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The 14 most important design ideas of the decade, according to the experts


Designers and curators from Apple, Adobe, Pentagram, Wolff Olins, Cooper Hewitt, and more consider their industry’s legacy in the 2010s.

来自苹果、Adobe、Pentagram、沃尔夫•奥林斯(Wolff Olins)、库珀•休伊特(Cooper Hewitt)等公司的设计师和策展人都认为他们所在的公司在2010年代留下了浓墨重彩的一笔。


When historians write the book on early 21st-century design, they will no doubt aim the bulk of their scholarship at the aughts. After all, the sunny, experimental designs of Y2K presaged many of the computing paradigms in use today, and the iPhone, possibly the most influential design object of all time, was released in 2007.


But it would be a mistake to discount design’s impact in the 2010s. We may not be able to point to a single object that reshaped the world as fully and as swiftly as the iPhone, but the 2010s saw the introduction of Tesla’s Model S, which used seductive design to push the entire car industry to rethink its dependence on fossil fuels; the proliferation of the pussy hat, which gave visceral form to the #metoo movement; and the rise of social media platforms, which have arguably done more to manipulate our social and political reality than any other recent invention. If the ’00s were design’s formative childhood in the third millennium, the 2010s were its wild teen years—more mature and confident, sure, but also prone to screwing up royally.

但如果低估设计在2010年代中的影响,那就大错特错了。我们可能找不到一件像iPhone那样能够全面、迅速地重塑世界的东西,但在21世纪10年代,特斯拉推出了Model S,它用诱人的设计推动整个汽车行业反思对化石燃料的依赖;“猫咪帽”的流行,为“我也是”运动提供了发自内心的形式;以及社交媒体平台的兴起,可以说,这些平台在操纵我们的社会和政治现实方面比最近的任何发明都做得更多。如果说00年代是设计界在第三个千禧年形成的童年时期,那么2010年代则是设计界狂野的青少年时期——更成熟、更自信,当然,也更容易把事情搞砸了。

Here, we’ve tapped designers and design thinkers from a range of disciplines, from technology design and branding to transportation and urbanism, to identify the most important products, services, and design ideas of the 2010s. Their responses aren’t just an exercise in nostalgia; they offer clues about where design is headed as a new decade looms.





[图片来源: tanda_V/iStock]

It was conceived on Thanksgiving weekend in the wake of the 2016 presidential elections by three women: a screenwriter, an architect, and the owner of a knitting supply shop in Atwater Village, California. Kat Coyle transformed Krista Suh and Jayna Zweiman’s idea of wearable protest into 17 lines of precise instructions, and the internet did the rest. As a symbol, it was an imperfect, ambiguous metaphor, a handmade response to the red MAGA hat. But there was no denying the visual power of a city inundated by a sea of pink, as hundreds of thousands of women flooded into Washington DC the morning after Donald Trump’s inauguration. For a single day, the Pussy Hat was the nation’s most powerful monument. —Michael Bierut, partner, Pentagram

它是在2016年总统大选后的感恩节周末由三名女性构想出来的:一名编剧、一名建筑师,以及加利福尼亚州阿特沃特村(Atwater Village)一家针织用品店的老板。科伊尔将克丽丝塔•苏(Krista Suh)和杰娜•茨维曼(Jayna Zweiman)关于可穿戴式抗议的构想转变为17行精确的指令,剩下的就交给了互联网。作为一种象征,它是一个不完美的、模棱两可的隐喻,是手工制作的对红色MAGA帽的回应。但不可否认的是,在唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)就职的第二天早上,数十万女性涌入华盛顿特区,这座城市被粉红色的海洋所淹没,其视觉效果是无与伦比的。也许在未来的某一天,猫咪帽将会是这个国家最具纪念意义的东西。-Michael Bierut,合伙人,五角设计公司




[照片来源: Tesla]

