
Dr. Barr:You must find that very peaceful.


Bree:Why would you assume that?


Dr. Barr:Because that's all you've been doing for three sessions.I still don't know anything about you, except that you rake in remarkably straight lines.


Bree:Is that what you're doing, asking me all those ridiculous questions about my childhood, trying to get to know me? Well, here's a clue. I'm not crazy.I just have a few issues.


Dr. Barr: And psychotherapy is how we help you deal with those issues.What kind of treatment did you think you were going to get?


Bree:Honestly, I was hoping that you'd medicate the hell out of me.


Dr. Barr:You don't need anything stronger than what I've already prescribed for you.


Bree:I have aspirin at home that packs more of a punch.


Dr. Barr:It says here your husband died, you had a boyfriend who killed himself, and you suffer from alcoholism. That's a lot of trauma for one year. What about your kids?


Bree:Oh, they're fine.Andrew is backpacking through Europe, and Danielle is away at cheerleading camp.


Dr. Barr:What's your relationship with them like?


Bree:What do you mean?


Dr. Barr:Are you close?Do they share things with you?What do you feel about them?


Bree:You know, I really don't have time for this nonsense.Are you going to give me some serious drugs or not?


Dr. Barr:No.


Bree:Fine. Then I'm going back to my room.


Dr. Barr:You know, Bree, I can't force you to open up to me, but I can make it easier for you to focus on your problems.


Bree:And how are you going to do that?


Dr. Barr:I'm going to tell the orderlies to confiscate all your personal items.


Bree:I committed myself voluntarily.


Dr. Barr:When you signed those papers I became responsible for your well-being, and I will help you in any way I see fit.


Bree:I don't need that much help, because I am not like your other patients.


Dr. Barr:Oh, sure, you are.You just don't know it yet.


psychotherapy[ˌsaɪkoʊˈθerəpi] n.心理治疗; 精神治疗;

prescribe [prɪ'skraɪb] v.开处方;规定,命令

alcoholism [ˈælkəhɔlˌɪzəm] n.醇中毒;酗酒;

trauma[ˈtrɔmə] n.外伤;精神创伤;震惊

backpack['bækpæk] n. 双肩背包 v. 挑运;背包徒步旅行


  • Dr. Barr:You must find that very peaceful.
  • Bree:Why would you assume that?
  • Dr. Barr:Because that's all you've been doing for three sessions.I still don't know anything about you, except that you rake in remarkably straight lines.
  • Bree:Is that what you're doing, asking me all those ridiculous questions about my childhood, trying to get to know me? Well, here's a clue. I'm not crazy.I just have a few issues.
  • Dr. Barr: And psychotherapy is how we help you deal with those issues.What kind of treatment did you think you were going to get?
  • Bree:Honestly, I was hoping that you'd medicate the hell out of me.
  • Dr. Barr:You don't need anything stronger than what I've already prescribed for you.
  • Bree:I have aspirin at home that packs more of a punch.
  • Dr. Barr:It says here your husband died, you had a boyfriend who killed himself, and you suffer from alcoholism. That's a lot of trauma for one year. What about your kids?
  • Bree:Oh, they're fine.Andrew is backpacking through Europe, and Danielle is away at cheerleading camp.
  • Dr. Barr:What's your relationship with them like?
  • Bree:What do you mean?
  • Dr. Barr:Are you close?Do they share things with you?What do you feel about them?
  • Bree:You know, I really don't have time for this nonsense.Are you going to give me some serious drugs or not?
  • Dr. Barr:No.
  • Bree:Fine. Then I'm going back to my room.
  • Dr. Barr:You know, Bree, I can't force you to open up to me, but I can make it easier for you to focus on your problems.
  • Bree:And how are you going to do that?
  • Dr. Barr:I'm going to tell the orderlies to confiscate all your personal items.
  • Bree:I committed myself voluntarily.
  • Dr. Barr:When you signed those papers I became responsible for your well-being, and I will help you in any way I see fit.
  • Bree:I don't need that much help, because I am not like your other patients.
  • Dr. Barr:Oh, sure, you are.You just don't know it yet.
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