The ancients said, "to open a book is beneficial" because the book brings us the imagination and the pleasure, and brings us the source of wisdom and the strength of the spirit. Reading can broaden horizons, make sense and cultivate temperament. What will happen when the 50 billion investment film base meets the most emotional independent bookstore in Qingdao?
If I had you, how beautiful it is! -- the high-profile So Film Bookstore in the Qingdao Movie Metropolis is going to be the grand opening ceremony tomorrow.
据悉,此次活动邀请了曾执导《东京审判》、《千钧一发》、《风声》、《一场风花雪月的事》等多部知名影视作品的高群书导演。二手玫瑰乐队主唱、国际艺术机构Asian art works首席执行官、中国独立音乐多媒介平台“为摇滚服务”创始人梁龙先生为剪彩嘉宾,现场大咖云集,必让到访嘉宾们不虚此行!
In addition to the most super famous stars, the opening ceremony will have other exciting activities for instant, the ink dance performances, cosmo bonus. At the same time, the opening ceremony has prepared delicate presents for the guests, and we also look forward you to participate the mysterious egg activities!
活动时间:2017年5月19日(周五) 9:20
Event time: May 19, 2017 (Friday) 9:20
Event location: the nautilus exhibition center of the Qingdao Movie Metropolis
Let’s make friends through reading books on the opening ceremony. We warmly welcome all the guests to participate tomorrow.
星光岛·牡丹园 3号楼 112m²-138m² 岛居华宅 即将推出
40~76平米精装公寓 正在发售 逐日递减
详询:0532-6771 9999