




George and Martha 乔治与玛莎


George and Martha 乔治与玛莎


George and Martha 乔治与玛莎


Five stories about two great friends 五个关于两个好朋友的故事。 Story number one--Split pea soup 第一个故事——豌豆汤


Martha was very fond of making pea soup. 玛莎喜欢做豌豆汤。 Sometimes she made it all day long. 有时候她一整天都在做汤。 Pots and pots of split pea soup. 一锅又一锅的豌豆汤。


If there was one thing that George was not fond of , 如果说有什么是乔治不喜欢的, it was split pea soup. 那便是豌豆汤。 As a matter of fact,George hated split pea soup 事实上,乔治讨厌豌豆汤 more than anyting else in the world , 超过了世界上所有的的东西。 But it was so hard to tell Martha. 但是,对于乔治来说告诉玛莎这件事太难了。


One day after George had eaten ten bowls of Martha's soup, he said to himself, 有一天,在乔治喝了10碗玛莎做的汤之后,他自言自语道: "I just can't stand another bowl.Not even another spoonful." “我再也不想多喝一碗了,甚至一勺也不想喝。” so, while Martha was out in the kitchen, George carefully poured the rest of his soupinto his loafers under the table. 所以,趁着玛莎在厨房的时候,乔治小心翼翼地把剩余的汤倒入了桌子底下的皮鞋里。 "Now she will think I have eaten it ." “这样的话,她会认为我都喝完了。” But Martha was watching from the kitchen. 但是,玛莎在厨房里看到一切。


"How do you expect to walk home with your loafers full of split pea soup?" she asked George. “你怎么会想穿着装满豌豆汤的皮鞋走回家呢?”她问乔治。 "Oh dear,"said George."You saw me." “哦,亲爱的,”乔治说道,“你看到了。” "And why didn't you tell me that you hate my split pea soup?" “为什么不告诉我你讨厌喝我做的豌豆汤呢?” “I didn't want to hurt your feelings,” said George. "我不想伤害你的感情。"乔治说道。 "That's silly," said Martha. "Friends should always tell each other the truth. “这样做太傻了,”玛莎说。“朋友之前应该告诉对方事实。 As a matter of fact, I don't like split pea soup very much myself. 实际上,我自己也不太喜欢喝豌豆汤 I only like to make it. 我只是喜欢做豌豆汤。 From now on, you'll never have to eat that awful soup again." 从现在开始,你再也不用吃讨厌的豌豆汤啦。” "What a relief!" George sighed. “终于解脱了!”乔治叹了一口气。 "Would you like some chocolate chip chookies instead?" asked Martha. “你想吃点巧克力豆饼干吗?”玛莎问道。 "Oh, that would be lovely," said George. “噢,那真是太好啦!”乔治说。 "Then you shall have them," said his friend. “你最好尝尝。”他的朋友们说。


Story number Two-The flying machine 第二个故事—热气球


"I'm going to be the first of my species to fly!" said George. “我就要成为第一只飞上天空的河马了!”乔治说道。 "Then why aren't you flying?" asked Martha. “那为什么你没有在飞呢?”玛莎问道, "It seems to me that you are still on the ground." “在我看来,你似乎还在地面上哦。” "You are right," said George. “你说得对。”乔治说。 "I don't seem to be going anywhere at all." “我好像根本不能飞去其他地方。” "Maybe the basket is too heavy," said Martha. “可能是热气球的篮子太重了。”玛莎说。


"Yes," said George, “对。”乔治说, I think you are right again. 我觉得你又说对了。 Maybe if I climb out,the basket will be lighter. 如果我爬出来,篮子就会变轻了。


"Oh dear!"cried George. “哦,亲爱的!”乔治大叫道。 "Now what have I done? These goes my flying machine!" “我做了什么呢?我的热气球飞走了!” "That's all right," said Martha. “没关系啦。”玛莎说, "I would rather have you down here with me." “我更喜欢你在这里陪着我。”


Story number three-The tub 第三个故事—浴缸


George was fond of peeking in windows. 乔治喜欢在窗户外面偷偷往里看。


One day George peeked in on Martha. 有一天,乔治在窥视玛莎。


He never did that again. 他再也不会做那样的事了。 "We are friends," said Martha. “我们是朋友没错,”玛莎说。 "But there is such a thing as privacy!" “但是朋友之间还是有隐私的!”


Story number four-The mirror 乔治和玛莎的第四个故事—镜子


"How I love to look at myself in the mirror," said Martha. “我好喜欢照镜子呢!”玛莎自言自语道。 Every chance she got,Martha looked at herself in the mirror. 每当她有机会,玛莎就会照起镜子来。


Sometimes Martha even woke up during the night to look at herself. 甚至有些时候,玛莎整晚不睡觉,就在照镜子。 "This is fun."She giggled. “好有趣呀。”她咯咯地笑着。


But George was getting tired of watching Martha look at herself in the mirror. 但是乔治总是看到玛莎在照镜子,他感到很厌烦。 One day George pasted a silly picture-- 一天,乔治在镜子上贴了一张愚蠢的画-- he had drawn of Martha onto the mirror. 他画的玛莎的画像。 What a scare it gave Martha. 玛莎看了吓了一跳。 "Oh dear!" she cried."What has happed to me ?" “哦,我的天呐!”她大叫道。“我怎么了?” "That's what happens when you look at yourself too much in the mirror,"said George. “是因为你镜子照太多了。”乔治说。 "Then I won't do it ever again," said Martha. “那我再也不照镜子了。”玛莎说。 And she didn't. 从此,玛莎再也没有照过镜子了。


The last story-The tooth 最后一个故事—牙齿


One day when George was skating to Martha's house, he tripped and fell. 一天,乔治溜冰去玛莎家,他不小心摔倒了。 And he broke off his right front tooth. 他右边的大门牙掉了下来。 His favorite tooth too. 那是他最喜欢的牙齿。


When he got to Martha's, George cried his eyes out. 当乔治到玛莎家时,他忍不住哭了起来。 "Oh dear me!" he cried. “哦,天啊!”他哭喊道。 "I look so funny without my favorite tooth!" “没有我最喜欢的牙齿,我看着多可笑啊!” "There,there," said Martha. “好了,好了。”玛莎说。


The next day George went to the dentist. 第二天,乔治去看牙医了。 The dentist replaced George's missing tooth with a lovely gold one. 医生在乔治掉牙的地方装了一个可爱的大金牙。


When Martha saw George's lovely new golden tooth, she was very happy. 当玛莎看到乔治可爱的大金牙时,她非常开心。 "George!" she exclaimed. “乔治!”她惊叹道。 "You look so handsome and distinguished with your new tooth!” “你装了新牙齿后看起来太英俊了!” And George was happy too. 乔治也感到很开心, "That's what friends are for,"he said 他说:“这就是朋友啊。” "They always look on the bright side and they always know how to cheer you up." “他们总是能往好处想,他们也总是知道如何让你高兴起来。” "But they also tell you the truth,"said Martha with a smile. “但是,他们也会告诉你真相啊。”玛莎微笑着说。