First introduced in 2012, the Model S accelerated the advent of sustainable transport like no other design and made the whole car industry rethink its oil-consuming future. Changing a design to encourage replacement consumerism is no longer responsible. We have to reduce, reuse, and rethink. —Paul Priestman, chairman, PriestmanGoode

Model S于2012年首次推出,它加速了可持续交通的到来,这是其他设计无法比拟的,并让整个汽车行业重新思考其石油消费的未来。改变设计来鼓励替代消费主义不再是负责任的行为。我们必须减少、重用和重新思考。-Paul Priestman, PriestmanGoode董事长



[图片: Black Lives Matter]

On July 13, 2013 a jury acquitted George Zimmerman of the murder of a 17-year-old unarmed African-American high school student named Trayvon Martin. In response, Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi created a movement-building effort they titled #BlackLivesMatter. The movement continued to grow after the 2014 deaths of Michael Brown (which also resulted in protests in Ferguson, St. Louis) and Eric Garner in New York City. Today, Black Lives Matter has become a worldwide ideological and political movement to protest how Black lives are systematically and intentionally targeted. It also introduced a cultural shift wherein—for the first time in modern history—the most popular, influential brands are being created by the people and for the people for the sole purpose of changing the world and making it a better place. You can’t buy these brands in a supermarket or drugstore or mall. Now, our greatest innovations are the creation of brands that can make a difference in our lives and reflect the kind of world we want to live in. The #BlackLivesMatter effort has subsequently become a beacon in the darkness of our times and a statement of accountability in our culture. —Debbie Millman, founder, Design Matters

2013年7月13日,陪审团宣判乔治·齐默尔曼(George Zimmerman)无罪,齐默尔曼被控谋杀了一名17岁的非洲裔美国高中生特雷沃恩·马丁(Trayvon Martin)。作为回应,Alicia Garza、Patrisse Cullors和Opal Tometi发起了一项名为“黑人的生命很重要”的运动。2014年迈克尔·布朗(Michael Brown)和埃里克·加纳(Eric Garner)在纽约死亡后,该运动继续发展。今天,“黑人的生命很重要”已经成为一场全球性的意识形态和政治运动,以抗议黑人的生命如何被系统地、蓄意地作为目标。它还带来了一种文化上的转变,在现代历史上第一次,最受欢迎、最具影响力的品牌是由人民创造的,是为人民而创造的,其唯一目的就是改变世界,让世界变得更美好。你不能在超市、药店或购物中心买到这些品牌。现在,我们最大的创新是创造品牌,这些品牌可以改变我们的生活,反映我们想要生活的世界。“黑人的生命很重要”的努力后来成为我们时代黑暗中的一盏明灯,成为我们文化中负责任的宣言。-Debbie Millman, Design Matters创始人



[照片来源: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images]

The iPad was largely mocked when it was first introduced by Steve Jobs a decade ago, but in short order, it created its own market sector: the tablet. In the years since, it has made computing more accessible and intuitive for all ages, with a sleek simplicity that has only improved relative to its rivals (save for the tortures of iOS 13). For designers, it has become an indispensable tool, especially when paired with the drawing ease of the Apple Pencil. The clear future for this technology is a tablet that can fold or roll into a pocket, that can project, and that someday may replace both the phone and the desktop as a singular personal device that could hopefully diminish our electricity use and e-waste. Proof that consumers don’t always know what they want until they want it, the iPad is the apotheosis of Jobs’s ability to combine touch and tech in a package for which we could only heretofore dream. —Vishaan Chakrabarti, founder, Practice for Architecture and Urbanism

