





1.When in Rome,do as Romans do. 入乡随俗 (方式状语)

2.They talked as they walked. 他们边走边谈。(时间状语)

3.As I haven't seen the film,I can't tell you what I think of it.


4.Tired as he was,he still went on with his work.

=Although he was tired,he still went on with his work.


5.As you know,he is good at maths. 你知道,他擅长数学。(引导定语从句) well意为“也“,相当于too,also用于肯定句句尾。I 'm going to London and my sister is coming as well.

7.may/might/just as well do 做…倒也无妨;只好做… If no one else wants it,we might as well give it to you.

8.We did English homework as well as maths.(as well as 也,而且;还)除了数学作业外,我们还做了英语作业。

I as well as Xiao Hong am a league member. 我和小红一样都是团员。(谓语动词和前面的主语一致。)

【06.辽宁】 The father as well as his three children______skating on the frozen river every Sunday afternoon in winter

A. is going B. go C. goes D. are going



9. as well as 不仅,不但……而且。相当于not only…but also。

He is clever as well as strong。

=he is not noly strong but also clever。他不仅强壮而且聪明。

10. as good as 是“和……一样好”;几乎一样;实际上等于;not half as good as是没有……一半好。

My bike is as good as yours。我的自行车同你的一样好。

He told me that everything was as good as settled。


This computer is not half as good as that one。


as long as长达,只要;as well as除……之外,还有,as far as 远至……,就……而言;as many/much as 数词 多达……;

——My mathematics is very poor.

——Don't worry.I will help you______I can.

A. as far as B. as soon as

C. as quickly as D. as possible as

答案A as far as I can 尽我所能

【08 江苏】To learn english well,we should find opportunities to hear english______as much as we can.

A. speak B. speaking C. spoken D. to speak

答案 C


【05 湖南】The more I think about him,the more reasons I find for loving him______I did.

A. as much as B. as long as

C. as soon as D. as far as



much 可在句子中间作程度副词;many可修饰复数名词。

【07 江苏南京3月】______pandas,golden-haired monkeys are in danger of dying out in our country.

A. But for B. Except C. As with D. With

答案 C


as with 正如……一样

=as is the case with…

【06 天津】The Beatles,______many of you are told enough to remember,came from Liverpool.

A. what B. that C. how D. as

答案D 正如你们当中年龄足够大的人所能记得的那样,Beatle一家来自利物浦。本题考察定语从句,排除A和C ,非限制性定语从句不用that,排除B。

the same …as与the same ……that的区别

一般来说,在the same…as中,as 所指代的人,物与先行词是同一类。在the same…that中,that表示同一物。但实际上两者通用。This is the same(=the very)pen that i lost yesterday。


——Did your classmate accept your invitation?

——No,he ______refused.

A. as far as B. as soon as

C. as well as D. as good as

答案 D

______he works hard,i don't mind when he will finish the experiment.

A. As soon as B. As well as C. So far as D. So long as


Tom's father,as well as his mother,______in new york for a few more days.

A suggest his to stay

B suggested him that he should stay

C suggest him staying

D suggests he stay

答案 D 汤姆的母亲和父亲建议他在纽约再待几天。

【08 福建】——Who should be responsible for the accident?

——The boss,not the workers。They just carried out the order______.

A. as told B. as are told

C. as telling D. as they told

答案 A 谁应当对这起事故负责?是老板,而不是工人。工人们只是执行了他们被吩咐的指令。 workers 和tell是被动关系,而当从句主语和主句主语一致的时候,且从句中有be动词时,那么从句主语和be动词可以同时省略。

as a consequence因此;结果 as a consequence of 由于……

=in consequence =in consequence of

=as a result =as a result of

I overslept,and as a consequence,I was late for work.

We hadn't enough money to pay______our bus fare,and ______we had to walk.

A .for;as a consequence

B. for ;as a result

C. 不填;as consequence

D. 不填;in consequence

答案D 我们没有足够的钱付车票,因此我们不得不步行。Pay…fare付……的费用,不需填任何介词。

【09 全国II】Jenny nearly missed the flight______doing too much shopping.

A. as a result of B. on top of

C. in front of D. in need of

答案A 由于购物花费时间太多,珍妮差点错过航班。

On seeing her,the king immediately falls in love with her.


on v-ing形式=as soon as

还有一些介词短语表示一……就……;它们是at the sight of;at the thought of等。

______the sight of the police officers,the men ran off。

A. In B. At C. For D. With

On seeing the snake,the girl was frightened.

=As soon as the girl saw the snake,she was very frightened.


think of…as…,think…to be…

consider…as/to be

regard……as…… We regard it as impossible。我们都认为这不可能。

look on……as



Do not______this serious matter______a joke.

A. think;as

B. think of;to be

C. look on;to be

D. treat;as

答案D 不要把这件严肃的事情当作玩笑。

as it were或者说

He is my best friend,my second self,as it were。他是我最好的朋友,或者说,是第二个我。


