
Hi my name is Cara and our lesson today will be looking at a second strategy for speaking part 2 of the IELTS speaking section. In this strategy, the structure of the response is also divided into three parts.,我来为大家科普一下关于雅思口语part3的考试难点?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!



Hi my name is Cara and our lesson today will be looking at a second strategy for speaking part 2 of the IELTS speaking section. In this strategy, the structure of the response is also divided into three parts.


You could think of these three parts as three different stories you'll be telling the examiner. These three stories will concern events about the past, the present and the future.


So that means you'll have to tell a story about what happened before, a story about what's happening now and a story about what you think might happen later. So I use this structure.


Well, the beauty of this structure is you won't get stuck trying to think about what to talk about. As long as you can think of three different stories, you're more likely to speak long enough to reach two minutes.


I know some of you might think you must stick with the questions on the bullet points. Well, that's not true.


In the official marking criteria for this speaking test, there is nothing stating that you must talk about every bullet point. The bullet points are only there to help you.


So if you get a little off-topic, that's okay too. The most important thing is to be fluent and coherent in your answer.


Alright, let's learn how to structure answers with the past, present and future stories. Let's look at an example question.


Talk about one mean of transportation that you often use. You should mention where you usually go by that mean of transportation, what the advantages and disadvantages of that method of traveling are and if you think you'll use that means of transport more or less often in the future and why.


So this question is asking you to talk about one mean of transportation you often use. We could talk about three means of transportation.


One in the past, one in the present and one in the future. But before we do that, we need to let the examiner know what you'll be talking about.


We can do that by giving a brief introduction. It only needs to be a sentence or two.


Here are some ways you can introduce your answer. There are many means of transportation that we commutes and today I'd like to tell you three stories about my experiences with transportation.


Or so today, I'd like to tell you three stories about my experiences with transportation throughout my life. An introduction like this will help the examiner follow along with the structure you'll be using in your answer.


It doesn't need to be long as each of your stories will take up most of your talking time. Sound good.


Okay, let's continue. So the first story is about the means of transportation in the past.


So what you can do is mention some points in your story like what you remember about the past experience, when you first tried it or used to or what you know about it. Just think about the details of what you know and write them down in your notes.


It shouldn't be hard. Let's see how I would do this.


Here are my notes. In this example, I wrote down details from two different past experiences that I could talk about.

以下是我的笔记。在这个例题 中,我写下了过去两个我可以谈论的经历的细节。

I used to ride the bus and I also used to drive a car. The point is they're both memories I have in the past.


It might be the case that one of these points is easier to tell a story about than the other one. It never hurts to have options.


Now using these notes, here's how I would respond. Well, first of all, I used to take the bus.


The bus was a little slow and it was not as convenient because I only stops at specific locations. I took the bus to and from school every day for about three years.


Taking the bus was pretty simple and cheap, but I don't miss having to remember the schedule or rushing to make it to the stop on time. That reminds me of a time that I missed the bus when I was on my way to school.


I ended up being late for class and that was not good. Luckily, I ended up getting a car when I was 20.

最终我上课迟到了,这很不好。幸运的是,我 20 岁时最终得到了一辆车。

So that made my life easier. So that's pretty much my past experiences with transportation.


So basically you can spend around thirty or forty-five seconds of your time talking about your past experiences. You can go even longer if you have more to say.


But remember, you still have two other stories to tell. All right, let's move on to the next story, the means of transportation in the present.


Again, you can write down some details about the current transportation you use. You could think about the answers to some questions like why did you start using this or what do you like about this to get started.


Here is my example of how to tell a present story. Now I'd like to tell you about my current transportation situation.


These days I've been taking the subway to where I need to go in the city. I like taking the subway, because it's cheap.


I've actually been saving a lot of money since I got my commuter pass. It hasn't always been easy though.


Actually when I first moved here, I was still pretty confused and I got lost a lot. It took some time and some practice, but now I think I'm better understanding how the subway lines connect and where I need to go.


So now I really like using the subway and I feel very confident about using the subway in my everyday life. All right, you should get the hang of it by now.


Each story takes around 30 to 45 seconds of your time. So with two stories, you can easily fill up a minute and a half.

每个故事大约需要 30 到 45 秒的时间。因此讲完这两个故事,你可以轻松地填满一分半钟。

Now don't forget there's still one more story for you to tell: transportation in the future. Let's see how I would answer that.


