
我们的英语教材还停留在每一代学过英语的中国人都能脱口而出的:How are you ? Fiine, thank you ,and you? 关于How are you的条件反射回答,前几年有个不知段子还是真实事件的笑话,留学生在国外遇到交通事故受伤,压在车下不能动?警察到现场查看,喊了一嗓子:How are you?那留学生本能就回答:I'm Fine, thank you. 人警察一听,fine, 扭头走掉了学了多年英语,我们跟老外真碰在一起,能尬聊几句?满嘴的中式英语思维表达法,如何能避免闹笑话如何客气不显得生分?如何拒绝不失礼节?学习知识是为了用知识,现在各科知识都开始与生活实际相结合,考试的题型也在朝活用发展,英语教学一样需要注意转型,在新形势下,在国际化的趋势下,我们如何教给学生有用的英语,而不是到真正出国去,发现自己学的英语和老外说的似乎不是同一种语言,而不是只注重语法,大量刷题,哑巴英语的困境改不了在国外,很少人会说:How do you do? 这是很过时的打招呼用语,更常用的是:Nice to meet you. Pleased to meet you. 询问别人的名字时候,不要说:May I know your name这种死板的课本语言,老外不会这样讲,他们可能会委婉地询问对方姓名:Hi, I don't believe we've met. 或者Excuse me, but I don't think I know your name.问人家的工作,不要说:What is your job? 这个说法太直接,你可以说:So ,what do you do for a living?显然,学习英语要了解英语国家的文化以及他们语言的特点都知道直接问人年龄是不礼貌的,但如果先夸一句:You look so young, what do you do to stay in shape? 是不是更能迅速聊到对方心里去?打招呼:Hello, Hi, How's it going? How are you doing? Hey ,what's up? 跟不熟的人聊天时国际通用的安全话题:天气We can't complain about the weather recently. Nice weather we're having. Awful weather, isn't it? What a downpour! I got completely drenched. Is the weather always like this?搭讪可能用到的:Excuse me , is this seat taken? Excuse me ,is anyone stting here? This place is pretty cool, do you come here often? Do you need a hand?自我介绍; Allow me to introduce myself, I'm xx. This is my business card. 如何回应对方的自我介绍,I've heard a lot of things about you,xx has told me all about you. 相互自我介绍完了, Nice to meet you之后说什么呢?So, Have you lived here long? Do you live around here? 如果在中国遇到老外谈什么?可以破冰的句式还有:So, how did you end up in China? Are you used to the life in China? What places have you visted in China? What do you think of Chinese food? 问及家庭时,Do you have any brothers and sisters? I've got an older brother/sister, a younger brother/sister. Do you have a big family?Are they all back in the US?兴趣爱好也是能将对话延伸进行下去的好话题So, what do you like to do in your spare time/ outside work/ to relax?学生能脱口而出的 简单的英语句式还有:What are your hobbies? What are you interested in? I'm crazy about playing basktball. 除了3Q,还能怎么说谢谢?I definitely owe you a favour. 接受道歉,没关系怎么说:Never mind. That's OK. Don't worry about it. It's not a big deal. That'salright.接受邀请的常见说法有:It's very kind of you to invite me, I'd be delighted to come……It's great honour to be invited to this dinner,I'll be sure to be there. Thank you for your great hospitality and kindeness, it woud be my pleasure to come. 拒绝邀请要委婉,礼貌第一,It's very nice of you to invite me ,but unfortunately I already have an engagement for tomorrow night. It's a great honor to receive your invitation , however, tomoorrow night I have a previous appointment. 一起吃饭时,如何询问多方有什么偏好和忌口?Is there anything that you don't like to eat? Can you eat spicy food? Do you eat fish/ seafood? Are you a vegetarian/vegan?电话用语:Hello, This is Steven. I 'd like to speak to Mr. Brown, please. Would you please cover my phone calls when I'm out? Her line is engaged. There's a lot of background noise. I can barely hear you. My battery is about to run out. I'm about to run out of credit(我手机要没话费了). I've got a very weak signal. You're breaking up(你那里信号不好),Could you call me back? May I ask who's calling? I'm sorry. He's not available at the moment. Sorry, you must have the wrong number.初中学生,这些句子很容易掌握,他们缺乏的是语言环境和练习机会,课堂上的小组对话时间有限,老师要创设情境让学生多加练习阅读和听力是中国学生的强项,因为是被动输入的内容,通过大量练习可以提高,口语和写作属于输出内容,普遍是中国学生的弱项,其中最大的问题是思维方式和缺乏语言环境,沉浸在英语的思维方式里学语言要容易得多,同样是亚洲人,从小生长在欧美的亚洲人就能练就跟欧美人一样的语音语调和漂亮的口语,那么我们的学生怎么办呢?除了沉浸式,多听多练,别无他法了吧,今天小编就来聊一聊关于地道口语大全和图解?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!



