




这一期的主题是关于“你其实不知道未来的你想要的是什么” 。Shankar Vendantam说:“你一直在成为一个新的自我。”在演讲中,他解释随着我们的成长,大多数的观点都会在不断的改变和更新,甚至可以说每一天的我们都是一个新的自我。现实是,因此我们其实无法预知让未来的自己幸福的理由会是什么。那么怎样更好地生活呢?Vendantam也提出了解决的建议。


my future was not just unknown; it was unknowable.

我的未来不仅是未知的; 这是不可知的。


There is a paradox here, and the paradox is when we look backwards, we can see enormous changes in who we have become. But when we look forwards, we tend to imagine that we're going to be the same people in the future.

这里有一个悖论,这个悖论就是当我们回顾过去时,我们会发现自己发生了巨大的变化。 但当我们向前看的时候,我们倾向于想象未来我们,还是原来的自己。

Now sure, we imagine the world is going to be different. But we don't imagine that we ourselves will have different perspectives, different views, different preferences in the future.

当然,我们想象世界会变得不一样。 但我们不会想象我们自己在未来会有不同的视角、不同的观点、不同的偏好。

Our cells turn over all the time. The people you were 10 years ago are not the people you are today. Biologically, you have become a different person.

The famous plasticity of the brain that we've all heard so much about means that, on an ongoing basis, you are constantly becoming a new person.



I have three pieces of advice


So the first piece of advice is to stay curious. If you accept the idea that you're going to be a different person in 30 years' time, you should play an active role crafting the person you are going to become. You should be the curator of your future self. You should be the architect of your future self. Spend time on avocations and professional pursuits that are not just what you do regularly.

第一条建议就是要保持好奇心。如果你接受了30年后你会变成另外一个人的想法,你就应该积极参与塑造你要成为的那个人。 你应该成为未来自己的管理者。 你应该成为未来自己的建筑师。花时间在业余爱好和职业追求上,而不仅仅是那些你每天都在做的重复的事情。


Expand your horizons, because you're going to become someone different, you might as well be in charge of deciding who that person is going to be.


Second, as we make pronouncements on social media or in political forums, or at dinner parties, let's bear in mind that among the people who might disagree with us are our own future selves. So when we express views with great certitude and confidence, let's remember to add a touch of humility.

第二,当我们在社交媒体、政治论坛或晚宴上发表言论时,让我们记住,可能与我们意见相左的人中,也有我们未来的自己。 因此,当我们满怀信心地表达自己的观点时,让我们记得要多加一点谦逊。


lesson number three is to be brave. I've given you a number of ways in which our future selves are going to be weaker and frailer than we are today. And that is true, that is part of the story. But it is only a part of the story. Our future selves are also going to have capacities and strengths and wisdom that we do not possess today.

第三课是要勇敢。 我已经告诉过你们,未来的我们可能比今天的我们更加虚弱,更加脆弱。 这是真的,这是故事的一部分。 但这只是故事的一部分。 我们未来的自己也将拥有我们今天所不具备的能力、力量和智慧。


I believe if you can do these three things, if you can stay curious, you can practice humility and you can be brave, then your future self will look back at you in 20 or 30 years -- will look back, not with resentment or bewilderment



