
1. enjoy doing 享受某事

2. be central to 对…极为重要的

3. be worried about 为......而担心

4. draw up 草拟;制订

5. catch in 被......困住

6. move out of 搬出;脱离

7. compete with 与.....竞争

8. be caught in 赶上

9. be shared by 共享

10. approval from 认同;批准

11. be distributed to 给;分配

12. be shaped by 被塑造;所支配

13. stay up 熬夜

14. consequence of 由于…的结果

15. reluctant to 不愿意;不情愿的

16. be central to 对…极为重要的

17. organize picnic 举办野餐

18. be supposed to 应该,被期望

19. grow up 长大;成长

20. relationship with 与……的关系

1. pay a fee 支付

2. be located in 坐落于......

3. be popular with 受...欢迎

4. split up 瓜分;劈成

5. made from 由...做成

6. give way to 让步; 断裂

7. be respectful of 对某事很敬重

8. work as 从事

9. be taken by 被......吸引

10. respond to 对…反应;回答

11. account for 解释;说明

12. in order to 为了

13. take up 拿起

14. excessive consumption 过度消费

15. be required to 被要求去

16. in debt 欠债

17. cause of 原因

18. in my point of view 在我看来

19. equal to 相当于

20. leave a good impression on 留下一个好印象

1. sprung up 萌芽;出现

2. according to 根据

3. a great deal of 很多

4. relationship with 和……的关系

5. put on a show 假装;装病

6. keen interest in 浓厚的兴趣

7. be obsessed with 昼夜萦绕...心头

8. be hailed by 被誉为

9. in the name of 凭…的名

10. get rid of 甩掉;摆脱

11. be tired of 对…厌倦

12. be thirsty for 渴求

13. pay for 支付

14. take off 起飞;出去;拿掉

15. take over 接手

16. as a result of 由于

17. the key to… 的关键

18. suffer from 遭受

19. be adopted from 被收养

20. have an influence on对…有影响

1. be taught to 被教育要....

2. save on 节约,节省

3. recover from 恢复

4. is fond of 深得喜欢

5. have an appointment with 与....约会

6. a majority of 大部分

7. caused by 由...造成

8. focus on 注意

9. cooperate with 协作;合作

10. get along with 与…友好相处

11. be spread from 从…传播

12. take place 发生;举行

13. give up 放弃

14. fed up with 对…厌烦;厌倦

15. put up 安装;举起

16. be eager to 渴望做…

17. deal with 对待

18. be frightened by 被…所惊吓

19. get enough of 受够了

20. in business 没有必要

1. be glad to 乐于;高兴

2. be enrolled in 入学;进入

3. move into 迁居

4. flight to 去...的航班

5. served with 搭配

6. be return from 从....回来

7. run into 冲进;撞上

8. damage to 对……损坏

9. speak with 和…谈话

10. lead to 通向

11. set up 建立;装备

12. be particular about 对…过份挑剔

13. be responsible for 对…负责

14. stuck in 卡在;困在

15. be available to 可以;能够

16. be qualified for 有资格做…

17. put off 延期;推迟

18. complain about 抱怨

19. out of stock 售完;缺货

20. pass on 传递

1. be working on 工作

2. learn from 向....学习

3. pick up 拾起

4. infer from 推断

5. make sure 尽力做到

6. ready for 预备好

7. keep out of 置身事外

8. stay in 不外出

9. stay awake 保持清醒

10. be accused of 被指控

11. be kept in 存放在

12. return to 回到;返回

13. fall down 倒下

14. be decorated with 被装饰

15. fill up 装满

16. carry out 执行;实现

17. be aware of 意识到

18. in part of 部分

19. go through 通过

20. be replaced by 被…所取代

1. have a look at(仔细)看一看

2. begin on 动手

3. be afraid 害怕;恐惧

4. arriving at 到达;得出

5. at least 至少

6. be engaged in 正做着

7. get married 结婚

8. ought to 应该;应当

9. be writing about 写

10. appear in 出现在

11. be published in 发行

12. in charge of 负责

13. be fussy about 对…非常挑剔

14. be sick of 厌恶

15. sign up for 注册;报名

16. hold up 举起

17. beg for 乞求;乞讨

18. for instance 例如

19. dream of 渴望

20. take for granted 认为…理所当然

1. get back to 报复;回到

2. trip to 到....旅行

3. put away 把....收起来

4. lit up 点火;照明

5. put into 插入;注入

6. be able to 能够

7. take advantage of 利用

8. search for 寻找;寻求

9. be based on 以...为基础

10. plan to 计划;打算

11. be familiar with 精通

12. be willing to 乐意

13. contact with 与…联系

14. due to 由于

15. cut down 消减;删节

16. instead of 代替

17. put things away 放回原处

18. run out of 用完

19. get out of 避免;逃避

20. look forward to 期待

1. look for 寻找;探索

2. take place 发生;举行

3. give a lecture 主讲;讲课

4. be difficult to 很难

5. first of all 第一

6. bring back 送来;使恢复

7. supply for 把...供给

8. depend on 依靠

9. ring back 回电话

10. use for 利用;使用

11. be covered with 被....覆盖

12. be built for 被建造

13. hang for 非常渴望

14. prefer to 更加喜欢;宁愿

15. apply for 申请;请求

16. combine with 与…结合

17. keep from 阻止

18. have been longing to 一直想…

19. speed up 使加速

20. be puzzled by 对…感到困惑

1. take measure to 采取措施

2. lack of 缺乏

3. be content with 坦然

4. get addicted to 喜爱某种事物

5. be crazy about 迷上

6. stay connect with 保持联系

7. be unhappy with 对…不满

8. be singled out 被挑出

9. refuse to 拒绝

10. associated with 与…相联系

11. trust in 信任;相信

12. be equipped with 装备着

13. broke down 出故障,坏了

14. be produced on 生产上

15. be built with 建立

16. assembly line 流水线

17. sell off 卖完;处理存货

18. be prepared to 准备做…

19. pay attention to 注意;留意



