10年前,当乔布斯首次推出iPad时,iPad在很大程度上是遭到了嘲笑的,但是很快,它就创造了属于自己的市场细分领域:平板电脑。从那以后的几年里,它让所有年龄层的人都能更方便、更直观地使用计算机,它简洁的外观只比竞争对手有所改进(除了磨人的iOS 13以外)。对于设计师来说,iPad已经成为一个不可或缺的工具,尤其是当它与Apple Pencil的简便画法搭配的时候。这项技术的明确未来是一款可以折叠或卷进口袋的平板电脑,它可以投射出来,有一天可能会取代手机和台式机,成为一种独特的个人设备,有望减少我们的用电量和电子垃圾的产生。证明消费者在想要什么之前并不确定知道自己想要什么,iPad是乔布斯将触摸和科技结合在一起的能力的典范,而这正是我们迄今为止梦寐以求的。-Vishaan Chakrabarti,建筑和城市化实践创始人



[截图来源: Gov.uk]

I choose GOV.UK, the website designed by the UK Government Digital Service, which comprehensively redesigned the way in which citizens of the UK accessed government services. It’s a brilliant example of design genuinely making life better for everyone—it’s not pretty, it’s not selling anything, it’s not design for other designers. It just makes things better. And it’s been replicated all around the world. —Patrick Burgoyne, CEO, D&AD

我选择了英国政府数字服务公司(UK Government Digital Service)设计的网站GOV.UK,该网站全面重新设计了英国公民获取政府服务的方式。这是一个很好的设计实例,它真正让每个人的生活变得更好,它不漂亮,不卖任何东西,不是为其他设计师设计。它只是让事情变得更好。已经被复制到世界各地。-Patrick Burgoyne,D&AD首席执行官




[图片来源: iStock]

In a sense, the success of these all-you-can-eat services, like Netflix and Spotify, was inevitable, but the design of each was critical to how quickly they conquered the world. They perfected the notion of binging and endless playlists and, in less than a decade, totally reconfigured our relationship with media. Future generations will barely recognize the era of music, television, and movies that came before them—for better or worse. —Khoi Vinh, principal designer, Adobe

从某种意义上说,Netflix和Spotify等“吃到饱”服务的成功是不可避免的,但它们的设计对它们迅速征服世界至关重要。他们完善了即兴演奏和无穷无尽的播放列表的概念,并在不到十年的时间里,完全重塑了我们与媒体的关系。未来的几代人几乎不会意识到他们之前的音乐、电视和电影时代——无论好坏。-Khoi Vinh, Adobe首席设计师




[照片来源: DJI]

The Shenzhen-based company DJI released its first iteration of its Phantom drone in 2013. The low-cost, remote-operated quadcopter mounted with a camera quickly generated a global fan base of amateur and professionals alike, netting the company a multibillion-dollar valuation. Not only has DJI changed photography and film-making through ubiquitous aerial imagery, it’s opened up the skies to a range of both positive and problematic applications, including firefighting, spatial research, disaster aid, surveillance, protest, and violence. —Brendan Cormier, senior design curator, V&A

2013年,总部位于深圳的大疆公司(DJI)发布了首款幻影无人机。这款低成本、远程操作、配有摄像头的四轴飞行器迅速在全球吸引了大批业余爱好者和专业人士,为公司带来了数十亿美元的估值。大疆不仅通过无处不在的空中影像改变了摄影和电影制作模式,它还开辟了一系列积极和有问题的应用新途径,包括消防、空间研究、灾难援助、监视、抗议和暴力。-Brendan Cormier, V&A高级设计策展人




[图片来源: Facebook]

Design is, ultimately, an exercise in manipulation. It attempts to intentionally trigger a response from the user in order to achieve an outcome. Over the past decade, nothing comes close to the nefarious design by bad actors and the oftentimes unintentional bias of AI-based algorithms. These were amplified by the Clouseau-like complicity of the digital and business model designers of the social platforms of the 2010s. Users were manipulated—by design—to like, friend, and forward provocative memes that have enflamed passions on all sides of every argument and given comfort to lies. And therein rests our next great design challenge: ensuring accessible provenance of critical data and designing for trust and fairness. —Phil Gilbert, general manager of design, IBM





[图片来源: iStock]

