make full use of是什么意思(makeuseof)

make full use of是什么意思(makeuseof)(1)

make use of 利用;使用(=take advantage of )

在use前可用good, the best ,much ,more ,little ,full等表示程度的词修饰。

make full use of是什么意思(makeuseof)(2)

Since you've got a chance, you should make full use of it .既然你得到了一个机会,你应该好好利用它。

Every minute should be make good use of to go over your lessons.每一分钟都要好好利用来复习你的功课。

Thank you, we'll make good use of this information.谢谢你,我们会好好利用这则消息的。

I am sure I can make good use of the gift you gave me.我保证会珍惜你送我的礼物。

We will make use of this book.我们会阅读这本书的。

I hope readers will make use of this dictionary.我希望读者们能够用到这本词典。

The coach makes use of everyone on the team, so no one ever feels left out during a game.教练调动了团队中的每一个人,所以在比赛中没有人觉得自己被遗忘。

Can you make use of these papers? 你能用到这些文件吗?

We were unable to make use of the items you shipped to us.你邮给我们的物品,我们都不会用。

make full use of是什么意思(makeuseof)(3)


