
A well-written sentence is the foundation for both good writing and good written communication. There are several rules, as well as types of sentences, that a writer needs to be aware of in order to excel at writing, however. Once you have a grasp of the basic aspects of sentence writing, you will be on your way to becoming a great writer.



  • Knowing the Basics Before Writing

1. Make sure your sentence expresses a complete thought.


A sentence is a group of words that together express a complete idea that has meaning. When writing, it is a good idea to read your sentences aloud and ask yourself, "Does this sentence make sense? Does it express a complete idea?"



  • For example, "Eggs near river" is not a sentence because it does not express a complete idea.
  • 例如,"河边的鸡蛋"不是句子,因为它不能表达一个完整的想法。
  • "I ate eggs near a river yesterday" is a sentence because it has a clear, complete meaning.
  • "我昨天在河边吃鸡蛋"是一句话,因为它有一个清晰、完整的含义。
  • "Because I ate eggs" is a sentence fragment because it is incomplete; "because" sets the reader up for a cause-and-effect, but there is no effect here.
  • "因为我吃了鸡蛋"是一个句子片段,因为它是不完整的; 连词"因为"让读者认为存在“因果关系”,但这里没有结果。
  • "Because I ate eggs near a river, I got wet" is a sentence because it completes the cause-and-effect established by the word "because."
  • "因为我在河边吃鸡蛋,我弄湿了。"是一个句子,因为它完成了由"因为."一词所确立的因果关系。


2. Include a subject and verb. 句子要有主语和动词。

A subject is a person or thing that is being discussed in the sentence. The verb is the action word, which describes what the subject is doing.



  • For example, in the sentence "I ate eggs", "I" is the subject and "ate" is the verb.
  • 例如,在句子"我吃了鸡蛋","我"是主语和"吃"是动词。

3. Use correct punctuation. 正确使用标点符号。

Sentences in English begin with a capital letter and end with a punctuation mark. 英语句子以大写字母开头,以标点符号结尾。

Proper terminal (end) punctuation includes a period (.), question mark (?) or exclamation mark (!). Punctuation marks inform the reader when your sentence is finished, as well as the tone of voice they should use when reading.

能够用在句末的标点包括句点 (.)、问号 (?) 或感叹号 (!)。标点符号告知读者句子说完了;也能提示读者阅读时应使用的语气。

  • An exclamation mark indicates surprise, whereas a question mark indicates confusion or questioning.
  • 感叹号表示惊讶,而问号表示困惑或质疑。


  • How to Writing Simple Sentences

1. Define a simple sentence. 什么是简单句

The simple sentence is the most basic of the sentences. It includes a subject, a verb, and it expresses a complete thought. This is known as an independent clause, because it can stand on its own.


Here is an example: "Janet writes."



  • In the above example, the subject is "Janet". She is the person being discussed.
  • "Writes" is the verb. It is the action that the subject (Janet) is doing.
  • Remember, the subject can be a person (I or Janet), place (Baltimore or Bathroom), thing (Chocolate), or idea (Jealousy).




2. Make simple sentences a bit more informative. 使简单的句子更加翔实。

You can add direct objects and indirect objects to simple sentences to add more information.



Here is an example: "Janet writes romance novels."


The phrase "romance novels" is the direct object here: they are what Janet writes, so they receive the action of the verb.


Simple sentences can also have compound subjects or compound verbs.


  • A compound subject could look like this: "Janet and Sujata write romance novels." "Janet and Sujata" is a compound subject here, since there are two people doing the action.
  • 复合主题可能看起来像这样:"珍妮特和苏贾塔写浪漫小说。","珍妮特和苏贾塔"是这里的复合主语,因为有两个人在做这个动作。
  • A compound verb could look like this: "Janet writes and publishes romance novels." Janet is doing two things here, writing and publishing, so this is a compound verb.
  • 复合动词可能看起来像这样:"珍妮特写和出版浪漫小说。" 珍妮特在这里做两件事,写作和出版,所以这是一个复合动词。


3. Pay attention to singular and plural subjects and verbs. 注意单数和复数主语和动词一致。

When choosing your subject and verb, make sure that the two words agree in number. The rule is that a singular subject needs a singular verb, and plural subjects need plural verbs.


  • A singular subject and verb looks like this: "My son is a doctor".
  • A plural subject and verb looks like this: "My sons are doctors".




When you begin to write your own simple sentence, begin with the subject. Think about what the sentence is going to be about. Next, choose your verb.