我们的英语教材还停留在每一代学过英语的中国人都能脱口而出的:How are you ? Fiine, thank you ,and you? 关于How are you的条件反射回答,前几年有个不知段子还是真实事件的笑话,留学生在国外遇到交通事故受伤,压在车下不能动?警察到现场查看,喊了一嗓子:How are you?那留学生本能就回答:I'm Fine, thank you. 人警察一听,fine, 扭头走掉了。学了多年英语,我们跟老外真碰在一起,能尬聊几句?满嘴的中式英语思维表达法,如何能避免闹笑话。如何客气不显得生分?如何拒绝不失礼节?学习知识是为了用知识,现在各科知识都开始与生活实际相结合,考试的题型也在朝活用发展,英语教学一样需要注意转型,在新形势下,在国际化的趋势下,我们如何教给学生有用的英语,而不是到真正出国去,发现自己学的英语和老外说的似乎不是同一种语言,而不是只注重语法,大量刷题,哑巴英语的困境改不了。在国外,很少人会说:How do you do? 这是很过时的打招呼用语,更常用的是:Nice to meet you. Pleased to meet you. 询问别人的名字时候,不要说:May I know your name这种死板的课本语言,老外不会这样讲,他们可能会委婉地询问对方姓名:Hi, I don't believe we've met. 或者Excuse me, but I don't think I know your name.问人家的工作,不要说:What is your job? 这个说法太直接,你可以说:So ,what do you do for a living?显然,学习英语要了解英语国家的文化以及他们语言的特点。都知道直接问人年龄是不礼貌的,但如果先夸一句:You look so young, what do you do to stay in shape? 是不是更能迅速聊到对方心里去?打招呼:Hello, Hi, How's it going? How are you doing? Hey ,what's up? 跟不熟的人聊天时国际通用的安全话题:天气。We can't complain about the weather recently. Nice weather we're having. Awful weather, isn't it? What a downpour! I got completely drenched. Is the weather always like this?搭讪可能用到的:Excuse me , is this seat taken? Excuse me ,is anyone stting here? This place is pretty cool, do you come here often? Do you need a hand?自我介绍; Allow me to introduce myself, I'm xx. This is my business card. 如何回应对方的自我介绍,I've heard a lot of things about you,xx has told me all about you. 相互自我介绍完了, Nice to meet you之后说什么呢?So, Have you lived here long? Do you live around here? 如果在中国遇到老外谈什么?可以破冰的句式还有:So, how did you end up in China? Are you used to the life in China? What places have you visted in China? What do you think of Chinese food? 问及家庭时,Do you have any brothers and sisters? I've got an older brother/sister, a younger brother/sister. Do you have a big family?Are they all back in the US?兴趣爱好也是能将对话延伸进行下去的好话题。So, what do you like to do in your spare time/ outside work/ to relax?学生能脱口而出的 简单的英语句式还有:What are your hobbies? What are you interested in? I'm crazy about playing basktball. 除了3Q,还能怎么说谢谢?I definitely owe you a favour. 接受道歉,没关系怎么说:Never mind. That's OK. Don't worry about it. It's not a big deal. That'salright.接受邀请的常见说法有:It's very kind of you to invite me, I'd be delighted to come……It's great honour to be invited to this dinner,I'll be sure to be there. Thank you for your great hospitality and kindeness, it woud be my pleasure to come. 拒绝邀请要委婉,礼貌第一,It's very nice of you to invite me ,but unfortunately I already have an engagement for tomorrow night. It's a great honor to receive your invitation , however, tomoorrow night I have a previous appointment. 一起吃饭时,如何询问多方有什么偏好和忌口?Is there anything that you don't like to eat? Can you eat spicy food? Do you eat fish/ seafood? Are you a vegetarian/vegan?电话用语:Hello, This is Steven. I 'd like to speak to Mr. Brown, please. Would you please cover my phone calls when I'm out? Her line is engaged. There's a lot of background noise. I can barely hear you. My battery is about to run out. I'm about to run out of credit(我手机要没话费了). I've got a very weak signal. You're breaking up(你那里信号不好),Could you call me back? May I ask who's calling? I'm sorry. He's not available at the moment. Sorry, you must have the wrong number.初中学生,这些句子很容易掌握,他们缺乏的是语言环境和练习机会,课堂上的小组对话时间有限,老师要创设情境让学生多加练习。阅读和听力是中国学生的强项,因为是被动输入的内容,通过大量练习可以提高,口语和写作属于输出内容,普遍是中国学生的弱项,其中最大的问题是思维方式和缺乏语言环境,沉浸在英语的思维方式里学语言要容易得多,同样是亚洲人,从小生长在欧美的亚洲人就能练就跟欧美人一样的语音语调和漂亮的口语,那么我们的学生怎么办呢?除了沉浸式,多听多练,别无他法了吧。


