




Hello everyone! My name’s Naomi and I’m 13 years old. Recently my mom got married for a second time, and along with a new dad, I got a new great-aunt. Fortunately, she lives separately from us, but once I had to spend 2 weeks at her place and she was this close to driving me crazy.

One day, we were having dinner at a restaurant, when my mom and Miles completely surprised me by saying that they were going to spend two weeks in Hawaii on their honeymoon. So they had already agreed that I would stay at Miles’s old aunt Nora's house. That news made me so angry and I felt that the situation was extremely unfair so I threw away my fork and went to the restroom. I didn’t pay any attention to my mom who was yelling for me to come back.

You see, aunt Nora is already pretty old and whenever we went to visit her, there was a strange smell in her home, it was like a mix of ancient perfume and medicine and something else. And the food that she cooked was so gross. And she felt like it was OK to criticize my nose piercing, or my yellow strands of hair, or my extra weight. So, I bet you can imagine how badly I “wanted” to spend time with her.

Two weeks later, my parents went on their honeymoon and I moved in with aunt Nora. She was NUTS. For starters, she talked to a photo of her dead cat! I was unpacking my stuff, when I heard her arguing with somebody, using really bad words. This made me interested at first, so I went to see what was going on. I found her staring through the window, while the cat’s photo was just sitting on the windowsill, and she was emotionally discussing the strange outfit of some random girl outside. At first I didn’t attach much importance to this, but when the cat’s photo was even present at the dinner table, it started to bother me.

And also, there was a strict curfew there. Aunt Nora went to bed very early – at 8 o’clock!! And she wouldn’t allow me to make any noises after that and even forbade me to switch on the light. And that would be OK, if she didn’t demand that I not even use the bathroom at night! Can you imagine? According to her, that toilet flushing sound bothered her while she was sleeping. So, imagine my surprise when, on my first night there, she handed me a NIGHT POT that I was supposed to use instead! It was disgusting.

But what’s more, I couldn’t really sleep well that night because I was in a strange place. And in the morning – it was 5 A.M. actually, I heard that she had already woken up. I thought that I could probably finally use the normal toilet, but when I peeped out of my room, I realized that she was going out somewhere. I rushed to the window just out of curiosity. There was a small park across from her house, and I saw that she went there and started to HUG the TREES! That was more than strange.

During breakfast, when I finished my regular yogurt, I threw the cup into the trash and went to school. And even before I had enough time to get outside of the house, I discovered that I had forgotten my cellphone in my room, so I had to return. She didn’t hear me, and when I was passing by the kitchen, I saw her digging in the garbage and taking something out of there. It was that cup from my yogurt, which she then started to WASH. I couldn’t believe my eyes when in the next second, she opened a kitchen cabinet and put it there, adding it to a bunch of other cups and packages.

On my way to school, my mom called me to see how I was doing. And even though I knew that she was on her vacation far away and that she could do nothing about me living with aunt Nora, I couldn’t help but start to tell her how awful everything was. But then I heard that Miles was calling for my mom, saying that it was time for them to go to the restaurant. That made me so angry, that I really rudely wished her a good rest of her vacation and dropped the phone without ending the conversation.

Later that day I texted my mom about how unfair it was that she was having fun there, while I had to live with an old lady who was already out of her mind. She texted me back, promising that when she returned, she’d buy me something nice and fancy. I decided that taking into account the circumstances, I wouldn’t agree to anything less than the new iPhone. So, after that, whenever something strange happened, I started to breathe deeply and imagine the new cell phone in my hand.

For example, I did that when, once, a guy from school that I really liked called me. It was already a quarter to nine in the evening, but you know, I was REALLY looking forward to that call. Suddenly aunt Nora entered my room, looking creepy in the darkness, wearing her nightgown and night cap, and took my phone away.


