
一、Dialogue 会话

Part A

A: Excuse me. Do you have A Tale故事 of Two Cities? 双城记

B: Who is the author [ˈɔθɚ]? 作者

A: Charles Dickens.

B: Sorry. We're sold out right now. Please come back next week.

A: OK. Thanks!


Part B

A: Do you have a good English-Chinese dictionary?

B: Sure( of course). How about this one?

A: Is this the latest edition?

B: Yes. We have both the paperback and the hardcover.

A: What's the difference?

B: The hardcover is more expensive.

A: Oh! I see. I'll have the paperback, please.


二、Vocabulary & Idioms 单词短语注解

tale ,故事,文邹邹的用法。




be sold out卖完,或者当被出卖。sold,sell的过去式,卖,


edition [I'dIʃən] 版本

paperback 薄的平装本/书

hardcover 精装厚的本/书



both......and...... 即....且.... , ......以及.......


三、Grammar Points 语法重点

Do you have A Tale of Two Cities?


Do you have A Tale of Two Cities?


We're sold out right now.

We're sold out当形容词 of this book.

I want to sell my old car.

Next week. Last week.

Please come back an hour later.

This is the fifth edition of this book.

Both John and Mary are good friends

They are good friends of mine




Pride and prejudice is my favorite novel.

Take pride in what you do. 为你所做的事感到自豪。

That is my favorite song. That is my favorite movie.

Do you know the author of pride and prejudice?

Sorry we're sold out now.



I'm sorry, but I can't go to your party tonight.

=sorry I can't go to your party tonight.

He is a party animal. 喜欢玩乐的人,固定用法

1.We're sold out of 东西 ,这里是形容词,要加of

We're sold out of shoes in your size.

2.We have sold out of 东西 已经卖完了

We have sold out of milk.

he has left 他已经离开了。leave的过去分词。

They have gone to the States.

John will graduate from college next month.

They will get married next year.

See you next Monday.

hyphen -连词符号。


Consult [kənˈsʌlt] the dictionary. Consult your teacher.

商议,商量;[医]会诊;咨询;充当顾问 vt.请教;翻阅;求教于;顾及

look up 查某个字。

Look up the word in the dictionary.

I will consult the dictionary for the meaning of that word.

I must look up that difficult word in the dictionary.

I will look at up in the dictionary

I am more beautiful than she.

She is the most beautiful girl in our class.


A. 原则双音节或三音节以上形容词

比较级:more 原级

最高级:most 原级

Expensive \ more expensive \ the most expensive

Beautiful \ more beautiful \ the most beautiful

B. 原级是单音节的形容词

比较级:原级 er

最高级:原级 est

Small \smaller \smallest

Low \lower \lowest

C. 辅音结尾的单音节形容词



Hot \hotter\hottest

D. 以e结尾的单音节形容词,或le 结尾的双音节形容词

比较级 r

最高级 st

Wise\wiser\wisest 有智慧的

Gentle\gentler\gentlest 温和的

E.以辅音 y结尾的形容词

比较级: y 改为i er

最高级: y 改为i est

Pretty \ prettier \ prettiest

Easy \ easier \ easiest


Good better best

Bad worse worst

John is the best student in his class

Both Peter and Carlos are very smart.

What's the difference between the paperback and hardcover?

What’s the difference between David and john?

The difference between Jack and Jeff is not big.

=there is no difference between Jack and Jeff.

Lovely = good looking 漂亮的 cute 可爱的 what a cute baby !多可爱

David is taller than Tom.

We're sold out of blue pens.

Mr. Li has gone to the Status.

Miss Wang will get married next week.

Please consult the dictionary for the meaning of this word.

Refer to the dictionary .参考词典

Linda is more beautiful than her sister.

This desk is smaller than mine.

I'll look up the word in the dictionary.


四、Substitution 替换

Who is the author ? /writer ?

Please come back next week. /Friday./ month.

Do you have a good English-Chinese /Chinese -English/English-English dictionary.

We have both the paperback and the hardcover.

I like both jazz and rock 'n' roll.

Both he and I are students.

rock 'n' roll=rock and roll(摇滚乐)

The hardcover is more expensive.

Lily is more beautiful than Helen.

David is taller than Tom.

五、Exercises 练习

I need a good Chinese-English dictionary.

Is this one ok?

Is this the best one you have?

No .But it is the cheapest.

Do you have a better one?

Yes. But it is more expensive.

Oh ,I see. Is this the latest edition?


OK. I'll take it.


