
The Wolf and Fox

One day, after eating a big meal, the fox hid the meat and wanted to find a place to sleep. Suddenly the fox heard a faint footstep, and turned round. It was a hungry Wolf, sniffing about as if he were looking for something.

"Alas!" "Said the Wolf." What bad luck! A day went by and I hadn't found anything, let alone meat or food to fill my stomach! It's really not my day. Look at the shepherd keeping an eye on his sheep, and the sheep dog is so loyal that he never leaves his sheep. I'll starve if it goes on like this!"

"Is it really so? The fox jumps out and asks the Wolf.

"It can be fake! Said the Wolf.

"I know what it is to be hungry. Do you eat hay, my friend? You see, I have a lot of haystacks! Eat it for you!"

But everyone knows how a Wolf can eat grass. The fox was so polite and generous that he gave the hay to the Wolf, but said nothing about the meat he had hidden. The Wolf listened to the fox and left angrily.

We should cherish what belongs to ourselves, but when others are in trouble, we should share it with others, so as to establish harmonious friendship and get intimate friends.




“唉!” 狼说道,“真倒霉啊!一天过去了,我连一点东西都没找到,更别说是肉和能填饱肚子的东西了!我今天真是运气不好啊,你看那牧羊人死死地盯着自己的羊群呢,还有那牧羊犬是那样的忠心耿耿,寸步不离羊群啊。再这样下去,我就要饿死了!”

“真的是这样吗?” 狐狸跳出来问狼。

“这还能有假!” 狼说。





