

DEVELOPMENT REPORT - Increase in Illegal Killing of Rhinos in Africa, Asia


A new report says the illegal killing of rhinos for their horns is increasing in Africa and Asia.

Rhinoceros poachers are killing an estimated two to three of the rare animals each week.

一份新报告称,非法捕杀犀牛以谋取牛角的活动在非洲和亚洲呈上升态势。据估计,犀牛偷猎者每周捕杀 2-3 头这种珍稀动物。

Experts say demand in Asia -- especially Vietnam and China -- currently drives most trade in rhino horns from southern Africa. The horns are often used to make traditional medicines, or handles for dagger knives.


The report is from the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and an organization known as Traffic.

这份报告由“世界自然保护联盟”和一个被称为 Traffic 的机构(国际野生物贸易研究组织)联合发布。

Most African rhino poaching is in Zimbabwe and South Africa. Experts found that two hundred ten rhinos were illegally killed in South Africa in the last three years.

非洲的大多数犀牛偷猎活动发生在津巴布韦和南非。专家们调查发现,在过年3年里,南非有 210 头犀牛遭非法捕杀。

The estimate for Zimbabwe is two hundred thirty-five. The situation threatens gains made in its rhino populations in the nineteen nineties. In the last two years, only six people were found guilty of poaching charges out of forty-one arrested.

津巴布韦估计有 235 头犀牛(遭非法捕杀)。这一形势威胁到该国在 20 世纪 90年代所取得的犀牛数量增长。在过去的两年里,因偷猎指控而被捕的总共有 41 人,其中只有 6 人被判有罪。

In two thousand one, sixty-eight percent of African rhino horns entering illegal trade were recovered. By this year, nine out of ten were heading to Asian markets without interference. The report says poaching and illegal horn trade has increased in South Africa even with new measures against it.

2001 年,进入非法贸易市场的 68%非洲犀牛角被查获。到今年为止,每 10 只犀牛角,有 9 只在毫无阻碍的情况下被运往亚洲市场。该报告称,在南非,即便(政府)出台了新的防范措施,偷猎和非法牛角贸易仍然越发猖獗。

Adding to the problem, poachers today are more skilled at killing rhinos, and not only with guns. They also use quieter methods, like veterinary drugs, poison and crossbows.


An international agreement on protecting endangered animals and plants provides for sport hunting of white rhinos in Africa. But the horns often enter illegal markets.


Not all the news is bad, however. The report notes that rhino populations are increasing in some areas. These include both white rhinos and black rhinos in the wild in Africa.


Africa had an estimated seventeen thousand white rhinos and four thousand black rhinos as of two years ago. Current estimates for Asia are around three thousand rhinos. But even with poaching, growth is reported in some areas of India and Nepal.

截止到两年前,非洲估计拥有 1.7 万头白犀牛和 4000 头黑犀牛。目前,亚洲估计约有 3000 头犀牛。但在印度和尼泊尔的某些地区,即使存在偷猎活动,犀牛的数量仍有增长。

Wildlife activists are urging governments to do more to fight rhino poaching.


The report was presented to the organization known as CITES. CITES is the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. The next conference of countries that are parties to the agreement is in March in Doha, Qatar.

这份报告已经提交给被称之为 CITES 的组织。CITES 全称是《濒危野生动植物物种国际贸易公约》。公约成员国的下届大会将于 3 月份在卡塔尔的多哈举行。




