
Unit 1




1.(2019江苏宿迁)The machine is hard to _____________(控制). There must be something wrong with it.

2.(2019山东青岛)Don’ t worry! We are old enough to look after ____ (我们自己) .

3.(2019湖北鄂州)The ____(死亡)of my dog made me sad.

4.(2019江苏南京)John will have to run very fast to_______(打破) the school 100﹣metre race record in the sports meeting.

5.(2019浙江宁波)We can see clearly that Mongolia ___________ (位于) between China and Russia on the map.

6.(2019江苏宿迁)Leo is an honest boy. He never tells a l_____________.

7. John feels s     and you’d better take him to see a doctor.

8. — Do you want to go to Harbin?

— No. We’ve made a d     to go to Sanya.

9. We were tired and we wanted to have a good r    .

10. — What does his mother do?

— She’s a n    . She works in a hospital.

【答案】1. control 2. ourselves 3.death 4. break 5. lies/is 6.lie 7.sick 8.decision 9.rest 10.nurse



1. 发烧 _________________________

2. 咳嗽_________________________

3. 牙疼_________________________

4. 说得太多_________________________

5. 喝足够的水_________________________

6. 受凉;感冒_________________________

7. 胃疼_________________________

8. 背疼_________________________

9. 喉咙痛_________________________

10. 躺下来休息_________________________

11. 加蜂蜜的热茶_________________________

12. 看牙医_________________________

13. 拍X 光片_________________________

14. 量体温_________________________

15. 在……上面敷药_________________________

16. 感到很热_________________________

17. 听起来像_________________________

18. 整个周末_________________________

19. 以同样的方式_________________________

20. 看医生_________________________

21. 沿着……走_________________________

22. 在马路边_________________________

23. 大声呼救_________________________

24. 没有多想_________________________

25. 下车_________________________

26. 有心脏病_________________________

27. 使....... 惊讶的_________________________

28. 多亏了 ;由于_________________________

29. 及时_________________________

30. 挽救生命_________________________

31. 造成麻烦_________________________

32. 立刻;马上_________________________

33. 由于_________________________

34. 离开;从……出来_________________________

35. 受伤_________________________

36. 用绷带包扎_________________________

37. 摔倒_________________________

38. 感到恶心_________________________

39. 流鼻血_________________________

40. 割伤他的膝盖_________________________

41. 把她头向后仰_________________________

42. 呼吸困难_________________________

43. 登山运动_________________________

44. 习惯做某事_________________________

45. 用完;用尽_________________________

46. 以便_________________________

47. 如此… …以至于…_________________________

48. 掌管;管理_________________________

49. 在困境中_________________________

50. 坚持做某事_________________________

51. 做出决定_________________________

52. 冒险_________________________

53. 放弃_________________________


1. have a fever

2. have a cough

3. have a toothache

4. talk too much

5. drink enough water

6. have a cold

7. have a stomachache

8. have a sore back

9. have a sore throat

10. lie down and rest

11. hot tea with honey

12. see a dentist

13. get an X-ray

14. take one’ s temperature

15. put some medicine on sth.

16. feel very hot

17. sound like

18. all weekend

19. in the same way

20. go to a doctor

21. go along

22. on the side of the road

23. shout for help

24. without thinking twice

25. get off

26. have a heart problem

27. to one’ s surprise

28. thanks to

29. in time

30. save a life

31. get into trouble

32. right away

33. because of

34. get out of

35. hurt oneself

36. put a bandage on sth.

37. fall down

38. feel sick

39. have a nosebleed

40. cut his knee

41. put her head back

42. have problems breathing

43. mountain climbing

44. be used to doing sth.

45. run out (of)

46. so that

47. so. . . that

48. be in control of

49. in a difficult situation

50. keep on doing sth.

51. make a decision

52. take risks

53. give up


1. Gina is ill. She __________ see a doctor and get some medicine.

2. He has a sore throat. He_________ eat too much hot food.

3. You ____________ play soccer in the street. It’s dangerous.

4. We ____________ say thanks to others when they help us.

【答案】1.should 2. shouldn’t 3. shouldn’t 4.should



1. Bad luck! I cut _________ with a knife yesterday.


【解析】cut oneself意为割伤了某人自己。故填myself

2. They tell us they can look after________ _ very well.


【解析】look after oneself意为照看某人自己,又因为主语是they ,故填themselves

3. My cat can find food by_________ .


【解析】by oneself意为“某人独自地”,又因主语为The cat, 故填itself

4. Help __________to some beef, boys.


【解析】help oneself to 意为“随便吃”又因为后面有boys一词,故填yourselves

5. Bill wants to teach_________ French from now on.


【解析】teach oneself意为“自学”,故填himself[来源:学_科_网Z_X_X_K]

6.Jenny enjoyed_________ in the park yesterday afternoon.


【解析】enjoy oneself 意为“玩得开心”,又因为主语Jenny 为第三人称复数,故填herself

7.We can finish our homework by_________ .


【解析】by oneself意为“某人独自地”,又因主语为we, 故填ourselves

8. Xiao Hui, can you introduce _________ to us ?


【解析】introduce oneself 介绍某人自己,又因为主语是you,故填yourself


1. You shouldn’t     (run) out of money.



2. Helen and I found     (us) in a very dangerous situation.



3. The doctor didn’t agree     (cut) off his left arm.

【答案】to cut

【解析】agree to do sth.

4. That boy     (hit) her on the head with a book just now.


【解析】just now“刚才”提示用一般过去时,hit的过去式为hit

5. His uncle hurt himself     (play) football.


【解析】此处为when playing football省略了when


take one’s temperature, be used to, get off, to one’s surprise, get out of

1. That cat      a small box and climbed up the stairs.

2. Those passengers      and entered a building.

3. His brother      staying up late and getting up late.

4. Lily asked her brother to help her with her homework.

But     , he said sorry to her.

