
冯超然 (1882~1954),1882年出生于江苏省常州市,名迥,字超然,以字行,号涤舸,别署嵩山居士,晚号慎得,江苏常州人。其早年精仕女,晚年专攻山水,工行草篆隶,偶刻印。代表作有《仕女捧桃图》等。

冯超然 ,(1882~1954),名回,号涤舸,别号嵩山居士,晚号慎得。原籍江苏常州。辛亥革命后,寓居上海嵩山路,署其居室为“嵩山草堂”。自童年始酷爱绘画,十三、四岁卖画已有所收。早年精仕女,以唐寅、仇英为法,笔墨醇雅;晚年专攻山水,饶有文徵明秀逸之气。好吟咏,工行草篆隶,均骨力神韵并具。 [2] 偶刻印;好交友,与吴昌硕、吴湖帆、顾鹤逸、陆廉夫多往还 。对己作颇自矜贵,三、四十年代,与吴湖帆、吴待秋、吴子深在上海画坛有“三吴一冯”之称 。一生卖画为生。沦陷时期,为避免敌伪人士求画故意抬高润笔,有一汉奸不惜重金,仍纠缠不已,无奈,草率挥毫,并题一绝,内有“不是不归归未得,家山虽好虎狼多”之句,把敌伪譬作虎狼



英文名称:Couplets by Feng Chaoran






太史Tài shǐ源出其后代以祖上官职“太史”衔为姓,称太史氏。今山东等地区还有太史氏族人分布。战国齐有太史敫,三国东吴有太史慈、太史亨,南梁有太史叔明。





将军一般是高级军事将领的统称 ,不同朝代、国家其具体指代不同:中国古代常作为高级武官、军政官员的职位甚至是爵号;日本幕府时期,将军是日本的最高权力者;近现代,多用于称呼军队中的将级军官。












英文翻译:Feng Chaoran (1882 ~ 1954) was born in Changzhou city, Jiangsu province in 1882. His name was Chaoran, his word was Chaoran, his name was Polygaea. Its early years, specializing in mountains and rivers in his old age, icbc grass zhuan Li, accidentally engraved seal. Representative works are "Beautiful women holding peach" and so on.

Feng Chaoran, (1882 ~ 1954), name Hui, alias Polygaea, alias Songshan Lay scholar, late name Cautious. Originally from Changzhou, Jiangsu province. After the Revolution of 1911, he lived in Songshan Road, Shanghai. I have loved painting since childhood. I have been selling paintings since the age of 13 or 14. In the early years, the young lady, tang Yin, Qiu Ying for the law, ink mellow; In his later years, he specializes in mountains and rivers. Good chant, Industrial and commercial Bank of China grass zhuan Li, are bone strength and charm. [2] Even engraving; Good friends, and Wu Changshuo, Wu Hufan, Gu Heyi, Lu Lianfu more to return. In the 1930s and 1940s, he and Wu Hufan, Wu Liuqiu and Wu Zishen were known as "three Wu and one Feng" in Shanghai painting circles. Selling paintings for a living. During the occupation period, in order to avoid the puppet painting deliberately raised brush, a traitors at a heavy price, still entangled, helpless, sloppy, and a must, there is "not not return not to get, although the mountain is good tiger more" sentence, the puppet as the tiger

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: Couplet by Feng Chaoran

Couplet by Feng Chaoran

Category: Calligraphy and Painting

Specification: one piece

Appearance: Beautiful

Taishi's profound remarks

Tai sh was taken from his family name and named after him by his official title, "Tai Shi". Today shandong and other areas also taishi clan people distribution. In primary and secondary schools, there were taishi chi and Taishi Heng in the Eastern Wu States, and Taishi Su-ming in the southern Liang State.

Couplets, also known as couplets or couplets, are couplets written on paper, cloth or carved on bamboo, wood or posts. Antithetical couplet is a unique art form of the Chinese language, with neat antithetical couplet and tonal harmony. Couplets are treasures of Chinese traditional culture.

Chongtai Gaoge general painting

General is generally the general name of senior military generals. Different dynasties and countries have different specific references: in ancient China, general was often a senior military officer, military and government official, or even a title. During the Shogun period, the general was the most powerful person in Japan. In modern times, used mostly for general officers in the army.

This set of couplets gives people a sense of regularity and composure. The calligraphy is exquisite, and it is not only beautiful. With a proper signage, the couplet is a must. The Taishi to the general, the civilian to the military officer, the article to the calligraphy and painting, deeply obtains the essence of the flat and narrow couplet, extremely neat.

The two seals are brightly colored, printed in cinnabar and neatly signed, unmistakably authentic.

This is the library sticker attached to the shaft head.

This is the seal, which is stamped by the customs. It proves that this item is returned from abroad, and the country supports the overseas return of National treasure. With this seal, a national treasure prohibited from trading in China can trade abovementiously.

The "seal" mark is the special seal for Chinese cultural relics to leave the country. The mark of whether cultural relics can leave the country is whether there is "seal" on cultural relics. Wax seal is a substance made of rosin and paraffin, which is melted with a little heat and is sticky, used to seal bottles, letters, etc.

This pair of couplets are exquisitely written, neatly signed, legible, free from smudges, insect bite and perfect in appearance. They are excellent calligraphic works with high artistic value and economic collection value. They are a dark horse in calligraphy and painting collection with great potential.


