

看书有道 阅读美文Reading makes a full man阅·思考这个时代的人活得很辛苦,使尽浑身解数想要过上像样的生活,有强烈的愿望超越他人,凡事没得第一会苦恼,没做到完美会沮丧。追求“凡事完美,碾压别人”的人生真的适合每一个人吗?大多数人尽力付出了却未能所愿,把自己折腾得心灰意冷。听了父亲的话,曾经锋芒毕露的她选择了“适度即是美”的人生态度,反而过上了一种真正优质的生活,收获了内心的平静充实。 Measure is treasure 这是一句古老的英文谚语,意即“适度是宝”,与其追求一个优,不如追求全部良。也许这就是生活的学问,令人快乐知足的秘密。如果一个人的事业、爱情、个性、心境、体魄等人生的各个方面都达到良好,谁还能说她的人生不完美呢?一起读生活美文# She Lives Fairly Well#追求适度的优质人生






1She is a colleague of mine, quiet and beautiful, who speaks slowly in an undertone.What she says often strikes a responsive chord to make the addressee wonder how and when she managed to see things through. 她是我的一位同事,美丽而安静,说话也是慢声细语的。她的话总能说到人的心里去,使得对方总在想,什么时候就被她给看透了呢。词汇释义1. Fairly 英 [ˈfeəli] 美 [ˈferli] adv.适当,相当More than average, but less than very: 2. Colleague 英 [ˈkɒli:g] 美 [ˈkɑlig] n.同事; One of a group of people who work together: 3. Undertone 英 [ˈʌndətəʊn] 美 [ˈʌndərtoʊn] n.低调; 低声地; 淡色; 潜在的感情In a very quiet voice: 4. Responsive 英 [rɪˈspɒnsɪv] 美 [rɪˈspɑnsɪv] adj.应答的,共鸣的; Making a positive and quick reaction to something or someone: 5. Chord 英 [kɔ:d] 美 [kɔrd] n.(数学)弦; (乐器)弦; (音乐)和弦; <喻>心弦vi.和谐一致; [音乐]在一件乐器上演奏和弦;Tone; a quality in the voice that expresses the speaker's feelings or thoughts, often towards the person being spoken to: 6. Addressee 英 [ˌædreˈsi:] 美 [ˌædrɛˈsi, əˌdrɛsˈi] n.收信人,收件人;说话的收听者The person to whom something is addressed; meaning the person to which a letter, an email or someone’s speaking is directed to. 7. Wonder ( from: to wonder) 英 [ˈwʌndə(r)] 美 [ˈwʌndɚ] adj.奇妙的; 钦佩的; 远超过预期的;n.惊奇; 奇观; 奇人; 奇迹vt.对…感到好奇; 惊奇; 感到诧异; 想弄明白vi.怀疑,想知道; 惊讶;To ask yourself questions or express a wish to know about something; to question while having a feeling of great surprise and admiration caused the person or thing you are questioning. 8. To see things through (from: to see something through) 看清,看透一件事


2She hasn’t achieved much for her to be proud, nor has she imperfections subject tocriticism. She married the one she loves though he is a man of the common run. They lead an uneventful, regular life with such routine as a daily gymnastic session, an afternoon nap, and a weekend family outing. She never makes extra demands on her child’s studies. 她的成就虽不足以让她夸耀,却也无可挑剔。她嫁给了她的所爱,一个普通的男人,日子过得波澜不惊;每天都会午睡,做健美操,生活得很有规律;一到周末全家人就一起出去旅行;她对孩子的学习成绩没有太高的要求; 词汇释义9. Nor 英 [nɔ:(r)] 美 [nɔr] conj.也不; 10. Imperfections (singular: imperfection) 英 [ˌɪmpə'fekʃəns] 美 [ˌɪmpə'fekʃəns] n.不完美( imperfection的名词复数 ); 缺点,瑕疵;A fault or weakness:11. Subject to (from: be subject to something)使服从;使遭受To have or experience a particular thing, especially something unpleasant:12. A man of the common run 一个普通人A person who is not born into a position of high social rank, or a man who doesn’t have a very prestigious/high paying job:13. Uneventful 英 [ˌʌnɪˈventfl] 美 [ˌʌnɪˈvɛntfəl] adj.平静的; 平凡的An uneventful time or situation is one in which nothing interesting or surprising happens:14. Routine 英 [ru:ˈti:n] 美 [ruˈtin] n.常规; 日常例行程序; 生活乏味; A usual or fixed way of doing things:15. Gymnastic session 体操训练Physical exercises and activities performed inside, often using equipment such as bars and ropes,16. Nap 英 [næp] 美 [næp] n.小睡,打盹; A short sleep, especially during the day:17. Family outing 家庭出游A short journey made by a group of people, usually for pleasure or education:18. Makes extra demands on (from: to make demands on something) 对(某事)提出额外的要求To create many difficulties for (someone or something)


