

用 yes 或 no 回答的疑问句叫做一般疑问句。但一般疑问句并不一定都用 yes 或 no 来回答,初中英语新教材中大量的语言实践充分说明了这一点。请看下面几种情况。一、对别人的问话表示肯定时,用 yes 回答固然可以,但如果更宜直截了当地回答时,可以不用 yes。如:

1.Jim:Do you want a go?Ling:OK,thanks.

2.Teacher:Could you take it to the classroom?Liu Ming:Certainly.

3.Meimei:May I come then?Ann:Sure! Work must come first!


Certainly 多用于英国英语,而 sure 多用于美国英语。

4.Ann:May I go with you?

WeiHun:Whynot? Hishomeisn'tfarfromhere.Let'sgo.


1.Meimei:Where's Wu han? Do you know?Lily:Er,is it in Hebei?

2.A:Is it in the box?

B:Let me have a look.Oh,here it is.

3.Wei Hua:Is it ready now?

Uncle Wang:Come and look.


Wang:Can you speak Chinese?Jim:Only a little.


若用 yes 回答,别人会认为你的汉语不错。

四、为了使回答显得委婉、客气、往往不采用 yes 来十分肯定自己的看法,也不用 no 来断然否定别人的意见,说话往往留有余地而礼貌谦恭。如:

1.A:Can you mend it?

B:I think so.Let me see.

2.A:Do you have a big piece,please?

B:Sorry,I don't.

3.Kate:Is the kite broken?

Jim:I don't think so.

五、乐意或拒绝接受对方的邀请或要求时,不用 yes 或 no,当拒绝或有不同的看法时,要婉言谢绝或提出自己的看法。如:

1.Ann:Would you like to come to supper?

Mei mei:Oh,thank you! I would love to! But I must ask

my parents first.

2.Jim:Shall we go to the park?

Lin Tao:Good idea! When shall we meet?

3.Li Lei:Could I speak to Jim,please?

Kate:I'm afraid he's out at the moment.

4.Li Lei:Oh! Is that a ball? Aren't all balls round?

Sam:Not in the USA.

5.A:Shall we meet at half past two?

B:All right.

六、在回答有些问题时,若回答者不愿或不便表明自己的态度,也往往不用 yes 或 no 作正面的回答。如:

1.A:Do you like doing housework?

B:I don't know.

2.A:Where're Lucy's pencils? Are they on her desk?

B:I can't see.


根据汉语意思,不用 Yes 或 No 来贴切地回答下面的问句。

1.—Shall we go by bus?—_______ ( 可以 ) .

2.—Will you please give this note to Tom?—______ ( 可以 ) .

3.—Would you like to go with me?—_______ ( 行 )

4.—Do you mind my opening the door?—______ ( 行 )

5.—Could you come to dinner on Sunday?—_______________ ( 谢谢,但恐怕不行 ) .

6.—Can you be here at eight tomorrow morning?—_______________ ( 对不起,我不能来这么早 )


1.All right2.Certainly / Of course / Sure3.I'd like to4.Of course not / Certainly not

5.That's very kind of you,but I'm afraid not.6.Sorry,I can't be here so early.


