




1. a very funny story.

2. a very hilarious story

3. a very great idea

4. an absolutely hilarious film 极诙谐搞笑的电影

5. a very unique talent.

形容词已含 very 之义时,不与 very 连用。例如:

hilarious = very funny

delighted = very pleased

terrible = very bad

great = very good

enormous = very big

critical = very important

a very funny story 非常有趣的故事

a hilarious story 非常有趣的故事

错:a very hilarious story

a very good idea 绝妙的想法

a great idea 绝妙的想法

错:a very great idea

若要强调这类形容 词,可用副词 really 或 absolutely。

an absolutely hilarious film 极诙谐搞笑的电影

We were really delighted to hear your news. 听 到你的消息,我们喜不自胜。

The children think he’s absolutely amazing. 孩子们觉得他酷毙了。

有些形容词不可分级,因其描述的特征非此即彼。这 类形容词不与 very 连用。

free (something either costs money or it does not 事物要么花钱,要么免费)

impossible (something is either possible or it is not 事情要么可能,要么不可能)

unconscious (someone is either conscious or they are not 人要么清醒,要么昏迷)

unique (something is either unique or it is not 事物要么独特,要么不独特 ))

an impossible goal 不可能实现的目标

Don’t say 不要说: a very impossible goal

a unique talent 独有的天赋

错:a very unique talent.

若要 强调这类形容词,可用副词 absolutely、completely 或 totally。

It was clear that the man was completely unconscious. 很明显,那人完全失去了知觉。

We’re trying to come up with something totally unique. 我们试图想到最与众不同的点子。

Tickets are absolutely free. 票价全免。


