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Go to this Cliff Scenic Spot for Stimulation, Courage and Pressure Reduction

The eleventh essay about culture and tourism for the subject“walking in CQ”by Wu Hongjin

The Ordovician period is remoter than the Jurassic period. In Chongqing, a cliff scenic spot on the top of a mountain brings it back to reality.

A city was built on mountains,which is a common occurrence to Chongqing people. Therefore, just taking a look at the mountains can not arouse them scream and mania. However, when many high-altitude amusement projects are built on cliffs and mountains, the hearts of Chongqing people who like to play are moved. This thrilling stimulation makes Chongqing people just like eating hot pot in the dog days, which is really cool.


The Ordovician is such a theme park which is located at the top of the black valley of Wansheng, Chongqing, and the only one with the most high-altitude amusement projects in China. Beacuse its unique amusement, the related short viedos were put on the internet and caused wide attention. As a result of its more than 60 cliff high-altitude amusement projects, it has become a popular park for tourists to hone will, practice courage and reduce pressure.

The popularity of the Ordovician theme park,was initially due to the construction of a world record Guinness world record, the world’s longest hanging A-shaped glass corridor - Sky Gallery. In addition to the longest in the world, the reason why the Sky Gallery is constantly spread by tourists and Internet users is that it is not as motionless as the air glass corridor built by other scenic spots, but people walking on it, especially when walking to the top of A-shaped, you will obviously feel it slightly shaking. That kind of shaky experience makes timid people tremble when they walk on it, but when you finish the whole course, you will get full of satisfaction, and generate the illusion of courage.

However, if the stimulus coefficient is used to evaluate the high-altitude amusement projects in the park, the sky corridor isn’t worth mentioning for at most one star. If you play the other projects, you will think that the one star is so easy. There are many high-altitude projects with 5 stars and among them everyone wants to show off in the circle of friends after playing is the“cliff swing”.


The cliff swing project is the only one designed in the scenic spot like fighting monsters and upgrading in online games. According to the level of difficulty stimulation coefficient, five swings of different heights have been built: 4m, 6m, 8m, 18m and 21m. Don’t think that the 4-meter swing is not exciting enough! It is built on the edge of the cliff. If you lack courage to just stare at the cliff below, you will feel your liver trembling and your legs will be weak, let alone the feeling of the moment when you sit up and swing you out of the cliff and throw you into the sky.

Are you afraid? Do you want to cry? Suppose that the stimulus coefficient of the 4m cliff swing is 2 stars, then the 6m, 8m,18m and 21m cliff swing are 3, 4 ,5 and 6 stars in turn, and the stimulus level will be increased gradually. With the constant upgrading of the stimulation coefficient, the coefficient that tests your courage will also be upgraded. When you sit on the 8-story 21 meter cliff swing and swing in the mid air for many times, at that moment you will really realize what is called “life hanging the line”. After landing safely, you will immediately feel any difficulty and setback in the world compared with the 21 meter cliff for you is nothing .Let me whisper you that those who are in a low mood of lovelorn and lose confidence in life don’t have to jump off a building or jump a bridge at all. It’s OK to play a 21 meter cliff swing and you will find the confidence in life and the beauty of the world immediately. Walk off the swing and raise your head shouting “What the fuck of the failure”. Once again, you feel like you’re still a brave man.


If you think it isn’t enough to swing on the cliff, don't worry. There are many projects with a stimulation coefficient of 5 stars in the theme park, such as the cliff pendulum, the cliff high-altitude jumping machine, etc. It all depends on your courage. The Ordovician theme park, which makes the high altitude project to be the ultimate, is really a struggle for the satisfaction of tourists.

In the park, there are not only cliff high-altitude projects that make your heart stormy, but also beautiful lakes and mountains that make you relaxed and happy. In the Ordovician theme park, its all your freedom to choose to fly in the sky or walk in the mountains.


About the author:

Wu Hongjin is the Deputy Secretary General of National Network Media Alliance and head of Chongqing workstation. He is also a member of Chongqing Writers Association and Chongqing prose Association. He once worked in Chongqing Economic Times, Hualong Group, Hechuan District publicity department, Yuzhong District publicity department, etc. Please search on Baidu for more details.

About the Ordovician theme park,

The Ordovician theme park is located in the core of Heishan and Shilin scenic area, Wansheng District, Chongqing. In addition to the beautiful scenery of lakes and mountains, the park is characterized by more than 60 cliff high-altitude amusement projects, such as the sky corridor, cliff swing, step-by-step startling, extreme leap, cliff pendulum, skydiving machine, etc., which are built on the edge of a 300 meter high cliff. It is the third largest wanghong scenic spot in China and a place for tourists to visit from all over the world.(Translated by Zhao Han)


