
keep[ki:p]v 保持hold/maintain,保留reserve,保存,放,维持hold/maintain,保管,收藏collect,我来为大家科普一下关于去keep一下什么意思?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!




v 保持hold/maintain,保留reserve,保存,放,维持hold/maintain,保管,收藏collect


n 养活,供养,生计

keep left 靠左

he wants to keep himself healthy v保持

he likes to keep a tidy house v保持

my father would keep the best for himself 我父亲为竭尽全力

you can keep your football!

we keep normal office hours v保持

to keep goal v保持

keep within the speed limit v保持

seat belts keep them safe from harm 安全带使他们免受伤害

keep from 免于

he was writing for his keep n 生计

where does she keep the brandy? n 放,保存

are you able to keep your saddle? n 放,保存

to keep warm 保暖

to keep the beat 保持节奏

the drugs will keep him alive 毒品会让他活着

will it keep for a few days? v 保留

may the Lord keep them all v保全

we won't keep you

to keep guard 保持警惕

to keep sb back 使某人退缩

the money should keep him in cigarettes for a week v维持

keep straight ahead v保持前进

keep a note【记下】 of the whereabouts【行踪,下落】 of each item

a watch should keep time accurately v保持

can you keep a secret? v保守

he used to keep indoors

I keep my money in the bank 他把钱存到银行

he had to keep his large family in the manner he had chosen v保留


