
Mary Alice Voiceover:On her first day of sobriety,Bree Van de Kamp found an old cork,which reminded her just how much she craved Chablis.


Mary Alice Voiceover:So she called her sponsor,who came over with a DVD which they watched till her craving had passed.


Mary Alice Voiceover:Five days later,after she developed a thirst for merlot,Peter arrived with a deck of cards.


Mary Alice Voiceover:The next week,he brought over Chinese takeout because Bree had told him she was consumed by thoughts of vintage chardonnay.


Mary Alice Voiceover:By her 20th day of sobriety,Bree had stopped thinking about alcohol altogether.because her thoughts were now centered elsewhere.


Bree:I'm curious,Peter.What is the easiest way to overcome addiction?


Peter:Oh,some folks try shock therapy.Other use,hypnosis.But taking it one day at a time still makes the most sense to me.Why?


Bree:I don't know.I guess I'm just impatient to get on with my life.


Peter:What are you doing?


Bree:I was just giving you a little kiss.




Bree:Well,it's just my way of saying thank you for everything you've done for me over the past few weeks.What's... wrong?


Peter:This is gonna seem like it's coming out of left field,but in addition to being a recovering alcoholic,I'm also a member of S.A.Sex Addicts Anonymous.


Bree:And that's a...a real thing?


Peter:Yes. Sex is as much an addiction for me as booze.That's why when you turn me on like that,it's a bit of a problem.


Bree:It was just a peck on the cheek.


Peter:It doesn't matter.The slightest touch gets my juices flowing.


Bree:So... how long has it been since you--


Peter:A year.They have this rule--plant,pet,person.If I can keep a plant alive,you know,then I can move on to a pet.And if I can make that work,then I can start dating again.


Bree:So how are you doing?


Peter:I'm on my fourth ficus.


  • sobriety[sə'braɪəti] n. 清醒;严肃;节制
  • crave[kreɪv] v. 渴望;热望;迫切需要
  • develop a thirst for 渴望......
  • Chinese takeout 中餐外卖
  • be consumed by thoughts of被某种感情所吞噬\折磨; 充满某种(强烈的感情)
  • hypnosis[hɪp'noʊsɪs] n. 催眠状态
  • make the most sense to sb.对某人最有效
  • booze[buːz] n. 酒;酒宴
  • out of left field(美国俚语)突然,出乎意料的
  • Most of your ideas are out of left field.你的意见大部分是出人意料的。
  • peck n. 啄痕;啄食;<口>轻吻
  • get sb's juices flowing 1.使某人有创意,效率提高 2.激起情欲


  • Mary Alice Voiceover:On her first day of sobriety,Bree Van de Kamp found an old cork,which reminded her just how much she craved Chablis.
  • Mary Alice Voiceover:So she called her sponsor,who came over with a DVD which they watched till her craving had passed.
  • Mary Alice Voiceover:Five days later,after she developed a thirst for merlot,Peter arrived with a deck of cards.
  • Mary Alice Voiceover:The next week,he brought over Chinese takeout because Bree had told him she was consumed by thoughts of vintage chardonnay.
  • Mary Alice Voiceover:By her 20th day of sobriety,Bree had stopped thinking about alcohol altogether because her thoughts were now centered elsewhere.
  • Bree:I'm curious,Peter.What is the easiest way to overcome addiction?
  • Peter:Oh,some folks try shock therapy.Other use,hypnosis.But taking it one day at a time still makes the most sense to me.Why?
  • Bree:I don't know.I guess I'm just impatient to get on with my life.
  • Peter:What are you doing?
  • Bree:I was just giving you a little kiss.
  • Peter:Why?
  • Bree:Well,it's just my way of saying thank you for everything you've done for me over the past few weeks.What's... wrong?
  • Peter:This is gonna seem like it's coming out of left field,but in addition to being a recovering alcoholic,I'm also a member of S.A.Sex Addicts Anonymous.
  • Bree:And that's a...a real thing?
  • Peter:Yes. Sex is as much an addiction for me as booze.That's why when you turn me on like that,it's a bit of a problem.
  • Bree:It was just a peck on the cheek.
  • Peter:It doesn't matter.The slightest touch gets my juices flowing.
  • Bree:So... how long has it been since you--
  • Peter:A year.They have this rule--plant,pet,person.If I can keep a plant alive,you know,then I can move on to a pet.And if I can make that work,then I can start dating again.
  • Bree:So how are you doing?
  • Peter:I'm on my fourth ficus.

玛丽.艾莉丝:在戒酒的第一天,布里.范德坎普发现了一个旧瓶塞,这让他想起自己曾经是多么迷恋夏布利酒。 玛丽.艾莉丝:她打电话给自己的戒酒担保人,对方带来了DVD,他们一直看到她的酒瘾退去为止。 玛丽.艾莉丝:五天后,当她对梅洛酒心痒难耐时,彼得带着一副扑克如期而至。 玛丽.艾莉丝:一周后,他带来了中国菜。因为布里跟他说,他无法抵御霞多丽葡萄酒的诱惑。 玛丽.艾莉丝:在她戒酒的第20天,布里已经不再想着酒了。因为她现在的关注点已经不再是酒了。 布里:彼得,我很好奇。克服酒瘾最简单的方法是什么? 彼得:有些人用休克疗法,还有人采用催眠疗法。但我觉得循序渐进,一步一步慢慢来最为有效。为什么这么问? 布里:不知道,也许是对现在这种日子有点不耐烦了吧。 彼得:你这是干嘛? 布里:给你个小小的吻。 彼得:为什么? 布里:只是想表达对你的感激之情。谢谢你在过去几周里为我所做的一切。有什么问题吗? 彼得:可能这么说有点出人意料,除了加入戒酒会,我还是S.A.的成员,就是性瘾互助协会。 布里:真的有这个东西? 彼得:是的,性爱对我来说和酗酒一样。所以你那样会点起我的欲火。后果很严重。 布里:那只是轻点脸颊。 彼得:轻重不是关键,轻轻一碰就能让我兴奋不已。 布里:那么,你多久没有? 彼得:一年。他们是有规定的,植物,动物,人。如果我能养活植物,那我就可以升级养个宠物,如果这一步我成功了,我就可以约会了。 布里:那你现在进展如何了? 彼得:我在养第四株无花果了。


