




第一章 简单句


Q: 如何区分及物动词vt.和不及物动词vi.?

A: 区分及物动词和不及物动词,最保险的办法是查字典。如果不准查字典,可以参考使用如下方法(有些动词不适用):

把动词的汉语意思放到这个检验模型中,“我……他/它(可以换成具体的物),他/它(可以换成具体的物)被我……” ,如果意思通顺合理,符合通常的表达习惯,那么该动词就是及物动词,否则就是不及物动词。


1. Recently a survey comparing prices of the same goods in two different supermarkets has caused heated debate among citizens.

(解析:调查compare “比较”同种商品的价格,同种商品的价格被compare “比较”,意思通顺,判断compare为及物动词;调查cause “引发”热烈讨论,讨论被cause “引发”,意思通顺,判断cause为及物动词)

2. They apologize to avoid conflicts.

(解析:他们apologize “道歉”它,它被他们apologize “道歉”,意思不通顺,判断apologize为不及物动词;他们avoid “避免”冲突,冲突被avoid “避免”,意思通顺,判断avoid为及物动词)

3. You step up to the counter and the cashier scans your food.

(解析:你step “走”柜台,柜台被你step “走”,意思不通顺,判断step为不及物动词;收银员scan “扫描”你的食品,你的食品被收银员scan “扫描”,意思通顺,判断scan为及物动词)



第一原理:在书面语中,及物动词必须带宾语;不及物动词后面不能直接带宾语;不及物动词可以带一个“介词 名词”结构,该介词使不及物动词和后面的名词发生有机联系,但该介词短语结构并不是不及物动词的宾语,介词短语一般做不及物动词的状语,


1. Laura was away in Paris for over a week. When she got home, there was a pile of mail waited for her.

(解析:根据简单句动词运用原理,‘wait’须用非谓语形式。‘wait’的逻辑主语是a pile of mail,因为wait是不及物动词,没有被动式,故不能用过去分词waited。根据动词运用三要素原理,不定式to do表示发生在谓语动词之后,现在分词doing表示和谓语动词同时发生,到家就发现一堆邮件等着处理,同时发生,故waited改为waiting。)

2. John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work finishing, he gladly accepted it.

(解析:连接词and后是一个简单句,因为只有一个主谓结构,可知finish须用非谓语形式,根据动词运用三要素原理,即综合考虑时间,状态,语态,依据语境完成工作发生在接受邀请前,finish是及物动词,必须带宾语,如主动语态 “He finished his work.” ;后面没有宾语,说明宾语放在前面作为逻辑主语, 要变成被动语态 “His work was finished.”,故finishing改为finished,表示被动,过去已完成,即发生在谓语动词accepted之前)

3. Viewing from the north side, the beautiful water fall just looks like three fairies with long hair.

(解析:没有连接词,只有一个主谓结构,判断view须用非谓语形式。view“观看”是及物动词,后面没带宾语,推知须用被动式。根据语境,逻辑主语是the beautiful water fall, 可以看出逻辑主语和view之间是被动关系。由谓语动词looks like可知句子表示一种事实状态,和非谓语动词之间没有明显的时间先后关系。故viewing改为viewed, 表示被动,已完成。To be viewed表示发生在谓语之后;Being viewed表示和谓语动词同时发生,动作状态为正在做,此处都不合适。)

4. With his teacher behind his back, he still kept his eyes fixing on the screen.

(解析:没有连接词,只有一个主谓结构,判断fix须用非谓语形式。fix“使…专注,使…集中”,含有“使…”意思的动词都是及物动词,必须直接带宾语如fix his eyes on the screen, 如果及物动词后面没有带宾语,就必须用被动式。现在his eyes置前做逻辑主语,和fix之间是被动关系,故fixing改为fixed,表示被动,过去已完成)



1. drive

I drove“开车,驾车” to work this morning. (不及物动词)

Tom was driving“驾驶,开” a Benz car at that time.(及物动词,直接带宾语)

2. travel

Two years before, I traveled“旅行” to Brazil and I rented a car. (不及物动词)

He travelled “周游,经过,走遍”the world with the army. (及物动词,直接带宾语)

3. move

He moved to the door.(不及物动词“走动”)

The news moved him very much.(及物动词“打动”)

4. fail

The oil supply failed.(不及物动词“失败,不足”)

The player has failed a drugs test.(及物动词“没有通过”)

5. sail

The ship sailed at 7:30.(不及物动词“航行,起航”)

Do you know how to sail the boat?(及物动词“驾驶,使…航行”)

6. fly

I fly back to London this evening.(不及物动词“飞”)

My brother is flying a kite in the park.(及物动词“使…飞行,放飞”)

7. fight

They fight with other children.(不及物动词“打架,战斗,吵架”)

She fought her way across the room.(及物动词“打开一条路”)

8. settle

In 1863 the family settled in London.(不及物动词“定居”)

The music always settles my brain. (及物动词“使…安定”)

They finally settled the dispute.(及物动词“解决”)

9. boil

The water is boiling.(不及物动词“沸腾”)

We boiled the drinking water.(及物动词“使…沸腾”)

10. speed

The car was speeding.(不及物动词“加速,超速”)

He sped his car through the street.(及物动词“使…加速”)


总而言之,有些情况下,虽然不能用模型来检验,但是如果该动词意思含有“使…”,这些动词一般都是及物动词,如disappoint“使…失望”; seat“使…就坐”;equip“使…装备,使…配备”等。


1. It is said that the bills ________ at the coming session will address the international conflict.

A. to be signed B. signed

C. having been signed D. being signed

2. We should improve our ability to engage in international communication so as to tell China’s story well and make the voice of China ______.

A. hearing B. heard

C. having heard D. to hear

3. _____ his conclusion on the evidence he collected on the spot, he proved that the murderer was guilty.

A. Based B. Basing

C. To base D. Being based

4. _____ the housing price, several measures have been adopted in the last two years.

A. Lowering B. Having lowered

C. To lower D. To have lowered

5. Clearly and thoughtfully________, the book inspires confidence in students who wish to seek their own answers.

A. writing B. to write

C. written D. being written

6. There is no greater pleasure than lying on my back in the middle of the grassland, ____ at the star.

A. stare B. staring

C. stared D. having stared

7. He had wonderful childhood, _____with his mother to all corners of the world.

A. travel B. to travel

C. traveled D. traveling

8. The engineer is reported _____ the longest bridge of the country.

A. having designed B. have designed

C. to have designed D. to design

9. Five workers ____the mine disaster. After the injured ___ to the hospital doctors and nurses immediately got down to saving their lives.

A. was survived; rushed

B. survived from; were rushed

C. survived; was rushed

D. survived; were rushed

—How long have you been going to work on foot?

—Since last month when I ________ from a heart attack.

A. recovered B. have recovered

C. was recovering D. would recover





