense of sight/touch/smell/humor/duty/direction/language/music/business

common sense 常识

There is no sense in waiting here. 在这里等没有意义。

The sentence doesn’t make sense. 这个句子讲不通。

Can you make sense of the poem. 你能弄清这首诗的意思吗?

22. separate v. 分开,隔开 adj. 分开的,不相连的;单独的,独立的

Separate the good ones from the bad.

The children sleep in separate beds.

23. serious adj. 严肃的,认真的,严重的

Please be serious about your work.

take sth seriously 认真对待某人

24. serve vt. 为...…服务;接待;对…有用;供应,上(饭菜等);vi. 服务,服役;接待,招待;适用

serve the country/the people

He has served in the army for three years.

serve as 担任,充当

service n. 服务(行为);服侍,招待;公共设施,业务;使用

I am at your service. 我为您服务。

25. set vt.(set-set-setting)放,摆;指定,规定;装置,调整;使处于某种状态;使…...做某事;树立,出(题)

set foot on… 踏上......

set a standard 设定一个标准

set...free 释放......

set an example to sb

set aside 留出,拨出

set off 动身,出发;燃放,使爆炸

set out 动身,出发

set out to do 开始,着手

set up 建立,开办

The sun has set.(vi. 落,下沉)

26.settle vt. 解决,调停;整理;使平静;安放;支付,结账 vi. 安定,定居;停息,停留;稳定下来

settle a question

settle (down) in New York 在纽约定居

A bird settled on the branch.

27. shade n. 阴(影),阴凉处【u】;(色彩的)浓淡【c】

in the shade of a tree

28. shake (shook-shaken) vt. 摇动,抖动;使发抖 vi. 震动,发抖

shake hands with sb 和某人握手

He was shaking with cold. 他冷得发抖。

29. shame n. 羞愧(感),羞耻(心)【u】;[a ~] 一种耻辱,遗憾的事,可耻的人/事物

He is a shame to his school/family.

What a shame it is to lie! 说谎是件多么可耻的事啊!

30. shape n. 样子,形状,形态;体现,具体形式 v. (使)形成,塑造,具体化

in good shape 完整无损,状态良好,体型很好

out of shape 走样,身体状况不佳

It is shaped like a bell. 它形状像个钟/铃。

31. share vt. 分配;分享;分担;n. (一)份儿;份额;股份

share apples among the children

share joys and sorrows(悲伤)with sb

I will take my share of the money.

32. sharp adj. 锐利的;敏锐的,灵敏的;尖酸的,刻薄的;剧烈的

a sharp knife

sharp eyes

sharp sense of smell

a sharp boy

sharp words

a sharp pain

a sharp turn 急转弯

sharpen v.削尖;使敏捷;尖锐;变锋利

sharply adv.

33. sheet n. 被单,床单;薄片/板,(一)片/块

put clean sheets on the beds

a sheet of paper/ice

34. shock vt/n.(使)震惊,打击,震动,电击

I was shocked by/at the news.

The news was a shock to me.

He got shocked when he touched the wire.

If you touch the wire, you’ll get a shock.

He couldn’t recover from the shock of his son’s death.

35. shoe n. 鞋

a pair of shoes

two pairs of shoes

put on /take off one’s shoes 穿鞋/脱鞋

be in one’s shoes 处于某人的位置/处境

36. shoot v.(shot-shot)发射,射击,射中,投掷;拍摄 n. 射击;投篮;嫩芽

shoot a person dead 射死某人

shoot sb in the head 射中某人头部

shoot a scene 拍一场戏

shoot at… 射击......

37. short adj. 短的,短期的,近的;矮的;缺少的, 不足的 be short of 缺少......

be short for… 是...…的缩写

in short 简言之

shorten v.缩短,减少

38. shoulder n. 肩(膀)vt. 肩负,扛;用肩膀挤

shoulder a task 承担一项任务

He looked over his shoulder. 他回过头看。

He has broad shoulders. 他有宽阔的肩膀。

shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩地;齐心协力地

39. show v. 给看,展示,显示,出示;展出;指示;引导,带领

show sb sth=show sth to sb

Show me how to do it.

show sb around

show off 卖弄,炫耀

show up 露面,揭露

on show 展出

40. shower n. 阵雨,淋浴 v.大量地给予;淋浴;下阵雨

be caught in a shower 淋了阵雨

have/take a shower 进行淋浴

41. shut v.(shut-shut-shutting) 关,闭,合拢

shut one’s mouth/ eyes

The door won’t shut.

shut down 放下来关住;关闭,停业

shut up 关闭,闭嘴

46. sick adj. 患病的;恶心的【只作表语】;渴望的,向往的

homesick 想家的

a sick man

be ill in bed 卧病在床

fall ill 生病了

47. side n. 边,旁边,侧面;一方,一派

Every coin has two sides. 事物都有两面性。

Which side are you on? 你站在哪一边?

