






  • 1、主语并列:


Parents, educators, physicians, and researchers began to question what the impact of these changes might be.

Huge amounts of money, large-scale infrastructure construction, and technical assistance all appear to be an ideal solution.

  • 2、表语并列:


The game-show contestant was told to be cheerful, charming, and enthusiastic.

  • 3、形容词重复:


Playing violent games leads to increased physiological arousal, increased aggressive thoughts, increased aggressive feelings, increased aggressive behaviors, and decreased prosocial helping.

  • 4、动词并列:


The good reasons for studying abroad are fairly straightforward: It is an experience that will help broaden a student's worldview, provide opportunities to travel and meet new people, build confidence, and even develop strong foreign language skills.




1 Let us be ruthless in our criticism, cruel to personal vanities, indifferent to age, rank or experience if these stand in our way.

点评:Ruthless in,Cruel to 和indifferent to是三个“形容词加介词”形式的排比,词汇不同,但格式相同。

2 It does not do to live in memories, in regrets for the good old days, or in sadness about friends who are dead. One’s thoughts must be directed to the future, and to things about which there is something to be done.

点评:in memories, in regrets 和in sadness是“介词加名词”形式的排比。Be directed to the future 和to things 是反复。

3 The feeling of the nation must be quickened; the conscience of the nation must be roused; the propriety of the nation must be startled; the hypocrisy of the nation must be exposed; and its crimes against God and men must be proclaimed and denounced.

点评:must be quickened, must be roused, must be startled, must be exposed 和 must be proclaimed and denounced 既是排比(主系表结构),又是反复(must词汇)

4 On hearing the news, he was angered, and I was saddened.

点评:he was angered, and I was saddened.属于排比,结构相同。

5 The politician is concerned with successful elections, whereas the statesman is interested in the future of his people.

点评:be concerned with和be interested in 是结构相同,属于排比。

6 In Plato’s opinion man was made for philosophy; in Bacon’s opinion philosophy was made for man.

点评:man was made for philosophy和philosophy was made for man是结构相同,特别是意思相反,属于排比。

7 My job includes checking the inventory, initialing the orders, and calling the suppliers.


8 Grandmother likes to read mystery novels, to do needlepoint, and to browse the Internet on her home computer.

点评:to read mystery novels, to do needlepoint, 和 to browse the Internet是三个不定式并列。属于排比。


1 The novelty store sells hand buzzers, plastic fangs, and insects that are fake.

答案:hand buzzers, plastic fangs, and fake insects才是“定语 名词”的结构并列。

2 Many people share the same three intense fears: being in high places, working with numbers and speeches.

答案:being in high places, working with numbers and making speeches才是“doing”的结构并列。

3 To decide on a career, students should think closely about their interests, hobbies, and what they are skilled at.

答案:their interests, hobbies, and skills才是“their 名词”的结构并列。

4 At the body shop, the car was sanded down to the bare metal, painted with primer, and red enamel was sprayed on.

答案:painted with primer, and sprayed on with red enamel才是“分词 介宾短语”的结构并列。

5 In order to become a dancer, Lola is taking lessons, working in amateur shows, and auditioned for professional companies.

答案:taking lessons, working in amateur shows, and auditioning for professional companies.才是“doing”的结构并列。

6 Juan’s last job offered security; a better chance for advancement is offered by his new job.

答案:security and a better chance for advancement这俩才是名词的结构并列。

7 People in today’s world often try to avoid silence, whether on the job, in school, or when relaxing at home.

答案:whether on the job, in school, or at home.这三个介词短语结构才是并列的。

8 My three favorite jobs were veterinary assistant, gardener, and selling toys.

答案:veterinary assistant, gardener, and toy seller.这才是三个职业的并列。

9 The politician trusted no one, rewarded loyalty, and was dependent only on his own instincts.

答案:trusted no one, rewarded loyalty, and depended on his own instincts 才是三个动词的并列。

10 If we’re not careful, we’ll leave the next generation polluted air, contaminated water, and forests that are dying.

答案:polluted air, contaminated water, and dyingforests 这才是“定语 名词”的结构并列。

11 Jesse prefers books that are short, scary, and filled with suspense.

答案:short, scary, and full of suspense.才是形容词的并列。

12 A sale on electrical appliances, furniture for the office, and stereo equipment begins this Friday.

答案:electrical appliances, office furniture, and stereo equipment这才是“定语 名词”的结构并列。

13 To escape the stresses of everyday life, I rely upon watching television, reading books, and my kitchen.

答案:watching television, reading books, and staying in my kitchen.这是doing的并列,或者rely on television, books, and kitchen这是三个名词的并列。

14 The keys to improving grades are to take effective notes in class, to plan study time, and preparing carefully for exams.

答案:to take effective notes in class, to plan study time, and to prepare carefully for exams.这是三个to do不定式的并列。

15 Qualities that I look for in friends are a sense of humor, being kind, and dependability.

答案:a sense of humor, kindness, and dependability.是三个名词的名列。


16 The homeless woman shuffled among the street, bent over to pick something up, and was putting it in her shopping bag.

17 Housekeeping shortcuts will help you speed up doing laundry, cleaning rooms, and food on the table.

18 Studying a little every day is more effective than to cram.

19 The chickens travel on a conveyor belt, where they are plucked, washed, rinsed, and bags are put on them.

20 The speaker impressed the audience because of his clear, reasonable presentation with friendliness as well.

21 Paying college tuition and not studying is as sensible as to buy tickets to a movie and not watching it.

22 The best programming on television includes news coverage, shows on science, and children’s series.

23 Curling overgrown vines, porch furniture that was rotted, and sagging steps were my first impressions of the neglected house.

24 The little girl came home from school with a tear-streaked face, a black eye, and her shirt was torn.

25 There are two ways to the top floor: climb the stairs or taking the elevator.