By far the most simultaneously brilliant, audacious, and terrifying design of the last decade were the genetically edited “designer babies” of 2018—the offspring production of Chinese researcher He Jiankui. In 2011, prescient NASA scientists upheld the mantle of “most plausible” science fiction movie ever made to 1997’s Gattaca (the title itself a clever spin on G-A-C-T, the four base pairs of DNA); now we know they were right on target, and writer-director Andrew Niccol is now our contemporary Nostradamus. —Forest Young, global principal, Wolff Olins

到目前为止,过去十年中最杰出、最大胆、最可怕的设计是2018年的基因编辑“设计婴儿”——中国研究员贺建奎的后代。2011年,美国国家航空航天局(NASA)有先见的科学家们为1997年的《千钧一刻》(Gattaca)制作了一部“最似是而非”的科幻电影。现在我们知道他们是对的,编剧兼导演Andrew Niccol现在是我们当代的预言家。-福里斯特·杨,沃尔夫·奥林斯全球负责人




[图片来源: Google]

Distributing work in the world of computational art and design has been, on the one hand, facilitated by the web but also reset by the smartphone revolution. While in the beginnings of the public internet we were fighting just the browser wars, we now need to maintain code across multiple browsers and natively on iOS and Android, to start. Flutter/Dart points to one of the emerging ways by which we can design computational experiences that deploy to all platforms at once—this has the potential to not only save time, but it can ultimately free up our energies to get to the next level of design in the computational era. —John Maeda, chief experience officer, Publicis Sapient

在计算艺术和设计的世界里,分配工作一方面受到网络的推动,但也受到智能手机革命的影响。虽然在公共互联网的初期,我们只是在打浏览器的战争,但现在我们需要在多个浏览器之间维护代码,并在iOS和Android上进行本地维护。Flutter/Dart指出了一种新兴的方式,通过这种方式,我们可以设计出同时部署到所有平台上的计算体验——这不仅可以节省时间,还可以最终释放我们的能量,让我们进入计算时代的下一个设计阶段。-John Maeda, Publicis Sapient公司首席经验官




[截图来源: FC]

Emoji are ubiquitous. Although they originated in the late 1990s, it wasn’t until 2010 that emoji were recognized by Unicode Consortium (the global regulator that maintains digital text standards) as a communication system for standardization. This opened the door for Apple to introduce the first emoji keyboard to its iOS in 2011, with Android closely following. Emoji keyboards gave users direct access to emoji on their devices, enabling a global, visual language for the digital era to take root. Not only do emoji add emotional nuance to digital text, they convey information across language barriers. New emoji are added annually, including skin-tone modifiers, accessible emoji, gender-neutral people, flags and religious symbols, and much more. Emoji signify inclusion and representation. They facilitate communication and cultural visibility. Emoji are a mirror of us, pointing to the importance of digital communication and representation in the decade ahead. —Andrea Lipps, curator, Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum

Emoji无处不在。尽管表情符号起源于上世纪90年代末,但直到2010年才被统一码联盟(Unicode Consortium)认可为标准化的交流系统。这为苹果在2011年将第一个表情符号输入引入iOS打开了大门,安卓紧随其后。表情符号输入让用户可以直接在设备上使用表情符号,为数字时代奠定了一种全球性的视觉语言。表情符号不仅为数字文本增添了情感上的细微差别,它们还跨越语言障碍传达信息。每年都会有新的表情符号加入,包括肤色修饰符、可访问的表情符号、中性性别的人、旗帜和宗教符号等等。表情符号代表包容和代表性。它们促进了交流和文化的可见性。表情符号是我们的一面镜子,反映出未来十年数字交流和表达的重要性。-安德里亚·利普斯,库珀·休伊特,史密森设计博物馆馆长




[图片来源: Mubera Boskov/iStock]