on all sides=on every side 在各方面

She is excellent on all sides. 她在各方面都很优秀。

48. sight n.视力,视觉;望见;视野[u];景象[c]

I have good/bad sight.

catch sight of 看见......

at first sight 乍一看

lose sight of 看不见......

out of sight 看不见;在视野之外

at the sight of 一看见......就......

in sight 看的见,被看到

the beautiful sights of Beijing 北京的美丽景色

49. sign n. 符号;预兆,迹象;牌子,招牌,标记;手势 v.签字,签名,示意

A dark cloud is a sign of rain.

There were signs that they would succeed. 他们有会成功的迹象。

Please sign (your name)on the paper. 请在文件上签名。

The policeman signed them to stop. 警察示意他们停下来。

50. silence n. 寂静;沉默

silent adj. 寂静的;沉默的,无声的

keep silence/silent 保持沉默

listen in silence 静静地听

51. similar adj. 类似的,相似的

similarly adv.

be similar to sth. 和......相似

52. simple adj. 简单的;朴素的;单纯的

live a simple life=live simply

He is as simple as a child.

simply adv. 简单地;朴素地;仅仅,只不过;简直,完全

53. since prep. 自从...… adv.从那以后 conj. 自从…...以来; 既然

He has lived here since then/1949.

He left the town in 1980 and I haven’t seen him (ever) since.

It is/has been 3 years since we parted.

Since you are all here, let’s make a decision.

54. single adj. 单一的,单个的,单程的;单身的,独身的;单人的 n. 单打比赛

Not a single tree could be seen. 看不到一棵树。

a single ticket 一张单程车票

a single man 一个单身男人

This room has two single beds. 这个房间有两张单人床。

55. sink v. (sank-sunk)使下沉,沉没,下沉,低沉

The ship sank into the river.

sink into a chair 一屁股坐在椅子里

Hearing the news, his heart sank. 听到这个消息,他的心一下子沉了下去。

56. sit vi.(sat-sat-sitting) 坐,(鸟等)栖息

sit down

sit at the desk 坐在桌子旁

sit at table 就席,进餐

57. situation n. 位置,形势,局面,境遇,处境

the international situation 国际形势

58. size n. 大小,尺寸,号码

be of a size=be of the same size 相同大小/尺寸

The two houses are of a size.=The two houses are of the same size. 这两座房子大小一样。

59. sky n.天空

in the sky

a blue sky

60.sleep n/v. 睡觉

I didn’t get much sleep last night. 昨晚我睡得很少。

fall into sleep 睡着了

have a sound sleep 睡个好觉

sleep well/deeply/soundly/badly

61. slide v.(slid, slid) v. (使)滑动;滑落;不知不觉陷入;溜;悄悄地迅速放置 n. 滑动;幻灯片;滑梯;雪崩

She slid out while no one was looking.没人看着时她溜了出去。

The man slid the money quickly into his pocket.这个男人悄悄地迅速把钱放入他的口袋里。

62. slight adj.

① 轻微的,少量 a slight fever

② 小的,微不足道的 a slight mistake

③ 纤细的, 瘦的

a young girl of slight build 身材瘦小的少女

not in the slightest/ not at all 一点也不,毫不

slightly adv.略微地,轻微地

The man was slightly hurt.

63. slow adj. 慢的;笨的;迟钝的 v.放慢;变慢

slowly adv.

slowness n.

Progress was slower than expected.

slow down 慢下来,放慢速度

64. smell link-v. 闻起来 v. 闻; 嗅; 觉察到(smelled-smelled; smelt-smelt) n. 气味;嗅觉

Dinner smells good.

Can you smell something burning? 你能闻到有东西烧着了吗?

He smelt danger. 他觉察到了危险。

Dogs have a very good sense of smell. 狗有很好的嗅觉吗?

65. smile v/n.微笑

She smiled at him and he smiled back.

He smiled with relief. 他欣慰地笑了。

He is wearing(面露)a big/forced/cold smile.

66. snake n. 蛇 v.迂回前进

The road snaked away into the distance. 这条路蜿蜒到远方。

The soldiers snaked their way through the narrow street. 这些士兵迂回地进入了这条狭窄的街道。

67. social adj.

① 社会的 ,有关社会的

social reforms 社会改革

② 社交的,交际的

③ 群居的 Man is a social animal.

society n. 社会 in society

68. soon adv. 马上; 很快; 不久

How soon will we be back?

Please send it as soon as possible.

sooner or later 迟早

no sooner…than … 一......就......

