



1. Steve ___ the steering wheel tightly with both hands.史蒂夫双手紧握方向盘。

2. In her hand was a ___ old photograph.她手中拿着的是一张破旧的老照片。

3. Do you need a hand ___? 要我帮你收拾行李吗?

4. Can you give me a hand to ___ this?能否帮我把这个拎起来?

5. If you get stuck, Denise is always willing to ___ a hand.如果你有困难,丹尼斯总是乐于帮忙。

6. We could certainly ___ with a hand.我们肯定是需要帮忙的。

7. The President has strengthened the hand of the gun ___.总统给枪支游说团体撑了腰。

8. This matter is too important to be ___ in the hands of an inexperienced lawyer.这件事情事关重大,不能交给没有经验的律师来处理。

9. He is a manager with a ___ hand.他是一位管理严格的经理。

10. The demonstration was ___ out of hand.示威游行开始失控。

11. I’d like to eat out, but on the other hand I should be trying to ___ money.我想出去吃饭,但另一方面我又该省钱。

12. Hey! Hands ___ that CD! It’s mine!喂,别碰那张光盘!那是我的!

13. Tell your little brother to ___ his hand off my car.告诉你的小弟弟别碰我的汽车。

14. Plans are in hand to ___ ‘OZ’ next semester.目前正在筹划下学期演出《绿野仙踪》的事。

15. Lisa seemed to ___ things in hand by the time he returned.他回来的时候莉萨好像手头有事在忙。

16. Our officers have to concentrate 100 per cent on the ___ in hand.我们的官员必须将全部的注意力都集中在要处理的事情上。

17. I usually have a few days’ ___ in hand at the end of the year.年底的时候通常我手头会有几天假期。

18. The matter is in the ___ of the police.这件事现在由警方处理。

19. You can be sure your children are in ___ hands.你可以放心,你的孩子会被照顾得很好。

20. The fear is that nuclear secrets could fall into the ___ hands.令人担心的是核机密可能落入敌人之手。

21. Hands up! You’re ___ arrest!举起手来!你被捕了!

22. The men ___ from the building with their hands up.几名男子举着双手从楼里走了出来。

23. Hands ___ if you agree with what Eric was saying.同意埃里克说的举手。

24. Recent economic performance suggests that a ___ crisis is at hand.最近的经济状况预示着一场重大的危机可能即将到来。

25. Don’t worry, help is ___ hand!别担心, 随时有人可以帮你!

26. Peter ___ his attention to the task at hand.彼得将注意力转移到手头的工作上。

27. Our staff are always ___ hand to help.我们的员工会随时提供帮助。

28. We had to wash our clothes ___ hand.我只得手洗自己的衣服。

29. I‘ve got a chance to ___ at first hand the workings of the court.我得到了一个亲身经历法庭工作程序的机会。

30. Until now, information has been second or third ___, but this news comes from someone who was there.此前只有间接的消息,但这一消息却来自现场人员。


