
64 权威整理!老师也不会!英语“现进”和“一现”难道学错了?1 形式


一般现在时疑问句和否定句用 do/does 和动词原形,而不是He does not reads and 也不是Does he reads?

2 用法:

a 现在进行时表动作持续一段时间,重点是一段时间和正在发生当中,强调动作已经开始但还没有结束

What are you reading? 'Macbeth'. ~ It's raining now, look.

Hurry up. Your friends are waiting for you. I'm just ironing this shirt. 有一些典型的和进行时态搭配的副词有 now, at the moment, at present, just, already and still.


I'm reading an interesting book. I can't remember what it's called.—看书的动作是在最近都在进行,但说话的时候不一定在读书

We'd better get home. We're decorating the living-room at the moment. b 一般现在时表状态,一种感觉,意见或关系

Mr Adams loves Shakespeare. I think it's a good idea

Who knows the answer? This book belongs to my sister.

Silicon is a chemical element. York lies on the River Ouse.


The weather looks/is looking better today—这里一般现在和现在进行时都可


c 一般现在时表重复的动作,比如日常行为习惯,一遍遍发生的事件,我们把这一系列的动作看成是永久性的,没有终点

Bob works in Avonmouth. He usually drives to work.

We do lots of things in our spare time.

I don't often see Sarah.

The old man takes the dog for a walk every morning.

典型的搭配副词有 always, often, usually, sometimes, ever/never; every day/week; once/twice a week etc; on Friday(s) etc; in the morning(s)/evening(s), at ten o'clock 等等.


Food gives you energy.—食物提供能量 Paint dries quicker in summer.—夏天油画干得更快


My car's off the road. I'm travelling to work by bus this week.—仅这个星期我坐公交去上班

We're doing 'Macbeth' in English.—表示一段时间doing Macbeth

Bob's working in Avonmouth at the moment. But they may be moving him to head office in Birmingham.—在Avonmouth工作一段时间后就会停止去到另一个城市


a 一般现在时是长期或永久性的日常行为,无论动作是否当下正在发生,都用一般现在时:

You 're walking today. ~ Yes, I quite often walk to work.—前半句walking是说话者当时看到“我”正在短暂进行的动作,但实际上walk去工作是“我”日常长期性的动作,因此后半句用了一般现在时

You're walking today. You usually drive, don't you?—前半句“你”被看到当时正在短暂进行walking动作,但实际你平常是执行长期或永久性动作drive的,因此用一般现在时表达了疑问,和前面例子类似。

b 现在进行时表正在进行中的动作:

At seven we're usually having supper. (= 七点钟我们在进行晚餐的过程当中)


At seven we usually have supper. (= 七点一般是我们进行晚餐的时间)


Whenever I see Graham, he's wearing a tracksuit.--可以看成当看到Graham的时候他在短暂性地wearing

I like to listen to music when I'm driving.--表示听歌是长期兴趣,driving只是当下正在进行的动作

c 一般现在时可表应该怎么做:

You turn left at the church / You put your money in here.

d 现在进行时和 always搭配的特殊情况:

They're always giving parties, those people next door.

I'm always losing things. I can never find anything.

Mr Adams is always quoting bits of Shakespeare.

以上句型中的 always 表示'经常' 或'太频繁了'


Our teacher always gives us a test. (= 每节课都给测试,频率的最高程度)

Our teacher is always giving us tests. (= 经常给测试,频率的较高程度)

e 一般现在时-表达一个瞬间动作,常出现在评论员描述一个动作的发生,强调瞬间性,常出现在电视节目的即时评论中

Hacker passes the ball to Short. Short moves inside, but Burley wins it back for United.


United are playing really well now. The crowd are cheering them on.


