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Tango in the Park【译】公园探戈【专有名词】Tango ['tang-goh]['tæŋɡəʊ] n. 探戈舞;探戈舞曲 v. 跳探戈舞【单词】park [pahrk][pɑːk] n. 停车场;公园;园区;(球类)运动场


Mary always loved dancing.【译】玛丽一直喜欢跳舞。【专有名词】Mary ['mair-ee]['mɛəri] n. 圣母玛利亚;玛丽(女子名)

She especially loved dancing different styles from across Latin America.【译】她特别喜欢拉丁美洲不同风格的舞蹈。

In college she took classes to learn mambo and cha-cha, both dances were originally from Cuba.【译】在大学里,她上课学习曼波舞和恰恰舞,这两种舞蹈都来自古巴。【单词】learn 动词原形 [lurn][lɜːn] v. 学会;学习;得知【单词】mambo 名词 ['mahm-boh]['mæmbəʊ] n. 曼波舞;曼波音乐 v. 跳曼波舞【单词】cha-cha 名词 ['chah-chah]['tʃɑːtʃɑː] n. 恰恰舞(一种源自拉丁美洲节奏明快的交际舞)【单词】dances 原型:dance 动词一般现在时(第三人称单数) [dans, dahns][dɑːns] n. 舞会;跳舞;舞蹈;舞步 vi. 跳舞;手舞足蹈 vt. 跳舞;使跳跃【单词】originally 副词 [uh-'rij-uh-nl-ee][ə'rɪdʒənəli] adv. 原本;起初;独创地【专有名词】Cuba 地名 ['kyoo-buh; Spanish 'koo-vah]['kjuːbə] n. 古巴(加勒比海的一个岛国)

Her friends from the Dominican Republic showed Mary how to dance merengue and bachata.【译】来自多米尼加共和国的朋友们教玛丽跳梅伦格舞和巴查塔舞。【单词】merengue 名词 merengue [muh-'reng-gey][mə'reŋɡeɪ] n. 梅伦格舞(海地和多米尼加的一种交际舞,融合了西班牙及非洲音乐风格【专有名词】Dominican Republic 多米尼加共和国

A Puerto Rican friend held a salsa dancing party in her house.【译】一位波多黎各朋友在她家里举办了一个萨尔萨舞派对。【专有名词】Puerto [p'juːtəʊ] Rican 波多黎各人

Before then Mary always just thought salsa was something you ate on tacos or with nachos.【译】在那之前,玛丽总是认为萨尔萨是你在玉米卷或玉米片上吃的东西。【单词】ate 原型:eat 动词过去式 [eet][iːt] v. 吃;吃饭;喝【单词】tacos 原型:taco 名词复数形式 ['tah-koh; Spanish 'tah-kaw]['tækəʊ] n. 墨西哥煎玉米卷【单词】nachos 名词复数形式 ['nah-choh]['nætʃəʊz] n. (墨西哥)烤干酪辣味玉米片 名词nacho的复数.

She had no idea it was also the name of a dance style.【译】她不知道这也是一种舞蹈风格的名称。

One dance style that Mary had yet to try was tango from Argentina.【译】玛丽还没有尝试过的一种舞蹈风格是阿根廷探戈。【专有名词】Argentina 地名 [ahr-juh n-'tee-nuh; Spanish ahr-hen-'tee-nah][ˌɑːdʒən'tiːnə] n. 阿根廷

Tango seemed so complicated to Mary.【译】探戈对玛丽来说太复杂了。

The footwork was very intricate.【译】步法非常复杂。【单词】intricate 形容词 ['in-tri-kit]['ɪntrɪkət] adj. 复杂的;难懂的


She imagined she would end up stepping on her partner's feet.【译】她想象着她最终会踩到另一半(指舞伴)的脚。【单词】imagined 原型:imagine 动词过去式 [ih-'maj-in][ɪ'mædʒɪn] vt. 想像;设想;料想;猜想;认为 vi. 想像【单词】stepping 原型:step 动词现在进行式或动名词 [step][step] n. 步骤;台阶;舞步;步伐 v. 踏;以步测量【单词】partner 名词 ['pahrt-ner]['pɑːtnə] n. 伙伴;搭档;伴侣;合伙人 v. 同 ... 合作;做 ... 的搭档【单词】feet 原型:foot 名词复数形式 [foo t][fʊt] n. 脚;英尺;最底部;音步 v. 表演舞步;步行;付账;踏;共计

