

你好呀,我是来自加拿大的雅思外教Mac。今天,给大家分享1个雅思口语Part 2高频话题的高分语料。


1,雅思口语Part 2高分语料





- IELTS Speaking Part 2 -


Describe a way to manage your time. You should say:

  • What it is
  • How difficult it is
  • Why do you think it can save time
  • How do you feel about it


The one way I often use to manage my time is making a to-do list.

Unlike highly self-disciplined people, I can be unorganized and messy when it comes to managing my time. To make better use of my time, my method is very simple and direct: creating a to-do list for the month, the week, and for the day.

Each month I create a list of priorities and assign them to different weeks. I either write them down on my calendar or make a mental note. Not only that, I also categorize them under ‘work’, ‘personal growth’, and ‘others’. My monthly list is general. For instance, under the ‘personal growth’ category, my list might include: obtaining a certification, reading a certain book, or scheduling for an exam.

Next comes my weekly plan, which usually includes routine items such as Spanish classes on Wednesday evening, grocery shopping on Saturday afternoon, a video call with my family on Saturday evening, fruit trip on Sunday evening, and publishing one or two articles during the week.

For my daily to-do list, I used to keep them in an Excel sheet. However, I soon found the process too time-consuming, so I had to give it up. Instead, I make mental notes or write them down in my diary book first thing in the morning before starting the day.

Through this approach, I’ve developed a routine. It is effective in keeping me from straying away from my plans and priorities and drowning myself in a world of social media. In saying that, however, once in a while, after completing my daily goals, I do indulge myself in watching one or two videos.

Anyway, that’s how I manage my time, my to-do lists.



  • Fluency & Coherence 流利性与连贯性:7

Stumbled at times and pace could be quicker. 有时候卡住,节奏可以再快点。

  • Lexical Resource 词汇多样性:8

Very good use of expressions and vocabulary. 词汇和表达丰富。

  • Grammar Range 语法多样性及准确性:8

Very good.

  • Pronunciation 发音:7

At times intonation was robotic. 有时候语调听起来比较机械。

Overall: 7.5


Standard Phrases:

  • The one way I often use to manage my time is…
  • Anyway,

Vocabulary (and colloquialisms) 高分地道词汇和短语

  • a to-do list 待办事项清单;任务清单
  • self-disciplined 自律的
  • unorganized 杂乱的
  • make better use of my time 更好地利用时间
  • priorities 优先事项
  • assign 分配
  • a mental note 记在脑子里
  • categorize 分类
  • personal growth 个人成长
  • obtaining 获得
  • grocery shopping 购物
  • time-consuming 费时的
  • straying away from 游离
  • drowning myself in 浸泡在
  • indulge 放纵;沉迷

Coherence 展示“流利性与连贯性”的词汇和短语:

  • Unlike…, I
  • when it comes to
  • Each month
  • Not only that,
  • them
  • For instance
  • Next comes
  • , which usually
  • such as
  • , and
  • during the week
  • However,
  • , so
  • Instead,
  • First thing in the morning before
  • Through this approach,
  • In saying that,
  • , however,
  • , once in a while,
  • , after…., I…





