


第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)


听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1. What did the man do yesterday afternoon?

A. He wrote some letters to his friends.

B. He typed some business contracts.

C. He fired his secretary.

2. What does the woman mean?

A. She’s good at playing basketball.

B. She’s proud of her brother.

C. She’ll give the man a lesson.

3. What happened this morning?

A. The woman quarreled with her boss.

B. The woman overslept.

C. The alarm clock didn’t go off.

4. Why won’t the man go fishing tomorrow?

A. He dislikes fishing.

B. He is seriously ill.

C. He has to take care of his mother.

5. What does the man think of the woman’s opinion?

A. Impractical.

B. Reasonable.

C. Ridiculous.

第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



6. Why does the woman make the call?

A. There is no hot water.

B. The shower handle can’t be turned.

C. The breakfast is rather bad.

7. What will the woman do this morning?

A. Do some washing.

B. Have some appointments.

C. Have her hair cut.


8. What is the man’s plan for his future?

A. Take a business course in Beijing.

B. Learn some English in Beijing.

C. Do some business in Beijing.

9. What do we know about the man?

A. He lived in Beijing before.

B. He used to live in Hangzhou.

C. He was a businessman before.

10. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Colleagues.

B. Friends.

C. Husband and wife.


11. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. How to choose a book.

B. How to read online.

C. How to read fast.

12. What does the man advise the woman to do?

A. Take a free course on the Internet.

B. Take a course in a school.

C. Ask her friends for help.

13. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. The man dislikes reading online.

B. The woman likes reading long novels.

C. The man used to read like the woman.


14. How does the man feel about David’s way of sleeping?

A. Harmful.

B. Strange.

C. Perfect.

15. How many hours does David sleep a day?

A. 4.

B. 6.

C. 7.

16. What does the man imply at the end of the conversation?

A. People should develop a habit like David’s.

B. People need longer hours of sleep.

C. People have different sleeping habits.


17. What does the woman do at 6:30 in the morning?

A. Take a shower.

B. Get up.

C. Have breakfast.

18. When does the woman wake up her son?

A. At about 7:00.

B. At about 7:15.

C. At about 8:00.

19. Who helps the woman look after her son?

A. A babysitter.

B. Her mother-in-law.

C. Her mother.

20. What does the woman usually have at her mother’s?

A. Breakfast.

B. A cup of coffee.

C. Some biscuits.



1-5. BABCB

6-10. ABCAB

11-15. CACBA

16-20. CBBCB


英语听力原稿Text 1

W: Did you have your secretary type those business contracts yesterday afternoon?

M: No. I did it myself.

Text 2

M: Will your brother come to play basketball with us this afternoon?

W: He’s too tired these days. I will go and play instead. Don’t look down on me.

Text 3

M: Why were you late again this morning? The boss was very angry.

W: I had set the clock. But once the alarm stopped, I fell asleep again.

Text 4

W: We are going fishing tomorrow. Would you like to go with us?

M: I’m afraid I can’t. I have to look after my mother in the hospital tomorrow.

Text 5

W: In my opinion, children spend too much time on computer games. It’s harmful to their eyes.

M: I can’t agree more. It’s really a problem.

Text 6

W: Hello, front desk? This is Adele Stevens in Room 504.

M: Yes? How can I help you, Miss Stevens?

W: ⑥I want to take a shower, but there is no hot water.

M: Oh, I’m so sorry. You turned the handle all the way to the right?

W: Yes, I’ve been trying to get hot water for 10 minutes. It’s still freezing cold.

M: Well, a lot of people take showers before breakfast. Maybe if you wait for a while, it will heat up again.

W: Wait? ⑦I have three appointments this morning, and I still have to wash and dry my hair.

M: OK. I will send someone up right away.

Text 7

M: ⑩Hi, Emma.

W: ⑩Hi, Gary. Haven’t seen you for ages. Any news?

M: I’m going to attend a night course in business when I leave school.

W: Are you? Very glad to hear that. Then what are you going to do when finished?

M: Oh, ⑧⑨I want to go back to Beijing and develop my career.

W: You know there are more opportunities for business there than in Hangzhou.

M: ⑧Yes, I wish I’ll be a promising businessman there.

Text 8

W: I’m reading a fantastic book at the moment. But it takes me so long to read. Some of my friends can finish a huge novel in one weekend. It always takes me about a month.

M: ⑬I used to be like that. You’re probably reading the wrong way.

W: What do you mean?

M: You know, go for the main ideas instead of reading word by word and taking it very slowly. And don’t worry if you see words you don’t know. Sometimes they just aren’t important.

W: So how can I become a better reader?

M:⑫Why don’t you take a course on the Internet? ⑪I found a really great website that offers a free course in fast reading.

W: I’ll check it out.

Text 9

W: How come David is always so full of energy?

M: ⑭He has a strange but highly effective way of sleeping.

W: What is that?

M: He takes a short sleep for an hour every six hours ⑮and has a total of four hours sleep each day.

W: Where did he get that strange idea?

M: He read from a book which said that it was the best way for human beings and he believed it.

W: How many hours do you sleep a day?

M: I need at least seven hours. I once tried to follow David’s example but it never worked out for me.

W: If I sleep during the day, I can never wake up.

M: ⑯Not every one is David, I guess.

Text 10

W: I’m a working mother and morning is the busiest time of the day for me. ⑰I get up at 6:30 in the morning and the first thing I do is to make my breakfast. After that, I take a shower and get dressed. Then, I eat a small breakfast. ⑱I’m ready to wake up my son, Jack, at about 7:15. Jack is ten months old. He is going to drink some milk powder as soon as he gets up. Then, I give him his breakfast. ⑲At 8:00, I put him in his seat and drive him to my mother’s home. I’m really lucky because my mum only lives about two miles away from me. She doesn’t like driving, so I drive to her house. ⑳She knows I love a cup of coffee in the morning, so she always has a fresh pot of coffee for me. I’m often tired in the morning, but after I drink a cup of coffee, I feel as fresh as a daisy(精力充沛的). We sit and talk for about 10 minutes. Then, it’s time for me to leave for work.