Mary hadn't had a tango partner yet.【译】玛丽还没有探戈舞伴。

She didn't have a dance partner in general.【译】她通常来说没有舞伴。

In classes, instructors always paired her up with fellow classmates.【译】在课堂上,老师总是把她和同学配对。【单词】paired 原型:pair 动词过去式 [pair][peə] n. 一对;一双;一副 v. (使)成对;(使)配对【单词】fellow 形容词 ['fel-oh]['feləʊ] n. 家伙;同事;同伴;研究员;校董 adj. 同伴的;同事的;同类的【单词】classmates 原型:classmate 名词复数形式 ['klas-meyt, 'klahs-]['klɑːsmeɪt] n. 同班同学

At dance clubs it was easy to find a dance partner.【译】在舞蹈俱乐部很容易找到舞伴。

Tango classes were expensive though.【译】不过探戈课很贵。

【单词】expensive 形容词 [ɪk'spensɪv] adj. 昂贵的;高价的

Mary didn't even think there were any tango clubs.【译】玛丽甚至不认为有探戈俱乐部。

One day Mary received an email from a friend with information about a tango night outside the city's music center.【译】一天,玛丽收到一封朋友的电子邮件,信中提到了在城市音乐中心外的探戈之夜。【单词】received 原型:receive 动词过去式 [ri-'seev][rɪ'siːv] v. 接到;收到;接待【单词】email 名词 ['ee-meyl]['iːmeɪl] vt. 发电子邮件;给……发电子邮件 n. 电子邮件,电子信函【单词】center 形容词 ['sen-ter]['sentə] n. 中心;集中点 v. 居中;使集中 =centre<英>

Musicians would be playing tango music and instructors would teach the basic steps.【译】音乐家会演奏探戈音乐,老师会教基本的舞步。【单词】Musicians 原型:musician 名词复数形式 [myoo-'zish-uh n][mju'zɪʃn] n. 音乐家【单词】teach 动词原形 [teech][tiːtʃ] vt. 教;教导;教授;教训 vi. 给予指导【单词】steps 原型:step 名词复数形式 [step][step] n. 步骤;台阶;舞步;步伐 v. 踏;以步测量

The best of all, the event was free and no partner was required【译】最棒的是,这次活动是免费的,不需要任何合作伙伴


On the night of the tango event, Mary wore her high-heeled dancing shoes.【译】探戈活动当晚,玛丽穿着高跟舞鞋。【单词】high-heeled 形容词 high-heeled adj. 高跟的【单词】shoes 原型:shoe 名词复数形式 [shoo][ʃuː] n. 鞋;鞋状物 vt. 穿鞋;装防护物

There was a wooden dance floor in the middle of the music center plaza.【译】音乐中心广场中间有一个木制的舞池。【单词】plaza 名词 ['plah-zuh, 'plaz-uh]['plɑːzə] n. 广场;市场;购物中心

A group of musicians played on a small stage in front of the dance floor.【译】一群音乐家在舞池前的小舞台上演奏。

"May I have this dance?" a man asked Mary when she arrived.【译】“我可以跳这支舞吗?”当玛丽到达时一个男人问她。【单词】arrived 原型:arrive 动词过去式 [uh-'rahyv][ə'raɪv] vi. 到达;到来;成功【专有名词】May [mey][meɪ] aux. 可以,能够;可能,也许;祝,愿;会,能 n. [大写] 五月 might

He wore a sticker with the words "dance instructor" on it.【译】他戴着一个贴纸,上面写着“舞蹈教练”。【单词】instructor 名词 [in-'struhk-ter][ɪn'strʌktə] n. 教师,教员;讲师;指导书

Mary accepted the invitation to dance.【译】玛丽接受了跳舞的邀请。【单词】invitation 名词 [in-vi-'tey-shuh n][ˌɪnvɪ'teɪʃn] n. 邀请;邀请函;招待;招致,引诱

That night Mary learned that it did take two to tango.【译】那天晚上玛丽知道跳探戈确实需要两个人。


