



Wasps can truly be menacing if they have built a nest near your home. They’re actually dangerous animals if they attack in a swarm, and many people are wondering what alternative steps can they take instead of calling in an exterminator.


Hairspray is used for a lot of things and it contains a lot of chemicals, so people naturally wonder if it can be used to kill wasps as insects are naturally more vulnerable to chemicals. So, does hairspray kill wasps?


Hairspray will not kill wasps. It will, however, make them stick to one another and stick their wings together. Hairspray is naturally sticky, that’s why it makes hair hold the way a person has set it. This same feature makes wasp wings glue to one another and it doesn’t allow them to fly.


However, hairspray is oddly connected to wasps, and many people believe in hairspray being used to kill wasps or to repel them. Some things may be urban myths, while others are proven facts, and today, we’ll be taking a look at that. We’ll be delving deeper into the life of wasps and learn how hairspray affects them. We’ll be answering questions like does hairspray kill wasps, how does hairspray work on wasps, are wasps attracted to hairspray, why is hairspray sometimes used to kill a wasp nest, and why hairspray isn’t the best wasp repellent?

Let’s get started! ➡️


正如我们前面所说的—— 发胶杀不死黄蜂。有些农药可以毒杀黄蜂,但是发胶对黄蜂无毒害,对它们的健康没有直接影响。

As we’ve previously stated –hairspray will not kill a wasp. There are pesticides that will kill wasps, but hairspray is not poisonous to them, and it will have no direct health effect on them.




The only way you could actually use hairspray to kill wasps would be to take advantage of their immobility after spraying and get rid of them the old fashion way.


Don’t build a makeshift flamethrower! That’s not only very dangerous as you could cause the hairspray to explode (it’s pressurized) and hurt yourself, but it’s also inhumane for the insects.


首先,黄蜂有时候会被发胶所吸引。如果你曾用过发胶,你可能注意到了它的气味很好闻。有些闻起来很甜,甚至是水果味—— 黄蜂也注意到了这一点。它们尤其会被这类气味所吸引,因为花蜜恰巧就是它们主要的食物来源之一。

First and foremost; wasps are sometimes attracted to hairspray. If you’ve ever used it, you may have noticed that it smells quite nice. Some smell sweet and even fruity – and wasps notice this too. They’re particularly attracted to these odors, as nectar just so happens to be one of their primary food sources.


But you can use hairspray to knock wasps down. Hairspray definitely won’t kill them, but it will make their wings stick together. If you have a wasp or several wasps flying around your home, you can just spray them to knock them down.

  • 发胶起效如此之快,实际上从空中就可以将黄蜂击落。
  • It works so fast that you’ll actually knock them out of the air.


However, this can have a negative effect. Wasps in danger will release a pheromone that signals a threat to other comrades. This can lead to a wasp attack if you have more than one yellowjacket nearby.




Also, wasps are attracted to hairspray, and if other wasps sense it in the air (which they will if they’re close enough), they’ll maybe congregate on your location.


If the sprayed wasp was unaccompanied you can collect the yellow jacket and bring it outdoors or kill it (if necessary).



It’s very dangerous to meddle with wasps if you’re not a professional, that’s why it’s always best to call an exterminator if you need to get rid of wasps, bees, or hornets. However, many people prefer to do it their own way.

  • 由于发胶对黄蜂无毒害,因此专业人士不用发胶来摧毁黄蜂的巢穴。
  • Hairspray isn’t used to destroy a wasp nest by professionals, as it’s not poisonous to wasps.

有报道称人们使用发胶来点燃蜂巢。基于前面列出的两个原因—— 既危险又不人道,这种做法很可怕。

People have reported using it to light the nest on fire. This is terrible for both reasons listed beforehand – it’s dangerous and inhumane.


People also use hairspray to immobilize the wasps. Since it’s going to make wasp wings stick together and not allow them to fly, their most important strength is nullified. If you want to get rid of wasps in your yard, you could spray them constantly with hairspray to immobilize them.




If you poke the nest, the wasps are not only going to recognize you as a threat. They’ll charge at you and they’ll attack you. It’s really inefficient and almost impossible to hit every wasp with enough hairspray for it to fall over, unable to fly.


Wasps are going to be charging out of that nest in great numbers very quickly, and even if more people are covering it with hairspray, it’s still unlikely that they’ll actually hit every wasp.

  • 朝黄蜂的巢穴喷发胶非常危险,这会导致一大群黄蜂具有攻击性地四处飞来飞去。
  • Spraying a wasp nest is very dangerous and will lead to swarming wasps that will be aggressively flying around in thousands.


This is a very ineffective strategy and you should opt for calling an exterminator.


发胶不会驱赶黄蜂—— 发胶会吸引它们。此外,它甚至不会伤害它们—— 它会粘住黄蜂的翅膀,但那并不能杀死它们或使它们离开。实际上,发胶过一会儿就逐渐失去黏性,这样黄蜂就能再次飞行。

Hairspray doesn’t repel wasps – it attracts them. On top of that, it’s not even going to harm them – it’s going to make their wings stick, but that isn’t going to kill them or make them go away. The glue is actually going to dissipate after a while and they’ll be able to fly again.

用发胶对付黄蜂也很低效,所以,为此花钱没什么意义。或许你应该选用其他任何一种驱虫剂—— 它们中的大多数也对黄蜂有效。

Hairspray is also wildly inefficient against wasps, so it makes very little sense to spend money on it for that reason. You should probably opt for any other bug spray – most of them will work on wasps, as well.

不管怎样,这不一定能解决你的问题,因为你一个人的力量是不够的。正如用发胶去封住蜂巢一样—— 大量黄蜂会飞快地涌过来 —— 你不足以抵御所有的黄蜂。

However, this may not necessarily solve your problem, as you alone will not be enough. Just like covering the nest with hairspray – wasps will be coming in numbers and they’ll be coming fast – you won’t be enough to defend against all of them.




In this case, the safest option is to call an exterminator, these people know what they’re doing and they have all the protective gear they need to get the job done.