3As to her colleagues, she doesn’t feel envy at those who have won honors, nor does sheshow contempt for those who have made mistakes. She looks with cold eyes on those who are mean and snobbish, but never allows herself to be annoyed, for she is sure they don’t have a good frame of mind nor will they come to a good end. She is extremely clever with a mind as clear as a mirror. It’s always my belief she’s quite capable of making her life much more fruitful, but she has made no effort in that direction. By contrast, many people around her have done all they can to scrape a decent living without being able to come up to their expectations.对于同事,她从不嫉妒他们取得的荣誉,也从不鄙薄那些犯错误的人;她冷眼看待势利小人,从不因为他们而烦恼,因为她认为那些没有好心态的人不会有好结果。她聪明绝顶,我相信她有能力使她的人生更加精彩,然而她却没刻意去做。相反,她周围的很多人使尽了浑身解数要过上像样的生活,却都不能所愿。词汇释义19. Envy (from: to envy) 英 [ˈenvi] 美 [ˈɛnvi] n.嫉妒,妒忌; 羡慕;vi.感到妒忌; 显示出妒忌;To wish that you had something that another person has:20. Honors 英 ['ɒnəz] 美 ['ɒnəz] n.礼仪; 荣典; 礼节; 大学荣誉学位; 大学优等成绩 尊敬( honor的名词复数 ); 敬意; 荣誉; 光荣;A public reward, prize, or title that expresses appreciation for unusual achievement:21. Show contempt for (from: to show contempt for) 蔑视A strong feeling of disliking and having no respect for someone or something:22. Looks with cold eyes on (from: to look with cold eyes on someone’s behavior or something)/用冷漠的眼光看Look at something with a very unfriendly expression or not showing emotions:23. Snobbish 英 [ˈsnɒbɪʃ] 美 [ˈsnɑbɪʃ] adj.势利眼的; 谄上傲下的; 恃才傲物的; 假充内行的Like a snob; a person who respects and likes only people who are of a high social class, and/or a person who has extremely high standards who is not satisfied by the things that ordinary people like:24. Annoyed 英 [əˈnɔɪd] 美 [əˈnɔɪd] adj.恼怒的,气恼的;v.使烦恼,使恼怒,干扰,打扰(annoy的过去式和过去分词);Angry:25. A good frame of mind 一个良好的心态The way someone thinks or feels about something at a particular time:26. Come to a good end (from: to come to an end) 以好的方式完成To finish in a good way:27. Fruitful 英 [ˈfru:tfl] 美 [ˈfrutfəl] dj.果实累累的; 肥沃的; 效果好的;Producing good results:My great efforts in studying English were very fruitful; I passed the final exam!28. By contrast 通过对比发现明显的区别To show an obvious difference between two or more things:29. To scrape a decent living (from: to scrape a living) 过上像样的生活To scrape a living means only just earn enough money to provide your self with food, clothing, and a place to live. If someone scrapes a decent living, he or she earns a little more than just a living; a decent amount:30. Decent 英 [ˈdi:snt] 美 [ˈdisənt] adj.正派的; 得体的; (服装等)相称的,合宜的; 相当好的Socially acceptable or good:31. To come up to their expectations (from: to come up to something) 达到他们的期望To reach the usual or necessary standard required by a certain expectation:


4A rare chance brought us together in a conversation. I was told her life had been greatly influenced by what her father said to her. That was when she studied at junior middle school. Her weak constitution prevented her from attending any physical exercises. On the other hand, she did so well in her studies that she always came out first in examinations. An occasional failure to achieve the top in any of the subjects would cause a severe self-criticism, which showed how strong her desire was to outshine others.一次难得的机会让我们有了一次交谈,她告诉我她父亲的一句话对她的一生有着重要的影响。那时她还在上初中,体质不好,无法参加体育运动。但在学习方面她却是出类拔萃的,偶尔一门功课没得第一都会令她自责,这表明她有多么强烈的愿望想超越其他人。


词汇释义32. Rare 英 [reə(r)] 美 [rer] adj.罕见的,特殊的; 优秀的,不寻常的; 稀薄的,经过稀化的;Not common; very unusual:33. Constitution 英 [ˌkɒnstɪˈtju:ʃn] 美 [ˌkɑnstəˈtuʃn] n.建立,组成; 体格; 构成方式; 宪法The general state of someone's health:34. Prevented (from: to prevent) [priˈventid] v.预防( prevent的过去式和过去分词 ); 阻碍; 阻止; [宗教]引领To stop something from happening or someone from doing something:35. Physical exercises 体育锻炼Classes at school or in a gym do exercise and learn to play sport, or the area of study relating to such classes:36. On the other hand 另一方面In a way that is different from the first thing you mentioned:37. Occasional 英 [əˈkeɪʒənl] 美 [əˈkeʒənəl] adj.偶尔的,不经常的; 特殊场合的; 临时的;Not happening or done often or regularly:38. Self-criticism 自我批评,自责Criticism uttered by oneself about one's own faults and weaknesses39. To outshine others 一枝独秀(比别人更熟练和成功)To be much more skilful and successful than someone:


5Her father told her it was mostsuitable for her not to target on excellence but to do just well enough. She followed his advice faithfully. The result was quite rewarding. She not only acquired good marks on each subject without much effort but also regainedstrength to keep a good constitution. She made plans for enrolling at an ordinary college when she graduated high school. As she was not burdened with worries, she was at her best during the entrance examinations. Her good performance entitled her to enter aprestigious university. Upon graduation she found a job suited to her special training in a medium-sized city instead of a great metropolis, only because it was convenient for her and her parents to take care of each other. That’s all she told me about herself. Her narration went on unhurriedly just as she did in pursuing her smooth course of life… 父亲告诉她,对她而言,不必事事追求优秀,做到良好即可。她听从了父亲的话,结果非常有效。她轻松地保持每门功课都良好,同时体质也恢复到了良好的状态。高中毕业考大学时,她给自己定位于一所普通大学。由于没有了压力,她发挥出自己的最佳状态,结果以优异的成绩考入一所重点大学。毕业时,她在一座中等城市而不是大都市里找了一份和自己专业对口的工作,这样她和父亲互相照顾起来很方便。她向我娓娓道来,就如她那不急不缓般筑就的顺畅人生一样......词汇释义

40. Suitable for 适合某个人或某件事

Acceptable or right for someone orsomething:

41. To target on 针对

To make plans or take actions to achieve acertain result:

42. Excellence 英 [ˈeksələns] 美 [ˈɛksələns] n.优秀,卓越;优点; 美德;

The quality of being excellent:

43. Faithfully (from: faithful) 英 [ˈfeɪθfəli] 美 [ˈfeɪθfəli ] adv.忠实地;诚心诚意地; 如实地;

In a loyal way or a way that can betrusted:

44. Acquired (from: to acquire) 英 [ə'kwaɪəd] 美 [əˈkwaɪrd] adj.(尤指靠自己的努力或行动)获得的;习得的;

To obtain or to get something:

45. Marks (singular: mark) 英 [mɑ:rks] 美 [mɑrks] n.痕迹( mark的名词复数 )分数

A judgment, expressed as a number orletter, about the quality of a piece of work done at school, college, oruniversity:

46. Regained (from: to regain) v.复得( regain的过去式和过去分词 );赢回; 重回; 复至某地

To take or get possession of somethingagain:

47.at her best (from: to be atyour/my/her/his/our/their best) 尽力做到她最好

To be at your best means to be as active orintelligent as you can be:

48. Entitled (from: to entitle/to beentitled) 英 [ɪn'taɪtld] 美 [ɪn'taɪtld] adj.题名为,书名叫做…,有资格的;v.使有资格,使有权( entitle的过去式和过去分词 );给…题名;

To entitle means to give someone the rightto do or have something, to be entitled means having the right to do or havesomething.

49. Prestigious 英 [preˈstɪdʒəs] 美 [prɛˈstidʒəs, -ˈstɪdʒəs] adj.受尊敬的,有声望的; <古>魔术的,欺骗的;

Very much respected and admired, usuallybecause of being important:

50. Metropolis 英 [məˈtrɒpəlɪs] 美 [məˈtrɑpəlɪs] n.大都市,大都会; 首府,首都; 大主教区;大城市

A very large city, often the most importantcity in a large area or country:

51. Narration 英 [nəˈreɪʃn] 美 [næˈreʃən] n.叙述,故事,[语]叙述法;

A spoken description of events given duringa film or television program:

52. Unhurriedly 英 [ʌn'hʌrɪdlɪ] 美 [ʌn'hʌrɪdlɪ] adv.不慌不忙地,从容不迫地; 慢悠悠; 慢慢腾腾;

Not doing something too quickly; slow:

53. Pursuing (from: to pursue) [pəˈsju:ɪŋ] v.继续( pursue的现在分词 );追求; 进行; 追捕

To follow someone or something, usually totry to catch him, her, or it:

54. Smooth 英 [smu:ð] 美 [smuð] adj.光滑的; 流畅的; 柔软的;温和的,安详的

Happening without any sudden changes,interruption, or difficulty:

55. Course of life 生命的过程,人生

The often gradual development of someone’s life, the way something happens, or he/she is doing something:


6Such a life draws little attention of writers or playwrights because it is too colorless to be the theme of a story or a play. They are more interested in sharp contrasts: a successful career resulting in family break-up; splendor casting a shadow of depravity; happiness being closely followed by death, etc. In short, every good thing is always accompanied by something bad or faulty.如此的人生故事往往不被小说家或剧作家看好,因为这不能使他们的作品跌宕起伏。他们更感兴趣的是尖锐的冲突:事业有成却家庭破裂,辉煌背后隐藏着堕落,幸福也总是被死亡尾随,等等。总之,每件好事都会有厄运相随词汇释义56. Playwrights (singular: playwright) [ˈpleɪˌraɪts] n.剧作家A person who writes plays57. Colorless 英 ['kʌləlɪs] 美 ['kʌləlɪs] adj.无色的; 无特色的Not exciting or not interesting:58. The theme 主题The main subject of a talk, book, film, etc.:59. Sharp contrast 鲜明的对比A contrast that is clear; easy to see or understand:60. Splendor 英 ['splendə] 美 [ˈsplɛndɚ] n.华丽; 壮丽; 光辉; 显赫Great beauty or something that causes admiration and attention:61. Casting a shadow over ( from: to cast a shadow over something) 蒙上了一层阴影To spoil a good situation with something unpleasant:62. Depravity 英 [dɪˈprævəti] 美 [dɪˈprævɪti] n.堕落; 腐败; 恶行; 堕落腐化的行为The state of being very bad or evil.63. In short 总之Used before describing something or someone in as few words and as directly as possible:64. Faulty 英 [ˈfɔ:lti] 美 [ˈfɔlti] adj.错误的; 有错误的,有过失的,有缺点的; 不完美的;Something or someone that is faulty is incorrect, shows mistakes and has flaws.7So is life, unfortunately – it seems oddly unbalanced. When a person excels in a particular aspect, he is always weak hopelessly in another. Or rather, precisely because he has an irretrievable shortcoming, he is determined to achieve excellence in some other aspect. 生活何尝不是这样,难以平衡。一个人如果在某一方面非常优秀,那么他在其他方面往往就毫无优势。或者,正因为他不可弥补的缺憾使得他在一些方面更加奋进而取得成就。词汇释义65. Oddly 英 [ˈɒdli] 美 [ˈɑdli] adv.奇怪地,古怪地; 奇妙地; In a strange or surprising way:66. Unbalanced 英 [ˌʌnˈbælənst] 美 [ʌnˈbælənst] adj.不平衡的; 不稳定的; 精神失常的; 未决算的v.使失去平衡If someone or something is unbalanced, that person or thing is in a position where they are likely to fall or be knocked down:67. Excels ( From: to excel in something) [ikˈselz] v.优于,擅长To be extremely good at something:68. Aspect 英 [ˈæspekt] 美 [ˈæspɛkt] n.方面;One part of something: a situation, problem, subject, etc.:69. Hopelessly (from: hopeless) 英 ['həʊpləslɪ] 美 [ˈhoplɪslɪ] adv.绝望地; 无望地; 无可救药地; 完完全全(用以表示强调)In a way that makes you lose hope:70. Rather 英 [ˈrɑ:ðə(r)] 美 [ˈræðər] adv.稍微,有点; 相当,颇; 宁愿; int.当然啦,怎么不;Used to express an opposite opinion:71. Irretrievable 英 [ˌɪrɪˈtri:vəbl] 美 [ˌɪrɪˈtrivəbəl] adj.不能挽回的,不能复原的; 不可弥补; 不可挽回;Impossible to correct or return to a previously existing situation or condition:72. Shortcoming 英 [ˈʃɔ:tkʌmɪŋ] 美 [ˈʃɔrtkʌmɪŋ] n.短处,缺点;A fault or a failure to reach a particular standard:


8In this lightwe can say a life that’s fairly well led is actually perfect. If all aspects of a person’s life – his career, his love affair, his personality, his mentality and physique – attain a fairly good level, it is really the most satisfactory, isn’t it? 就此我们可以说,良好的生活状态其实就是完美的。如果一个人的事业、爱情、个性、心境、体魄等人生的各个方面都达到良好,那谁还能说他的人生不完美呢?词汇释义73. In this light 从这个角度看From this point of view; from this perspective (a particular way of considering something):74. Personality 英 [ˌpɜ:səˈnæləti] 美 [ˌpɜrsəˈnæləti] n.人格,人品,The type of person you are, shown by the way you behave, feel, and think:75. Physique 英 [fɪˈzi:k] 美 [fɪˈzik] n.体格; 体形;The shape, constitution, and size of a human body:


Enlightenment启迪这是一篇西方人的教育观,生活方式观。这个世界存在很多可能,每个人具有不同的脾性和命运,或追求极致,或追求平衡无不是在努力找到最适合自己的生活方式。保持独立思考,不停总结生活带给你的经验,由此方可不被社会、被他人被所谓的潮流裹挟而走,因为这样会很容易丧失自我,随波逐流,活得辛苦。祝愿每个人都能享受自己的生活,收获内心的宁静和充实。花未全开,月未圆亦是中国古人推崇的境界,此中有深意。来自听友徐超的课后留言三十岁之前的我是不会细看这样的文章的,总认为很矫情。高中的英语老师,也是我们的班主任,那时他告诉我们年轻就要竞争,要有争的勇气,就要辩论,真理越辩越明。I followed his advice faithfully too.一路走来不掩锋芒,有收获也没少碰壁没少走冤枉路。经历的都是财富,个性难改,只能适度纠偏吧!不过,我想如果那时有人对我说Measure is treasure,年轻气盛的我也根本不会听进去吧,即便是语重心长。但当我从人生中摸爬滚打慢慢走来,也开始调整自己的时候,读到这篇小文,竟是感慨良多。我想人生就是不断认识自我的过程吧,越活越明白,心灵轻松了才能有更多收获。这是我对今天节目的听后感,与你分享。



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