5. After Mrs. Black     , she knew she didn’t have a fever.


1. got out of

2. got off

3. is used to

4. to her surprise

5. took her temperature


1.(2019四川遂宁)The baby is too young. Don't leave her at home by_____.

A. she B. her C. hers D. herself



she她,人称代词主格形式;her她,人称代词宾格形式;她的,形容词性物主代词;hers名词性物主代词;herself她自己,反身代词。这个题目考查的是leave one by oneself 让某人单独留下,oneself 是反身代词,该句代指的是“她自己”,应用herself,故选:D。

2.(2019黑龙江绥化)Miss Li likes swimming very much and now she ________ on Saturday afternoon.

A. used to swim B. is used to swim C. is used to swimming



3. (2019黑龙江绥化)It’s not good for you to smoke so much, you’d better ________.

A. give up it B. give them up C. give it up


【解析】句意“对于你来说,抽太多的烟是不好的,你最好戒掉它”。give up放弃,在“动词 副词”构成的短语中,若宾语为人称代词宾格,则要将人称代词宾格放中间,即“动词 人称代词宾格 副词”,排除C。且根据smoking可知,不可数名词,用it,故选C。

4.(2018辽宁阜新)– I’m not feeling well. Maybe I have a bad cold.

– ________. You’d better see a doctor right now.

A. That’s all right B. I’m afraid not

C. I’m sorry to hear that D. Sounds great


【解析】听到不好的消息,要用I’m sorry to hear that来回答,表示礼貌。

5.(2019云南)—I've got a toothache,mom.

—Oh,you _____ eat too much candy

A. shouldn't B. needn't C. should D. need



考查情态动词辨析。A. 不应该,表建议;B. 无需,指没有必要;C. 应该,表建议;D. 需要,指有必要。根据句意语境,可知妈妈建议不要吃吃太多的糖果,故选A。

6.(2019湖北黄冈)—Jack, you swam very well. Who taught you?

—Nobody. I taught____.

A. I B. me C. myself D. mine


【解析】句意:— 杰克,你游得很好。谁教你的? — 没有人。我自学的。A. I我,主格代词;B. me我,宾格动词;C. myself我们自己,反身代词;D. mine我的,名词性的物主代词。结合语境:— 谁教你的?— 没有人。可知,杰克是自学的游泳,因此teach后跟反身代词,teach oneself“自学”的意思。故选C。

7.(2019广西河池)Look! The boys are making the model boat by____________.

A. himself B. themselves C. ourselves D. yourselves



himself他自己;themselves他们自己;ourselves我们自己;yourselves你们自己。by oneself意为“独自,单独地”,是固定短语。该句话的主语是The boys,第三人称,因此这里指“他们自己”,故选B。

8.(2019四川广元)Welcome you all to Guangyuan and enjoy ________ here.

A. you B. your C. yourselves




A. you 你,你们,是人称代词;B. your 你的,是物主代词;C. yourselves 你们自己,是反身代词。短语enjoy oneself,意为玩得愉快,根据前面的you all可知是复数反身代词,用yourselves,故选C。

9.(2019辽宁辽阳)Don't worry about your daughter, she can look after ________ well.

A.herself B.hers C.her D.she



10.(2019青海)Class,please teach ___________the article we will learn tomorrow.

A. yourselves B. yourself C. ourselves


【解析】句意:同学们,请把明天要学的文章自学一下。考查代词辨析。A. 你们自己;B. 你自己;C. 我们自己。本句class意思是“同学们”,相当于boys and girls;根据句意语境,可知teach yourselves符合句意,故选A。

11.(2019广西贵港)—I heard that Paul hurt himself badly in the earthquake.

—Yes.The doctor had to _______ his right leg to save him.

A. cut up B. cut out C. cut off D. cut down


【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:—我听说 Paul在地震中自己伤的很严重。—是的,医生不得不______他的右腿来救他。cut up切碎,cut out停止,裁剪,cut off切除,cut down砍到;根据句意"是的,医生不得不切掉他的右腿来救他"可知,医生必须要填"切除",故选C。

12.(2019青海西宁)The energy from the sun and wind is very cheap and will never ________.

A. run out B. cut out C. come out D. give out



A. run out用完,用光;B. cut out剪掉; C. come out出版,出来;D. give out分发。根据文中The energy from the sun and wind is very cheap可知这里是说永远不会用完。根据题意,故选A。





Jack is my friend. He likes playing computer games very much. He often sits in the same way for too long without moving. Now he has a headache, sore eyes and a sore back. He doesn’t sleep well at night, so he feels tired every day.

I think he should take breaks away from the computer. He shouldn’t use the computer for a long time. He should do eye exercises to relax his eyes and go to bed early at night.

I think if he has a good rest, he will feel well soon.

【点评】本文运用了单元重点should, shouldn’t,还大量运用了与健康有关的词组,如:have a headache, do eye exercises, have a rest等。




How to protect our eyes

Eyes are the windows of our mind. Everyone knows the importance of the eyes. So how to protect our eyes? Here is some advice.

First, we shouldn’t let our eyes work for long. Second, when we are reading, we should keep the book about a foot away from us. After reading for an hour or two, we should have a rest. Third, we shouldn’t read in the sun; we shouldn’t read in a moving bus or in bed. Finally, we should remember to do eye exercises every day.

【点评】本文层次清晰,运用了逻辑衔接词,如first, second, third,并结合了本单元的语法重点情态动词should。


