

Taylor Swift这首《ME!》,想必大家都听过吧?个人认为,这首歌很朗朗上口,那你知道,这首歌主要是讲什么的吗?快快点击视频一起学习吧!




歌词:I know that I'm a handful baby, uh



I'm a handful 我很难受别人控制/不让别人管

Informally speaking, if someone is a handful, they are very difficult to deal with or control.

如果用handful来形容某人 意思就是某人很难受别人控制 比较特立独行

-Her older son is calm and responsible, but the little one is a bit of a handful.

-她大儿子性格比较沉着且负责任 但她小儿子则比较不受控制


A handful is literally the amount of something that can be held in one hand. It can also refer to a small number of people or things.


-Put about a handful of chocolate chips in the cookies.



-She invited all her friends to her party, but only a handful of them turned up (came).

-她邀请了她所有的朋友参加聚会 但是只有少数人来参加了

Baby 宝贝

As used in the song, baby is a term of endearment - that is, a loving word used for calling the people you're intimate with.

在这首歌里 baby是一个爱称 是一个和你亲密的人之间的一个爱称

In the case of the word baby, it's mostly used between two people who are romantically involved. Sometimes we reduce it to babe.

这个词多用于情侣之间 有时我们会把它简化成Babe

-Why are you up so early, babe?

-你怎么起那么早 宝贝


-Hey honey, do you think we should invite your parents for dinner? (Honey as a term of endearment)

-亲爱的 你觉得我们要和你父母一起吃晚饭吗(honey也是爱人之间的爱称)

As we see later in the song, one can also say baby doll.

baby doll也可以用来当做爱称

However, this is less common nowadays. It would be used more to refer to women than men.

不过现在一般都不用这个词了 这个词一般都是男性称呼女性才用的

歌词:I never think before I jump 我从不三思而后行


Here, Taylor is actually speaking metaphorically (figuratively).

在这里 Tyalor用的是比喻的手法

If you don't think before you jump, in this figurative sense, you act impulsively, taking risks without thinking about the consequences.

比喻某人做事过于冲动 做事情之前不考虑后果

Ladies, chicks 女士


Lady and chick are both alternative, colloquial ways to say "woman", particularly a young woman.

lady和chick这两个都是用来形容"女士"比较口语化的单词 一般是指年轻女士

Keep in mind - chick is a bit more slangy than lady.

请记住 chick比lady还要更加口语化

-That chick over there with the sunglasses is beautiful.



An equivalent of lady for a man would be guy, which we also see in this song.


-The ladies had cocktails and chatted while the guys were watching the football game.

-女士们一边喝着鸡尾酒一边聊天 男士们在看足球比赛


歌词:Went psycho on the phone 在电话里失态了


The word psycho is a term for someone who is mentally unstable (insane).

psycho表示某人失控了 发疯了

Now, while it can be used in a more serious context when referring o people who are actually affected by a mental disease (a psychopath),

这个单词现在可以用在比较严肃的语境上 形容某人患了精神病

it is also used as slang to refer to moments when one acts very irrational, like a crazy person (to go psycho).

也可以当俚语用 形容某人在某个时刻表现不正常 就像疯子一样

To go psycho on the phone is to act in such a way while speaking on the phone.

to go psycho on the phone就是说某人在电话里失了态

-His little sister went psycho when he stole her candy.

-他妹妹发现他偷了她的糖果之后 她疯了

Pronunciation note: 注意发音

The P in Psycho is completely silent, Psycho [si-co]



歌词:Never leave well enough alone 从不满足于任何事


If something is well enough, it means that it is satisfactory.

well enough表明某事/某物很令人满意

-I liked her well enough, but I wasn't convinced to ask her out on a date.

-我很喜欢她 但我还是不确定要不要约她出来

If you never leave well enough alone, it means you are not content with something being satisfactory.

如果你never leave well enough alone 就说明 你对一些明明已经足够令人满意的事情 还感到不满意

In other words, you want things to be exceptional or even perfect.

换句话说 你对事物的追求过于完美 超出了本身的期待

Taylor probably means that she can't be happy that her relationship is going well, she wants it to be more exciting.

Taylor想表达的是 她还是不满足于目前的恋爱状态 她想让这段关系更加刺激与完美

歌词:I'm the only one of me 我就是我


This is another way to say I'm completely unique.


Another similar and more common expression is one-of-a-kind, we can use it to describe both people and things.

另外一个相似的表达是one-of-a-kind 这个表达可以形容人 也可以形容事

-Emilia Clarke is one-of-a-kind. She's beautiful and a terrific actress.

-艾米拉·克拉克是独一无二的 她是一个漂亮且出色的演员

-This model of the Audi R8 is one-of-a-kind. They haven't made any others like it.

-这部奥迪R8模型车是独特的 之前没有做过类似这样的

歌词:That's the fun of me 这就是我的乐趣所在


The aspect of something that makes it entertaining.


So she is saying that what makes her amusing as a person is the fact that she is unique.

所以Taylor唱到 正是她的独一无二 才让她成为了一个有趣的人

-I don't like Monopoly. There's too much strategy involved.

-我不喜欢大富翁这个游戏 里面太多战术技巧了

-What? That's the fun of it!



As summed up by these two lines, the message of the song is probably that each of our uniqueness is what makes us fun, great, and special.

总结一下 这首歌主要想传达 正是每个人的独一无二 才让每个人都如此有趣和特别







