介词to和不定式to区别 不定式符号to与介词

1:动词 介词 to


add to (增加) agree to (同意,答应,允诺)

adhere to (坚持) admit to (承认,供认)

allude to (暗示) amount to (总计,等于)

attend to (注意,照顾) attest to (证明)

bow to (向....低头,顺从) cling to (坚守)

come to (到达,涉及) correspond to (相当于,等于)

confess to (承认,供认) consent to (同意,答应,应允)

contribute to (有助于,促成) object to (反对,不赞成)

get to (开始做某事) pertain to (属于)

react to (反应) resort to (诉诸)

revert to (恢复旧习惯) refer to (提及)

relate to (与....有关系) submit to (顺从,屈服)

succeed to (继承) stick to (坚持,继续)

swear to (强调地说) take to (从事,耽于)

trust to (依赖,依靠) witness to (出庭作证,证实)

yield to (让步,屈服)


Keeping what belongs to another amounts to stealing .

Ann's father would not consent to her marrying a foreigner .

He admitted to having taken the money .

He swore to having paid for the goods .

2:动词 名词/代词 介词 to


ascribe.... to (归因于) apply .....to (致力于)

attribute.....to (归因于) abbreviate ....to (缩写为)

accustom.....to (使习惯于) confine.....to (限于....范围内)

commit ....to (使负有责任) devote...to (致力于)

dedicate .....to (奉献) owe....to (归功于)

prefer....to (较喜欢) reconcile ......to (安于)

reduce...to (使变小,降低) resign.....to (听任)


He attributes his success to hard work /working hard .

He has devoted his whole life to benefiting mankind.

I have committed myself to helping him.

He applied himself to learning English .

It's hard to reconcile oneself to being sick a long time .

介词to和不定式to区别 不定式符号to与介词(1)

3:动词 -ed分词 介词 to


be accustomed to (惯于) be abbreviated to (缩写为)

be reduced to (落到,使变小) be resigned to (听任)

be reconciled to (安心于,顺从) be devoted to (致力于,热爱)

be given to (喜欢,癖好) be used to (习惯于,适应于)


He is resigned to losing the competition.

I'm now quite reconciled to living in London.

He was reduced to begging for food .

介词to和不定式to区别 不定式符号to与介词(2)

4:动词 副词小品词 介词 to


get round to (找到时间做某事) get down to (开始认真做某事)

get near to (几乎,接近于) face up to (勇敢的面对)

feel up to (有条件/适合做某事) look forward to (盼望,期待)


After a long delay,he got round to writing the letter .

His suggestions went very near to resolving our dilemma.

We're looking forward to seeing you again .

介词to和不定式to区别 不定式符号to与介词(3)

5:形容词 介词 to


adjacent to (毗连) averse to (嫌恶)

deaf to (不愿意听) equal to (胜任的,相等的)

loyal to (忠于) preferable to (较合人意)

similar to (类似,相同) superior to (优于,胜过)

sensitive to (敏感) tantamount to (相当于)


That is tantamount to saying that you do not agree .

Whatever you may say ,she is deaf to reasoning.

介词to和不定式to区别 不定式符号to与介词(4)

6:名词 介词 to


obstacle to (障碍) limit to (限度)

aid to (辅助) objection to (反对)

indifference to (不关心) key to (解答,关键)

answer to (回答,回复) hindrance to (障碍)


Your lack of experience will prove a hindrance to your earning a livelihood.

The classroom is provided with some visual aids to teaching English.

介词to和不定式to区别 不定式符号to与介词(5)