31. Anyone who suffered at the hands of care workers will be ___ to compensation.任何吃过护理员苦头的人都有资格获得赔偿。

32. This is their third ___ at the hands of the world champions.这是他们第三次败在世界冠军手下了。

33. She’s only marrying him to ___ her hands on his money.她嫁给他只是图他的钱财。

34. I would read any book I could ___ my hands on.凡是我能到手的书我都要看。

35. They ran, picking up whatever weapons ___ to hand.他们不管什么武器拿起来就跑。

36. Just wait till I ___ my hands on you!你就等着我收拾你吧!

37. He had a hand in both ___.两个进球都有他的功劳。

38. Wealth and power ___ hand in hand in most societies.在大多数社会里, 财富和权力都是密切相关的。

39. They say that genius often goes hand in hand with ___.他们说天才往往都是疯子。

40. They walked hand in hand in ___ up the path.他们手拉手,默默地沿着小路走去。

41. I’m afraid we have a ___ on our hands, Inspector.我们恐怕有一宗谋杀案要处理,督查。

42. Once this problem is ___ our hands we can relax for a while.这个问题一脱手,我们就可以放松一下了。

43. She wants someone to ___ the kids off her hands occasionally.她希望偶尔有人能替她带一下孩子。

44. John dreamed of being a writer and had ___ his hand at poetry.约翰梦想成为作家,也尝试过写诗。

45. Larry’s one of those men who can ___ their hand to anything.拉里是那种什么都拿得起来的人。

46. Aromatherapy was ___ out of hand by traditional doctors.传统的医生断然认为香熏疗法根本不值一提。

47. Nigel always won hands down in any argument.奈杰尔总是在任何辩论中毫不费劲地获胜。

48. Can’t it wait? I already have my hands ___.那件事不能等一下吗?我已经忙得团团转了。

49. ___ forests stood on either hand.两面都是茂密的森林。

50. It’s not that the jobs aren’t there, it’s just that she doesn’t want to get her hands ___.不是没有事做,只是她不想干脏活累活。

51. He never talked to the media or ___ his hands dirty in any way.他从来不和媒体打交道,也绝不去沾惹什么事情。

52. You should at least work part-time, just to ___ your hand in.你至少应该做一份兼职工作,免得生疏了。

53. Far from being independent, the government and the media work together in ___.政府和媒体相互勾结,也绝非各不相干。

54. Five years ago, the company was losing money hand over ___.五年前,这家公司一下子亏了很多钱。

55. Let’s all give the girls a ___ hand.我们大家都给女孩们热烈鼓掌加油吧。

56. With only half an hour to get everything ready, it was all hands on ___.只有半小时就要把一切准备好, 这得人人出力了。

57. The left hand does not know what the ___ hand is doing.各干各的,各自为政。

58. The bank claims its hands are ___ by the federal regulators.银行声称受到联邦监管机构的约束。

59. He asked for her ___ in marriage.他向她求婚。

60. She ___ the book in her right hand.她右手拿着书。


61. Marta ___ a hand to attract his attention.玛尔塔挥挥手想引起他的注意。

62. They were singing and ___ their hands.他们边唱歌边拍手。

63. Go ___ your hands before dinner.饭前要去洗手。

64. Joanne and Kevin ___ hands on the sofa.乔安妮和凯文手拉手坐在沙发上。

65. ‘Nice to meet you,’ he said, as they ___ hands.“很高兴见到你,”他们握手时他说。

66. He had a ___ in his hand.他手中拎着一只手提箱。

67. They got down on their hands and ___ to search.他们趴下来找。

68. The phone could ___ into the palm of his hand.这部电话他握着正合适。

69. He handed the teacher a ___ of paper.他交给老师一张纸条。

70. He ___ a cigarette and handed it to her.他点了一支烟递给她。

71. This form must be ___ to all employees.这份表格必须发到所有雇员手中。

72. You have to hand it to her. She’s really ___ a success of that company.你不得不佩服她,她的确把那家公司经营得很成功。

73. Willie helped hand the ___ around.威利帮忙分发啤酒。

74. Kurt ___ the document and handed it back to her.库尔特检查过文件后就交还给她。

75. She handed him the pen ___.她把钢笔交还给他。

76. The land was handed back to its ___ owner.那块土地被归还给了原来的主人。

77. The government has ___ to hand investors back their money.政府允许归还投资者钱款。

78. The ring was ___ down to her from her grandmother.这枚戒指是她祖母传给她的。

79. We should collect those stories handed down by ___ of mouth.我们应该收集那些口口相传的故事。

80. Tom has handed ___ his resignation.汤姆已提交辞职信。

81. Did you ___ your homework in on time?你家庭作业准时交了吗?

82. He was accused of handing ___ government secrets.他被指控泄露政府机密。

83. Could you start handing these books ___ please?请把这些书分发下去好吗?

84. He was handing out ___ to members of audience.他在给观众分发小册子。

85. The soldiers were ordered to hand ___ their guns.士兵们被命令交出枪支。

86. He handed the phone ___ to me.他把电话交给我。

87. On his ___, he handed the business over to his son.他退休时把生意移交给他儿子。

88. Political control has been handed over to ___ leaders.政治控制权已转至宗教领导人手中。

89. Now she feels the time has come to hand over ___ someone else.他觉得现在该是找人接手的时候了。

90. Dennis looked like he threw a ___, but it was just handbag.丹尼斯看似挥了一拳,其实只是装样子。

91. The referee gave a ___ kick for handball.因为手球犯规,裁判员判罚任意球。

92. Students ___ handbills calling for better funding for schools.学生们散发传单,要求增加学校经费。

93. They put handcuffs on the two men and ___ them away.他们给两名男子戴上手铐,把他们带走了。

94. He was brought into the court in ___.他戴着手铐被带入法庭。

95. The boy picked up a ___ of stones and started throwing them at us.那男孩捡了一把石子,开始朝我们扔过来。

96. There were only a ___ of people there.那里只有几个人。

97. She’s a lovely child, but she can be a ___ of a handful sometimes.她是个可爱的孩子,不过有时候会比较难管。

98. Not speaking the language is a real ___.不会讲这种语言的确是一个障碍。

99. He’s improved a lot, and his ___ has come down from 18 to 12.他的球技大大进步,被让杆数已从18降为12。

100. The explosion looks like the ___ of terrorists.这次爆炸看来像是恐怖分子所为。


朗文当代高级英语词典[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, PEARSON. 2014


1 gripped 2 tattered 3 packing 4 lift 5 lend 6 do 7 lobby 8 left 9 firm 10 getting 11 save 12 off 13 keep 14 perform 15 have 16 task 17 leave 18 hands 19 good 20 wrong 21 under 22 emerged 23 up 24 major 25 at 26 turned 27 on 28 by 29 view 30 hand 31 entitled 32 defeat 33 get 34 lay 35 came 36 get 37 goals 38 go 39 madness 40 silence 41 murder 42 off 43 take 44 tried 45 turn 46 dismissed 47 won 48 full 49 Thick 50 dirty 51 got 52 keep 53 glove 54 fist 55 big 56 deck 57 right 58 tied 59 hand 60 held 61 waved 62 clapping 63 wash 64 held 65 shook 66 suitcase 67 knees 68 fit 69 slip 70 lit 71 handed 72 made 73 mugs 74 examined 75 back 76 original 77 promised 78 handed 79 word 80 in 81 hand 82 on 83 out 84 leaflets 85 over 86 over 87 retirement 88 religious 89 to 90 punch 91 free 92 distributed 93 led 94 handcuffs 95 handful 96 handful 97 bit 98 handicap 99 handicap 100 handiwork


