




Real friendship between two persons originates perhaps from the time of life when they were children playing innocently together. Real friendship is easily formed in primary or middle school days when, being socially inexperienced and free from the burden of life, you give little thought to personal gains or losses, and make friends entirely as a result of similar tastes and interests or congenial disposition. It is sort of “friendship for friendship’s sake” and is relatively pure in nature.

inexperienced adj. · having little knowledge or experience of sth· 缺乏认识(或经验)的:inexperienced drivers / staff  没有经验的司机 / 职员

congenial adj. (formal)

1. (of a person 人)· pleasant to spend time with because their interests and character are similar to your own· 意气相投的;情趣相投的;合得来的:a congenial colleague 意气相投的同事

2. ~ (to sb)(of a place, job, etc. 地方、工作等)· pleasant because it suits your character· 相宜的;合意的;适宜的:a congenial working environment  宜人的工作环境

3. ~ (to sth)(formal)· suitable for sth· 适合的;适当的:a situation that was congenial to the expression of nationalist opinions 适于表达民族主义者意见的场合

disposition noun [C, usually sing.] · the natural qualities of a person's character· 性格;性情 SYN temperament :to have a cheerful disposition 性情开朗

for its own sake also sth for sth's sake if something is done for its own sake, it is done for the value of the experience itself, not for any advantage it will bring• 鉴于某事本身的价值,为某事本身的缘故: »art for art's sake为艺术而艺术


青梅竹马→是一个汉语成语,与“总角之交”相对,解释是形容男女儿童之间两小无猜的情状。也借指自幼亲密玩耍且陪伴长大的青年男女。成语出自李白《长干行》之一:“郎骑竹马来,绕床弄青梅。同居长干里 ,两小无嫌猜。”

恐怕要算“总角之交”或“竹马之交”了→此处将两词进行意译,originates perhaps from the time of life when they were children playing innocently together:也许源于他们小时候一起天真地玩耍的时光

打算计较的念头也少→give little thought to personal gains or losses:不去考虑个人得失

全由于→entirely as a result of。as a result of表原因,前面是结果,后面是原因。

差不多可以说是“无所为”的→有那么一点不做什么就可以获得友谊的意思,为了友谊而友谊:It is sort of “friendship for friendship’s sake”


Friendship among people in their 20s, however, is more or less colored by personal motives. And friendship among those aged over 30 becomes correspondingly still less pure as it gets even more colored. Though this is not necessarily due to “degeneration of public morality”, I do have good reasons to call it the tragedy of life.

大概已不免掺有各种各样的颜色分子在内→is more or less colored by personal motives:或多或少受到个人动机的影响

颜色分子愈多,友谊的真实成分也就不免因而愈少了→becomes correspondingly still less pure as it gets even more colored:相应地,当它变得有更多颜色分子时,就变得更不纯净了。此段用颜色分子来比喻个人动机。

人心不古→汉语成语,古:指古代的社会风尚,旧时指人心奸诈、刻薄,没有古人淳厚。出自刘时中的《端正好.上高监司.既官府甚清明套.十二月》:“degeneration of public morality”:公德败坏

实可以说是→ I do have good reasons to call it:我确实有充足的理由把其称作…


People at middle age, with the heavy burden of life and much experience in the ways of the world, have more scruples about this and that, and can not choose but become more calculating in social dealings till they start scheming against each other. They always keep a wary eye, as it were, on each other in their association. Such association is of course fragile, especially in this modern age of prevailing sharp conflicts.

scruple noun· a feeling that prevents you from doing sth that you think may be morally wrong· (道德上的)顾忌,顾虑:I overcame my moral scruples.  我抛开了道德方面的顾虑。

calculating adj. (disapproving)· good at planning things so that you have an advantage, without caring about other people· 精明的;精于算计的:a cold and calculating killer  一个工于心计的冷酷杀手

scheme verb to secretly make clever and dishonest plans to get or achieve something• 搞阴谋,密谋,策划: scheme to do sth »She schemed to kill him with poison. 她密谋毒死他。scheme against »He became aware that people were scheming against him and called an emergency meeting. 他意识到有人在密谋反对他,就召开了一次紧急会议。

as it were →as if it were really so 同义词:so to speak

wary · careful when dealing with sb / sth because you think that there may be a danger or problem· (对待人或事物时)小心的,谨慎的,留神的,小心翼翼的 SYN cautious :Be wary of strangers who offer you a ride.  提防那些主动让你搭车的陌生人。

辨析:wary&weary 两者都是形容词,但是发音和词义都不相同。前者发音为[weri],意思是“留神”、“小心”、“提防”。【例如】to keep a wary eye on somebody密切提防某人。to be wary of somebody小心提防某人。后者发音为[wiəri],意思是“疲倦”、“厌倦”。【例如】She was weary of his childishness. 她对他的幼稚举止感到厌烦。I had grown weary of her complaints. 她老是埋怨,我都听烦了。

this and that→又是这个…又是那个;各种各样的东西

“不许你不计较,不许你不打算”用了can not choose but do→不得不;只好;相当于have no choice but to do: If you have no choice but to do something or have little choice but to do it, you cannot avoid doing it.

结果彼此都“勾心斗角”→till they start scheming against each other


keep a wary eye on 保持警惕


入世未深 be socially inexperienced

入世既深with much experience in the ways of the world

尚不感到生活的压迫free from the burden of life

不考虑give little thought to

个人得失personal gains or losses

全由于 entirely as a result of

志趣相近similar tastes and interests

性情适合congenial disposition

sort of 有几分,有那么一点

sth for sth's sake 为某事本身的缘故

性质比较纯粹 be relatively pure in nature

个人动机 personal motives

人心不古degeneration of public morality

实在可以说是I do have good reasons to call it …

人生的悲剧the tragedy of life

有生活重担须负with the heavy burden of life

顾忌的方面也自然加多起来have more scruples about this and that

彼此都勾心斗角 scheme against each other

保持警惕 keep a wary eye on

现在这样什么都到了尖锐化的时代in this modern age of prevailing sharp conflicts


