

【第12组】1.satellite n.卫星

There are nine satellites orbiting the sun.


2.satisfy vt.满足,使满意

His answer did not satisfy my curiosity at all.他的回答根本没有满足我的好奇心。

The teacher is very satisfied with Xiao Ming's grades. 老师对小明的成绩很满意。

3.scare v. 恐吓,使……害怕= fear, frighten

They use their influence. They use their political allies to scare and mislead the American people.他们利用自己的影响力。他们利用他们的政治盟友来恐吓和误导美国人民。

4.scientific a.科学的

Beaming, the 63-year-old president of Star Scientific hands over the bag as if it contains gold.这位63岁的星星科学总裁喜气洋洋地递过这个袋子,好像里面装的是金子。

5.screen n. 触屏,屏幕

Some red font appears on the screen.一些红色字体出现在屏幕上

All the mobile phones we use now are touch screen. 我们现在使用的手机都是触摸屏的。

6.seed n.种(子),籽

The little girl scattered the seeds of the flowers on both sides of the path . 小女孩把花种撒在路的两边。

7.self-centered a. 自我中心的,自我本位的,利己主义的

Any self-centered behavior is unpopular. 任何以自我为中心的行为都不受欢迎。

8.separation n.分离,分开

Quinn told reporters that any separation project would have to address economic and safety concerns. 奎因对记者说,任何分离项目都必须解决经济和安全问题。

9.shape n.形状vt.形成

The little girl shaped the ice block into the shape of the sun. 小女孩把冰块做成太阳的形状。

10.share vt.分享,共享n.份额,股份

He likes to share his happiness with others. 他喜欢和别人分享他的快乐。

11.sickness n.疾病;恶心,呕吐感

When we have sickness, we feel sick and vomiting.当我们生病时,我们感到恶心和呕吐。

12.signal n. 信号

In ancient times, when people were in danger, they would send out Kongming lamp as a singnal to ask for help. 在古代,当人们遇到危险时,他们会发出孔明灯作为一个信号来寻求帮助。

13.similar a.相似的,类似的

The clothes I bought are similar to those you bought. 我买的衣服和你买的差不多。

14.sledge n. 雪橇

Have you ever seen dogs pull sledges in the north?你在北方见过狗拉雪橇吗?

15.special a.特殊的,专门的

It's a special dish. 这是一道特别的菜。

16.sponsor n.发起者,赞助人

She is the sponsoror of project hope.


17.Sponsor vt.发起,赞助

Please could you sponsor me for my school's campaign for Help the Aged?你能赞助我参加学校的帮助老人的活动吗?

18.start-up n. 启动,(刚刚起步的)小公司

New start-up FLUD wants to provide a new way for people to consume news. 新成立的FLUD公司希望为人们提供一种消费新闻的新方式。

19.stomach n.胃;胃口;欲望

Xiao Mei has a stomachache today and didn't go to school. 小梅今天肚子疼,没去上学。

20.strategy n. 策略

Running away from home is not a smart strategy. 离家出走不是明智的策略。

21.stressful a.有压力的

Many people thrive on a stressful lifestyle.许多人喜欢有压力的生活方式。

Xiao Ming feels a lot of pressure on his study. 小明感到学习压力很大。

22.strict a.严格的,严谨的

The math teacher is very strict with us.


23.structure n.结构;建筑物vt.建造

Pyramids are very peculiar structures.


24.subway n.隧道;地铁

There are many people in Xi'an go to work by subway every day.在西安每天有很多人乘地铁去上班。

25.suffer v. 遭受…..痛苦

Many people suffered the loss of their relatives in the earthquake. 许多人在地震中失去了亲人的痛苦。

26.suggest vt.建议;暗示,启发

The teacher suggested that I learn English grammar first. 老师建议我先学英语语法。

The painful look on his face suggested that he was ill. 他脸上痛苦的表情表明他病了。

27.sunglasses n. 太阳眼镜

She looks great with a pair of sunglasses. 她戴着一副太阳镜看起来棒极了。

28.system n.系统;制度

The ecosystem has been destroyed because of a large number of trees being cut down. 由于大量的树木被砍伐,生态系统被破坏了。

29.talent n.天才,才能

The little boy was born with ability for music,everyone said he was a talent. 这个小男孩天生就有音乐天赋,大家都说他是个天才。

Loosing of job is a waste of tenlents for you.对你来说,失业是对天才的浪费。

30.technology n.工艺,技术

In recent years, China's science and technology has developed rapidly.近年来,中国的科学技术发展迅速。

31.teenager n.青少年

16 -year- old teenagers are not allowed to smoke. 16岁的青少年不允许吸烟。

32.telegram n.电报

Here are two telegrams for you.


33.temperature n.温度;体温

The doctor took my temperature.


34.tent n.帐篷

We set up a tent on the grass. 我们在草地上搭起了帐篷。

35.theory n.理论,学说

GeBernie's theory was strongly opposed by the church.哥白尼的学说遭到教会的强烈反对。

36.thumb n.大拇指

The teacher gave a thumbs up and praised Xiao Ming's moral character of helping others. 老师竖起大拇指,表扬了小明帮助别人的品德。

37.traditional a.传统的

Spring Festival is a traditional Chinese festival. 春节是中国的传统节日。

38.treat vt.对待,处理n.款待

trick or treat. 不招待就使坏(指万圣节孩子们挨门逐户要糖果等礼物,如不遂愿便恶作剧一番的风俗)。

39.tremble vi.发抖,哆嗦

l will never forget the look on the patient's face, the tremble in his hand.我永远不会忘记病人脸上的表情,他颤抖的手。

40.troop n.军队

It's a disciplined troop.