Data went public this past decade and forever changed our expectations and experiences for how we measure and understand our world. Before 2010, most data was either in spreadsheets or poorly structured databases on private servers. That changed when President Obama took office. He created the first Open Government Initiative, which led to the launch of data.gov by US CIO Vivek Kundra in May of 2009. By 2010 the floodgates opened, and data from all types of sources started coming online. I consider this past decade to be the time when data visualization and data science became “professionalized” practices. I hope the 2020s will bring these practices together more strategically to help us save our most vulnerable assets: our planet and our democracy.—Lisa Strausfeld, founder, Informationart

在过去的十年里,数据公开了,永远地改变了我们对如何衡量和理解我们的世界的期望和经验。大多数数据要么是在电子表格中,要么是在私有服务器上结构糟糕的数据库中。这种情况在奥巴马总统就职后改变了。2009年5月,他创建了第一个开放政府项目,美国CIO Vivek Kundra创建了data.gov。到2010年,闸门打开,来自各种来源的数据开始上网。我认为过去十年是数据可视化和数据科学成为“专业化”实践的时候。我希望在21世纪20年代将这些做法更有战略性地结合起来,帮助我们拯救我们最脆弱的资产:我们的地球和我们的民主。-信息艺术创始人,丽莎·斯特劳斯菲尔德




[图片来源 Antiv3D/iStock]

The neuromorphic chip is silicon designed to mimic the form of the human brain. This game-changing architecture transforms the way our devices process information, moving them closer to the way our brains process information. Neural networks can now be etched into silicon not unlike the billions of neurons and synapses that form our nervous system and brain. This means software and data no longer have to be processed on different chips, they can be stored and processed on the same chip—saving significant time, energy and space. Our modern world, already powered by software, is about to change in a really big way. —Imran Chaudhri, former Apple designer and founder, Humane

这种神经形态芯片是用硅设计的,目的是模仿人类大脑的形态。这种改变游戏规则的架构改变了我们的设备处理信息的方式,使它们更接近于我们大脑处理信息的方式。神经网络现在可以蚀刻到硅上,就像数十亿神经元和突触组成我们的神经系统和大脑一样。这意味着软件和数据不再需要在不同的芯片上处理,它们可以存储在同一块芯片上处理——这节省了大量的时间、精力和空间。我们的现代世界,已经由软件驱动,即将发生巨大的变化。-Imran Chaudhri,前苹果设计师和创始人,人道的




[图片来源: Dedy Setyawan/iStock]

For me, the greatest achievement of this decade precludes the most important and crucial design work of the next decade: sustainability. During the 2010s, far from enough was created to demonstrate a sustainability global movement. Nevertheless the companies that successfully built lower-carbon design businesses at scale will be remembered—from Tesla demonstrating that the electric car is a good business and an even better experience, to Ikea launching kitchens made of recycled bottles and simplifying its assembly with its tool-less push-fit system, to Stella McCartney’s “vegan” fashion to prefab homes finally becoming mainstream while reducing waste in traditional construction by 80%. These sustainability pioneers are successful companies that show the way forward for business. —Yves Béhar, founder, fuseproject

对我来说,这十年最伟大的成就排除了下一个十年最重要和最关键的设计工作:可持续性。在2010年代,远远不足以证明全球运动的可持续性。然而,那些成功建立了大规模低碳设计业务的公司将会被人们记住——从特斯拉证明电动汽车是一个好的项目,甚至是一种更好的体验,到宜家推出用回收瓶做成的厨房,用不用工具的推装系统简化其组装,到斯特拉·麦卡特尼的“纯素食”时尚,到预制房屋最终成为主流,同时减少传统建筑中80%的浪费。这些可持续发展的先锋是成功的公司,为企业指明了前进的方向。- fuseproject创始人yves Behar



Suzanne LaBarre is the editor of Co.Design. Previously, she was the online content director of Popular Science and has written for the New York Times, the New York Observer, Newsday, I.D

Suzanne LaBarre,Co.Design的编辑。她之前是《大众科学》的网络内容总监,曾为《纽约时报》、《纽约观察家》、《新闻日报》等多家媒体撰稿。

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