For my last story today, I'm gonna tell you about an article I read on future transportation methods. Maybe you've already heard about self-driving cars.


I remember reading an article about them in Wired magazine a few weeks ago. The article talks about how both our attitudes and available technology for self-driving cars have changed a lot in the past five years.


The cars are getting safer and they will continue to become more commercially available. If the prices were low enough and they were regarded as relatively safe, I would be really interested in using self-driving cars as a method of transportation in the future.


I think that sounds amazing. So those are my three stories about methods of transportation.


Okay and I've learned a new strategy for part 2 of the IELTS speaking section. Remember in this strategy, you'll need to tell three stories: one for the past, one for the present and one for the future.


Are you ready to try a full answer? Let's give it a try.


So today I'd like to tell you three stories about my experiences with transportation throughout my life. Well, first of all, I used to take the bus.


The bus was a little slow and it was not as convenient, because I only stops at specific locations. I took the bus to and from school every day for about three years.


Taking the bus was pretty simple and cheap, but I don't miss having to remember the schedule or rushing to make it to the stop on time. That reminds me of a time that I missed the bus when I was on my way to school.


I ended up being late for class and that was not good. Luckily, I ended up getting a car when I was 20.

最终我上课迟到了,这很不好。幸运的是,我 20 岁时最终得到了一辆车。

So that made my life easier. So that's pretty much my past experiences with transportation.


Now I'd like to tell you about my current transportation situation. These days I've been taking the subway to where I need to go in the city.


I like taking the subway because it's cheap. I've actually been saving a lot of money since I got my commuter pass.


It hasn't always been easy though. Actually, when I first moved here, I was still pretty confused and I got lost a lot.


It took some time and some practice, but now I think I'm better understanding how the subway lines connect and where I need to go. So now I really like using the subway and I feel very confident about using the subway in my everyday life.


For my last story today, I'm gonna tell you about an article I read on future transportation methods. Maybe you've already heard about self-driving cars.


I remember reading an article about them in Wired magazine a few weeks ago. The article talks about how both our attitudes and available technology for self-driving cars have changed a lot in the past five years.


The cars are getting safer and they will continue to become more commercially available. If the prices were low enough and they were regarded as relatively safe, I would be really interested in using self-driving cars as a method of transportation in the future.


I think that sounds amazing. So those are my three stories about methods of transportation.


All right, it's your turn to practice. Let's try one more example question using this strategy.


Give yourself one minute to prepare and write down something in your notes. Then take two minutes to talk.


I will be back to give my answer in two minutes. Here's the question.


There are a lot of ways to be a good parent and today I'd like to tell you three stories about my experiences with parenting. So first of all, I think I was really lucky to have good parents.


Both my parents worked really hard but they also made sure they took the time to teach us important lessons and they spend time with us every day. We always had dinner at the dinner table together.


And I felt like my mom and dad knew me and my siblings and our lives. My parents are so really important people in my life today.


Next I'd like to talk about some great parents that I know today: my friends. They're new parents.


Even though they're still learning how to be good parents, I watch them lose sleep every night and they are constantly sacrificing their own comfort for their baby. The mother is so patient and even when she hasn't had the time to relax or even take a shower, she still smiles and plays with the baby.


The father works really hard and even after a long day, he still takes time to give his wife a break so she can spend some time with herself. My friends are not only kind to their baby, but they're also really kind to each other.


For my last story today, I want to tell you about a TV show that I saw that has really influenced how I think I want to be a parent in the future. The show is called Parenthood and it's a sitcom about a few different families.


They're. . . the families are really different, but the things that hold them together is their support and honesty and love for one another. I hope that when I become a parent someday, I can be like this with my kids and accept who they are even if it's different from how I expect them to be.


So those are my three stories about good parenting. Okay, that's the today's video and remember practice makes perfect.


You can go to our website at bestmytest. com/IELTS for more IELTS part 2 speaking questions and to practice your speaking by listening to responses by native speakers. Feel free to leave comments and remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

你可以访问我们的网站 bestmytest. com/IELTS 获取更多雅思第二部分的口语题,并通过听母语者的回答来练习口语。请随时留言,还有记得订阅我们的 YouTube 频道。

You can also follow us on social media for even more. Thank you for watching and see you next time.