69. sort n. 种类 类别 品种 v. 整理 把...…分类 ; 处理 安排

There are all sorts of jobs you could do.

sort (out) the letters 整理分类这些信件

It is our problem. We will get it sorted.

sort of = kind of 有点儿

He is sort of nervous.

70. sound n. 声音 声响 v. 听起来

Sound travels more slowly than light. 声音传播地比光慢。

His voice sounded strange on the phone.

71. space n. 空间;空地;太空

The desk takes up too much space. 这张桌子占据了太多空间。

Can we make space/room for an extra chair? 我们能再给一把椅子腾出空间来吗?

in outer space 在外太空

72. spare adj. 不用的 闲置的;备用的;空闲的 多余的

We have a spare bedroom, if you like to stay.

a spare key/tyre

in one’s spare time

v. 尽力 破费;抽出 匀出(时间、金钱等);饶命(spare one’s life)

He spared no effort to make her happy.

Surely you can spare me a few minutes.

73. speak(spoke-spoken) v. 说话;提起,讲述 ;发表讲话,演讲

He speaks with a strange accent(口音).

speech n.演讲 讲话 发言;说话的能力;戏剧中的台词

give/make/deliver a speech

the power of speech 演讲的力量

74. special adj. 特殊的 不寻常的;重要的,特别关注的;有专门目的的

There is something special about this place.

What are your special interests?

a special moment

n. 特价产品;特价

The menu changes regularly and there are daily specials to choose from.

specially adv. 专门地 特意地

75. speed v.(sped-sped / speeded-speeded)加速,迅速前行 n.(运动的)速度

speed up 加速

The car sped along the road.

The drug will speed her recovery. 这种药加速了她的康复。

at a speed of 以......的速度

at top/full speed 以最快的速度

He reduced the speed and turned sharp left.

76. spell v.(spelt-spelt / spelled-spelled)拼写,拼读

How do you spell your name?

spell out 拼写出

You know what I mean—I am sure I don’t need to spell it out

77. spend v.(spent-spent)度过,花费

spend time/money on sth.

spend time/money in doing

We spent the weekend in Paris.

78. spirit n. 精神;心灵

the power of human spirit to overcome difficulties

in high/low spirits 情绪高涨/低落

79. spot n.点;斑点;污点,瑕疵;(太阳的)黑点 v. 点缀,弄脏,使有污点

on the spot 当场,立即,在现场

The night sky is spotted with stars. 夜晚的天空点缀着星星。

80. spread v/n.(spread-spread)传播,散布;蔓延;展开;伸展;铺开 Spread a piece of cloth on the table. 铺一块布在桌子上。

The disease spread quickly. 这种疾病蔓延的很快。

Spread butter on the bread. 在面包上涂黄油。

prevent the spread of disease 防止疾病传播

81. spy n. (pl.spies) 间谍,密探,特务 v. 从事间谍活动

a police spy 一个警探

spy on 暗中注视,偷偷的瞧

82. stand v. (stood-stood)站立,直立,位于(某处)某种状态,承受,忍受 n. 态度,观点,货摊

Stand still while I take a photo of you. 我给你照相时站着别动。

The house stood empty for a long time. 这所房子空了很长时间了。

Modern plastics can stand(承受)very high and very low temperatures.

stand out 突出,出色

stand by 站在......旁,支持

stand for 代表,象征

83. starve v.(使)挨饿,饿死

starvation n.

The animals were left to starve to death.

84. state n. 状态,状况;州 v. 陈述;声明;公布

in a good state/in good condition 处于良好的状态

She was in a state of shock. 她处于震惊的状态中。

the southern states of the US 美国南部的州

The facts are stated in the report. 这些事实在报告中被陈述

85. status n.身份,地位 ,名望

raise the status of workers 提高工人地位

have a high social status 有很高的社会地位

86. stay v.停留;保持 持续是 ;暂留 逗留 n. 停留 逗留 作客

Stay there and don’t move.

He never stays angry for long.

I stayed 3 nights at my cousin’s house.

stay away 外出,不在家

87. steady adj. 稳步的;持续的;稳固的

We are making slow but steady progress.

Such fine work requires a good eye and a steady hand.

88. stress n. 压力;强调;紧张;重要性;重读 vt. 强调;使紧张;加压力于;用重音读

Things can easily go wrong when people are under stress.

She lays great stress on punctuality.

89. steal v.(stole-stolen)偷窃,剽窃

My wallet was stolen last night.

90. step n. 迈步;距离;步骤 措施;阶段 v. 迈步;行走

The hotel is only a short step from the beach.

We are taking steps to prevent pollution. 我们正在采取措施防止污染。

Mind/Watch your steps. 留心脚下。

She opened the door and stepped out into the sunshine. 她打开门,走出去,到了阳光里。

