

757th article757期双语推文


Photo: Xu Zongfu


NB: This may not be a word-for-word transcript.

Xingyang is positioned as a beautiful ecological bastion in western Zhengzhou. On sunny days, the roads are smooth, clear, and surrounded with impressive scenery. As night falls, the streets are ablaze with colorful lights as the moon shines brightly in the night sky. In the past five years, Xingyang has been actively exploring and bravely applying a strategy of innovation-driven development to maintain sustainable economic growth with every inch of its 908 square kilometers of land.



Photo: Xu Zongfu, Ding Youming

In 2020, the gross domestic product (GDP) of Xingyang totaled 54.6 billion yuan, 1.37 times that of 2015, while its per capita GDP was 80,000 yuan, 1.27 times that of 2015. Its per capita disposable income reached 30,149 yuan, up 42 percent from 2015. Xingyang has been steadily promoting the transformation of its industry, accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system and promoting high-quality development in the manufacturing sector. The added value of the equipment manufacturing industry has increased by 94.9%, making it one of China's top 100 industrial county-level cities for five consecutive years.



Photo: Xu Zongfu

During the 13thFive-Year Plan period, Xingyang attracted 73.89 billion yuan of funding from both overseas and domestic sources, 1.5 times that of the 12thFive-Year Plan period. With the continuous enhancement of its innovation capacity, Xingyang was rated as one of the top 100 county-level cities in the nation for investment potential and one of the top 100 county-level cities for scientific and technological innovation. It spent 1.12% of its GDP on R&D, 3.4 times greater than during the 12thFive-Year Plan period. Since the 12thFive-Year Plan period ended, Xingyang has more than 6.5 times the high-tech enterprises with 85 companies, and has doubled the number of technology-based enterprises to 309. The number of patent applications and grants reached 7,067 and 4,396 respectively, with an annual increase of 9.1 percent and 3.5 percent.


In recent years, Xingyang has actively promoted the renovation of old residential areas in line with its original intention of achieving practical results for residents. It has upgraded a total of 52 roads, and added 122 kilometers to the gas supply network, 64 kilometers to the heating network, 276 kilometers to the water supply network and 106 kilometers to the storm sewer network. A total of 4.23 million square meters of resettlement housing has been built, and 44,000 people have moved back. A "smart" urban management system has been made available in all central urban areas, while the built-up area of the city has grown to 79 square kilometers, with urban residents accounting for 59.5 percent of its total population, 8 percentage points higher than at the end of the 12thFive-Year Plan period and 4.8 percentage points higher than the provincial average. It has continuously increased spending on improving people's wellbeing, giving the people a stronger sense of achievement and happiness. Government spending on improving people's welfare totaled 26.87 billion yuan, an average annual increase of 6.6%.



Photo: Xu Zongfu, Wang Xiuqing

The city's appearance and environment have improved significantly, with 9 parks, 7 squares and more than 70 scenic spots built in the planning area, while 99.15% of the roads have been greened. All main roads can now be cleaned mechanically and all household garbage can be made harmless through treatment and decontamination. The integration of urban and rural passenger transport has been accelerated, and all administrative villages now have had access to public transport. Xingyang has significantly improved its ecological environment by implementing 138 ecological conservation projects and increased its forest area by 5.4 percentage points when compared with the end of the 12thFive-Year Plan period. It has won the honorary titles of National Afforestation Model County-level City, National Garden City, Provincial Forest City and Provincial Advanced County-level City for Improving Rural Living Environment.



Photo: Xu Zongfu

Xingyang strives to shoulder its responsibilities in protecting the environment and achieving the high-quality development of the Yellow River basin. It aims to build the western part of Zhengzhou into an ecological bastion of the city, strengthen coordinated development with Zhengzhou Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone and interactive development with Shangjie District, and set the pace in promoting high-quality economic and social development. With these goals firmly in mind, Xingyang is making important contributions towards building Zhengzhou into a national central city and writing a new chapter for the Central Plains at its own pace.




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中文来源丨郑州日报 郑州晚报


