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Sherry worked overtime on Saturday yesterday and practiced driving today. She is exhausted.Sherry got on the bus and fell asleep.However, the dream was so disturbed by the passionate chat in the back row.Sherry wanted very much to turn her head to see what was going on between the two of them, but finally she had to resist.Because Shelly was in the second row from the bottom, looking back would make everyone feel awkward. After all, such a fast line still has a long way to go.Put up with it!Anyway, she can't sleep, so just listened to what they were talking about.In a conversation between a man and a woman, it was clear that the female voice was leading the conversation, while the male voice was mostly in agreement.

About getting married.The female voice said in the past to get married needs to match, now people do not pay attention to those.Girls demand high, such as having a house, a car and savings, and he'd better be a nice man who is good at cooking.Married girls don't necessarily have babies.Girls are so choosy these days.There are also some girls who have different views.What do you do with all that money?With houses, cars, tickets and everything else, do we still need to struggle?The rich don't last three generations.The rich offspring is always unambitious and easily degenerate.Now some girls do not look for rich people, for they want to experience the fun of struggling.

About the house.Foreigners are more open-minded.We Chinese people are busy all our lives just for houses and cars and tickets.Earn money for ourself, but also for our own sons and daughters.The most interesting one is a 50-year-old grandmother who has a house and a car for her children and herself.When others flatter her, she says that their grandchildren have not had yet?The female voice said that when she heard this, she wanted to ask her that now that you don't have grandchildren, why do you start worrying about buying a house for them?

About Macao.'He doesn't gamble, and his children don't gamble either,' the woman quoted Macau gambling tycoon Stanley Ho as saying in a media interview. 'There's always someone coming to give them money, and they have enough money.'(I am not sure about if it is from the gambling king) why there are the mainland people gambling in Macao casinos?Slot machines let you win first, and then you go to the casino.Every time you pass, the monitor scans your face and categorizes it.If you are classed as rich, the system will automatically track your assets and the casino will have a Rolls-Royce to pick you up.If you are classified as average, they just send free buses to pick you up.Finally, you have fun at the casino and keep sending money to the casino.

About fraud. The woman asked the boy if he had seen the pyramid. The current pyramid is very organized. There is a routine for the elderly. Let's say five yuan starts. If you do some simple operations, such as moving money from one microsignal to another, you can get five blocks ten, one hundred and a hundred... The old people felt special content, slowly increasing their bargaining chips, and thought the money was profitable. But you can't see your own money after you get a certain amount of money. Women's voice concludes that we can make money by providing services, or earning a difference, and the others are unreliable. Then they talk about their business, mainly about their agents where they work with manufacturers to offer the best price to their customers.The cooperation atmosphere is also very good.Taxes, for example.All the agents are in one area.A good policy of the company is to draw lots to pay taxes. Some people are responsible for areas that haven't been drawn for ten years, so they don't have to pay taxes.

The two people were talking very hot, and suddenly the bus came to a brake, and a little boy about four years old in the middle of the back row fell down. I looked around and glanced at the child. The woman clutched the baby tightly.At first glance, I thought the female voice was the child's grandmother.As a result, the female voice said thanks to mother pull you, it's ok.A tall, thin, grey-haired man in the front row also turned to look on with concern.The female said:" go to father there quickly."

When the bus arrived at the terminal, the well-informed woman and a grey-haired man led a little girl and a little boy to say goodbye to the boy they had just chatted with.They added WeChat to each other.The woman said, "Come to my home whenever you are free. My husband is very nice. We can go to the mountains to talk about business together."

Quality is all around us. I often hear around people say that wealth will not last to the third generation. However,what I really want to know is what is the view of the real rich? It seems that I still need to practice my car, and I believe that I will meet more interesting people in a different way. Maybe there are some things you can do to give your family and friends a chance to experience more of a different quality of life.


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